TOP Buddhism: A Way of Life & Thought by Nancy Wilson Ross kindle download finder value ebay

TOP Buddhism: A Way of Life & Thought by Nancy Wilson Ross kindle download finder value ebay

TOP Buddhism: A Way of Life & Thought by Nancy Wilson Ross kindle download finder value ebay

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Book description
This book was assigned by my college Professor to read as part of a class on religions of Asia and Japan. I hadnt read much until I needed to use it for a report, but Im glad I did; it was interesting and enjoyable! Its certainly a good introduction to Buddhism, though it doesnt cover every branch in-depth (Pure Land, Nichiren, etc.) like we discussed in the classroom. The books main focus is upon Theravada/Hinayana (Mahayana is mentioned, but given no dedicated chapter), Tibetan, and Zen Buddhism. Other forms (Nichiren, Pure Land) are mentioned, but there are no dedicated chapters to these specific branches. For me, this is the only real downside of the book; I would have liked to see more about these various branches.I would recommend this piece as more of a companion book than an introductory book because of that mentioned above; by time I was reading it, I had already been introduced to and recognized these branches in class, but it did certainly help to better shape my understanding or misconceptions of those schools of Buddhism discussed (one relatively strong point, as it would sometimes correct my incorrect perception of an idea as I read).Pictures are also occasionally included.Therefore, I cant review this as an absolute novice of Buddhism, but I would still recommend it. For westerners, especially, it may be interesting in that the book was written by a former Christian who became a Buddhist; this offers, as readers will see, an interesting point of view when discussing Buddhism (on the occasions when the author speaks of more personal opinion or experience). In this way, it is approached from the view of not a purely objective or scientific approach, but more so that of one who wishes to convey better understanding of the concepts.So, if youre looking for a relatively small, enjoyable book which will introduce to you (or better yet, compliment your novice studies of) the basic concepts of Buddhism, Id recommend this book!
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