TOP Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders: Creative Wirework Projects for All Levels by Irina Miech iphone prewiew how to download macbook

TOP Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders: Creative Wirework Projects for All Levels by Irina Miech iphone prewiew how to download macbook

TOP Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders: Creative Wirework Projects for All Levels by Irina Miech iphone prewiew how to download

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Book description

Book description
Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders features projects that combine wireworking skills with beaded jewelry design. The book is technique-driven, with chapters on wire fundamentals, terminology, materials, and basic wireworking techniques, and projects that develop the reader’s skills. The projects incorporate gemstones, crystal, glass, and pearls and are designed for both beaders and wireworkers of all skill levels. Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders includes appealing designs — all tested — for necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, pins, and jewelry components.
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