TOP Antonio Gramsci: Life of a Revolutionary by Giuseppe Fiori epub ibooks iphone

TOP Antonio Gramsci: Life of a Revolutionary by Giuseppe Fiori epub ibooks iphone

TOP Antonio Gramsci: Life of a Revolutionary by Giuseppe Fiori epub ibooks iphone

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Book description
Gramsci’s thought is both complex and compelling, he is one of history’s great thinkers and a true revolutionary. It would have been easy to get lost in his legend. But the brilliance of Giuseppe Fiori’s biography, published in 1965, is that what really shines through his writing is not Gramsci’s intellect but his capacity for love, his unbending integrity and his indomitable will power. Using for the most part Gramsci’s own voice (in the scores of letters Fiori unearthed), he manages to paint a picture of a man who lived his motto: “pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.” Sections of the biography are painful to read– it almost left me emotionally destroyed as it worked its way to its inevitable and tragic conclusion- a slow and torturous death for Gramsci that began in a prison cell where he was sent for ‘incitement of class war” following a show trial where the fascist prosecutor famously declared: “We Must stop this brain from functioning for twenty years. Over the next decade, largely isolated from his family, friends and comrades, frequently depressed, suffering from chronic insomnia and acute pain as his organs shut down one by one, Gramsci was able to withdraw “to a still inner core,” from which his most influential work- the 32 “Prison Notebooks” emerged.I gave this biography 5 stars though I realize that I am a big admirer of Gramsci’s and so is Fiori- he writes from a position of love and that is evident throughout the book. I don’t know how this read would be for someone who is approaching it from a different perspective or who doesn’t have some level of familiarity with Gramsci’s thought. Fiori also wrote this biography for an Italian audience, and assumed a great deal of familiarity with early twentieth century Italian history and the genesis of the socialist and communist movements in particular. I found myself often struggling to keep up with the references to all the Italian intellectuals and activists of the period. Still, it is a brilliant book and well worth the effort.
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