TOP Bite the Biscuit by Linda O. Johnston (Goodreads Author) mobi download free

TOP Bite the Biscuit by Linda O. Johnston (Goodreads Author) mobi download free

TOP Bite the Biscuit by Linda O. Johnston (Goodreads Author) mobi download free

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Book description
Carrie Kennersly, a veterinary technician, has become known for offering healthy and popular dog treats at the clinic where she works. When the local bakerys owner moves away, Carrie jumps at the chance to convert it into the Barkery, a shop to make and sell her canine delights.But Myra Ethman, co-owner of another pet product store, hates the new competition. At the Barkerys opening party, she badmouths Carries homemade dog biscuits, insisting shell find a way to shut the place down. So when Myra is found dead with a Barkery biscuit beside her, Carrie must prove she didnt do it before shes collared for murder.
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