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In this book, the author (a prominent British scientist) lends one more voice to the stark conclusion, which several other authors have raised lately, namely that we are alone in the Milky Way. Yes, this is in spite of the numerous recent discoveries of potentially habitable planets around other stars. This all stems from Fermis paradox -- in 1950, noted nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi, while having lunch with colleagues, suddenly blurted out Where is everybody. He reasoned that if there was any other technological civilization in the Milky Way, then it was almost certainly many thousands or millions of years more advanced, and, if so, then surely some from that civilization would have explored and colonized (at least with robotic probes) all reasonably habitable locales in the Milky Way, including ours. Yet we do not see any evidence of such visits. So they must not exist.After a rather thorough discussion of all of the ways in which our own planet is, apparently, unique, Gribbin comes to a similar conclusion:On a planet like the Earth, life may only get one shot at technology -- we have exhausted the easily accessible supplies of raw materials, so if we destroy ourselves the next intelligent species, if there is one, wont have the necessary raw materials to get started. There are no second chances. And that is the last piece of evidence that completes the resolution of the Fermi paradox. They are not here, because they do not exist. The reasons why we are here form a chain so improbable that the chance of any other technological civilization existing in the Milky Way Galaxy at the present time is vanishingly small. We are alone, and we had better get used to it.
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