TOP Bulgakovs Last Decade: The Writer as Hero by J.A.E. Curtis original read via flibusta reading

TOP Bulgakovs Last Decade: The Writer as Hero by J.A.E. Curtis original read via flibusta reading

TOP Bulgakovs Last Decade: The Writer as Hero by J.A.E. Curtis original read via flibusta reading

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Book description
Published in 1987, this book was the first full-length interpretative study in English of the later writings of the outstanding Soviet novelist and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov (1891 1940). The focus is the 1930s, the period when Bulgakov was writing The Master and Margarita, an extraordinary novel that has had a profound impact in the Soviet Union and which is now generally regarded as his masterpiece. Using material from Soviet archives and libraries, Dr Curtis suggests that Bulgakovs fundamental preoccupation in this movel with the destiny of literature and of the writer is reflected in other major works of the same period, in particular his writings on Pushkin and Moliere. Bulgakov emerges as a belated romantic, a figure unique on the early Soviet literacy scene.
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