TOC - The Other Contacts

TOC - The Other Contacts

Nacho Aragonés

The Other Contacts (TOC) will allow you to increase your privacy and the privacy of your contacts. TOC creates an independent contact list, completely isolated and inaccessible to services, apps, social networks, banks, or anyone who benefits from knowing what contacts are in your Contacts app. So, with TOC you will avoid companies like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Tinder, etc. from creating that network of contacts that links you with your contacts.

You must think that your phone number is much more than a number, it is your unique, personal and global ID for all these companies. When you share your number with these services, you become that number for them. If, in addition, you share your contacts, they will be able to know with which people (with what numbers) you have a link, and that is how they create a network of contacts and suggest friendships on FaceBook, accounts to follow on Instagram, links on LinkedIn, etc. This is how you lose your privacy with a single click when sharing your complete contact list.

All this is because we do not think of our contacts as people, but they are. And we tend to put all our contacts in the same place: The Contacts app in your phone. If we want to use WhatsApp, for example, we share ALL the phonebook with WhatsApp but, do you really want to have all those numbers (people) on WhatsApp?

By creating an isolated TOC agenda for these "other contacts", you will only have in your main phonebook those contacts with whom you really want to share this links in all these services. All other contacts will be on TOC, available when you need them and inaccessible to all companies that use it to their advantage, preventing them from creating those links.

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