TOP Cats Eye Tarot by Debra Givin free cheap book tablet value

TOP Cats Eye Tarot by Debra Givin free cheap book tablet value

TOP Cats Eye Tarot by Debra Givin free cheap book tablet value

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Book description
Cats can teach us many things about how to make the best of almost any situation. Cats are pleasing to the eye, complex in their behaviors, and mysterious in their moods, providing a purrfect model for a visually evocative medium like the tarot. Every card in Cats Eye Tarot tells a story, illustrated from a feline point of view. Let these cats guide you as you use the tarot to learn about yourself and your cat. The card meanings and numbering follow Rider-Waite interpretations, with reptiles, fish, birds, and mice replacing the usual suit symbols. Even the newcomer to tarot will be able to relate to these delightful images of cats and learn valuable lessons from them.
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