TOP Chains by Shiloh Walker (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

TOP Chains by Shiloh Walker (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

TOP Chains by Shiloh Walker (Goodreads Author) kindle download finder value ebay

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Book description
The national bestselling author of blazingly hot (Sensual Romance Reviews) novels raises the temperature even more with three all-new stories of sizzling suspense Renee was the homecoming queen with the perfect boyfriend and the perfect life. Lacey was the golden girl with the bright future. And Sherra always looked like the princess in a fairy tale. The three girls each seemed charmed-until one tragic night shattered their hopes for normalcy. Now, fifteen years later, the women are returning to their hometown of Madison, Ohio, where three men await them-each dangerous in his own way. And when each of the women succumb to desire, they may also find the safety theyve been searching for.
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