TOP Cowboy Mouth by Sam Shepherd (Goodreads Author) ebook reading phone torrent online

TOP Cowboy Mouth by Sam Shepherd (Goodreads Author) ebook reading phone torrent online

TOP Cowboy Mouth by Sam Shepherd (Goodreads Author) ebook reading phone torrent online

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Book description
Sam Shepherd is one of millions of people who grew up with almost no knowledge of the Bible or the principles of God it contains. His parents were decent, law-abiding people like many others, but the Scriptures were never read at home, nor was church attendance a part of their lives. God and Jesus Christ were brought up only when used as curse-words; about the same at school as well.After serving in the Navy, Sam attended college and lived in California throughout his 20’s until, at age 30, several circumstances came together at once, causing him to act on an acquaintance’s suggestion to buy a Bible and read it for the first time. In so doing he became captivated by the human history it contained, by the common sense of God’s principles, and by the mercy and obedience of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.Shortly thereafter Sam moved back to the Midwest where his roots and his relatives were located. Ever since returning 35 years ago he has been a student of the Scriptures, plus a student of being led and blessed, or taught and disciplined by God’s inner Spirit daily, as any sincere seeker of God experiences. All the while he worked in the fields of marketing or manufacturing until his recent semi-retirement.Sam has one daughter, and refers to himself as simply an average citizen (adding that it puts him in the same social class as the original 12 Disciples and early Believers). He plans to spend the rest of his earthly life encouraging people everywhere to... “know the truth, and the truth will set you free” the midst of a world full of human voices and opinions.
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