TOP A Very Vampy Christmas by Kerrelyn Sparks (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

TOP A Very Vampy Christmas by Kerrelyn Sparks (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

TOP A Very Vampy Christmas by Kerrelyn Sparks (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

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Book description
Maggie OBrien is thrilled when she lands a starring role on the Digital Vampire Networks hottest soap opera, As the Vampire Turns. Doesnt hurt that her leading man is Don Orlando de Corazon, the greatest lover in the vampire world! But who is Don Orlando really? Nobody knows, not even Don Orlando. As the couple sets out in search of his mysterious past, home for the holidays takes on a new meaning when the recently-turned vamp discovers his own Christmas miracle.
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