TOP Badcock by Debra Glass (Goodreads Author) phone find ebook djvu download

TOP Badcock by Debra Glass (Goodreads Author) phone find ebook djvu download

TOP Badcock by Debra Glass (Goodreads Author) phone find ebook djvu download

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Book description
When her fiancé trades her for an heirloom ring to a dashing highwayman who holds up their coach on a desolate country road, Sophia Astley is hurt and shocked. However, it soon becomes strikingly apparent to Sophia that she is the true gem Bad Jack sought. Intrigued, she willingly submits to every tantalizing taboo he metes out to her.Dressed as a masked highwayman, Jack Badcock, Earl of Stafford, thinks he is acting out the fantasies of a woman he knows only through lurid letters. As Jack tames her with blindfolds, sensual spankings and an array of torrid toys, she plays her role as the abducted, submissive virgin convincingly--too convincingly. By the time Jack uncovers his fantasy lovers true identity, its far, far too late.
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