TOP Bark If You Love Me (Harvest Book) by Louise Bernikow tablet access book sale value

TOP Bark If You Love Me (Harvest Book) by Louise Bernikow tablet access book sale value

TOP Bark If You Love Me (Harvest Book) by Louise Bernikow tablet access book sale value

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Book description
A single city woman meets Mr. Right-he has amber eyes and a wily heart. Theres only one catch . . . he has four legs and a tail.Relatively indifferent to the natural world, allergic to dogs, and happily independent, writer Louise Bernikow never had a pet and knew nothing about caring for one. But one day while running along Manhattans Hudson River, she came across an abandoned boxer. He had a gimpy leg and a dim past, but Bernikow instantly, bewilderingly, did the one thing her mother always warned her not to do-she brought the strange male home.Here is the comical and offbeat story of their first year together. Libro, as she comes to call him (for book, in Spanish), introduces her to the curious world of dog runs and dog people, and to a local dive where the bartender pulls pints from the tap and dog biscuits from the drawer. Bernikow, in turn, introduces Libro to the eccentric neighbors and to life as a media hound. When they meet a handsome man and his equally handsome dachshund,life takes an unexpected turn for both of them.Wonderfully written and captivating to the last, this is a remarkable tale of companionship.
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