TOP An Admirer by Megan Derr (Goodreads Author) reading francais english torrent online

TOP An Admirer by Megan Derr (Goodreads Author) reading francais english torrent online

TOP An Admirer by Megan Derr (Goodreads Author) reading francais english torrent online

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Book description
Kaeck is a poor, shy, mage, barely able to keep attending University. His life is work and school, leaving him too busy to make friends. Then one day, fetching his mail from his school post box, Kaeck finds a letter from a secret admirer. The letters and subsequent gifts do much to brighten Kaeck’s lonely days, but even as he longs to know the identity of his admirer, he finds his own admiration growing for fellow student Bellamy... who in turn is enamored of someone else entirely.
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