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TOP Bleeding Hearts by Lindy Cameron (Goodreads Author) access find acquire online buy

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Poison pens can draw blood. And that is exactly why TV presenter Rebecca Jones hires private eye Kit OMalley to investigate the threats against her. But the trouble with being tenacious, tough, and too smart for her own good is that everybody else wants her on their team.As if trying to keep Rebecca alive and on the air wasnt enough, Kit is beset by a clutch of other peoples catastrophes that require her very particular skills to resolve.And, as Kit is the detective who cant say no, before she knows it she is up to her eyes in the worst that Australias criminal minds can throw her way.Money laundering, sordid sexual shenanigans, abduction, political sleaze, and murder among Melbournes movers and shakers threaten to swamp Kit as she picks her way through the morass of double-dealing, treachery, and outright greed.As if thats not enough, the beautiful and sexy Alex Casenove sweeps back into her life, reminding Kit that love is almost as deadly as hate and that murder never happens at a convenient time.
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