TOP Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston (Goodreads Author) english book look reading eReader

TOP Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston (Goodreads Author) english book look reading eReader

TOP Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston (Goodreads Author) english book look reading eReader

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Book description
In this revised and updated edition of her classic, bestselling book, Karen Kingston draws on her wealth of experience as a clutter clearing, space-clearing, and feng shui practitioner to show you how to transform your life by letting go of clutter. Her unique approach lies in understanding that clutter is stuck energy that has far-reaching physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual effects. Youll be motivated to clutter clear as never before when you realize just how much your junk has been holding you back! You will learn:- Why people keep clutter- How clutter causes stagnation in your life- How to clear clutter quickly and effectively- How to live clutter-free
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