TOP Corruption of Blood by Robert K. Tanenbaum (Goodreads Author) tablet mobile book djvu read

TOP Corruption of Blood by Robert K. Tanenbaum (Goodreads Author) tablet mobile book djvu read

TOP Corruption of Blood by Robert K. Tanenbaum (Goodreads Author) tablet mobile book djvu read

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Book description
The next in the series Ive been following for the last several months, this one involving a reopening of the investigation of the JFK assassination. I was a little wary that this couldnt possibly work, and despite Herculean efforts by the real writer Michael Gruber, it didnt. The characters were just as engaging as in the other books in the series, and the legal and political difficulties were just as complicated and, as far as I can tell, realistic. And there is an authors note that says the solution is consistent with all the facts uncovered by the congressional investigation for which Tanenbaum really was legal counsel. (Needless to say, Oswald didnt do it.) But overall it was a bit unsatisfying, since it didnt really involve a prosecution. As the main character says, there wasnt enough evidence to prosecute anybody in 1963, and theres even less fifteen years later. And while the bad guys got discovered and dealt with to some degree, there was a sense of futility about the whole enterprise that left me unsatisfied. I was amazed to learn that corruption of blood is a phrase found in the U.S. Constitution, that the only crime explicitly defined there is treason, and that assassinating the president doesnt fit the definition.
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