


The ability for users to discover information and other users on the network is vital. One majorcatalyst for internet ubiquity and user adoption was the rise of search engines, which made it easy for users to find useful information on the vast world wide web. The problem of discovery on the blockchain is an analogous one.

If users are able to discover other users, content, and information in general, there are a multitude of applications that can be built upon this foundation, providing value to more users. This is the fundamental problem Tip is proposing to solve. Tip is creating a fully indexed, searchable, decentralized network that can be queried for information, thus solving the issue of discovery on the blockchain.

With the problem of discovery on the blockchain solved by our platform, we can begin to build custom solutions for both end-users and businesses.

The Tip Network consists of our blockchain, decentralized apps, and user on the platform. Tip Network provides end-to-end solutions that connect businesses with their customers and endusers to other users. Our solution provides user-friendly usernames that are easy to remember, and discovery, that makes it easy to find other users.

Peer to peer instant messaging is also built into our client applications so that users can chat and send transactions from within a familiar chat interface. Our solution for businesses is a point-of-sale system that makes it simpler for them to accept and process cryptocurrency payments.

What is the Blockchain Tip Platform?

Tip Blockchain is a Platform provides usernames on chain instead of cryptographic addresses, and enables on chain discovery, making it easy to find other people on the network. The Tip network connects users over peer to peer networks, and merchants with payment solutions, making it easier than ever to transact using cryptocurrency.

With Tip Blockchain, users and businesses can register usernames which can then be searched and discovered by other users. Platform Tip Blockchain will creating an ecosystem where end-users and merchants will be able to find each other and transact in a fast, easy and user-friendly ways, that have not previously been seen in crypto before. Tip Blockchain enables ease of use by discovery on the blockchain.

Key Features Tip Platform?

The Tip Token

The TIP token is the unit of account on the Tip network. It is the native currency on the network, thus is used to pay for transactions, storage and other services on the network. TIP is a utility token that the users will be able to use it to:

  • Use it to buy things in the real world with merchants who accept TIP.
  • To store data on the Tip decentralized database.
  • To pay for transaction fees on the network.
  • Reward developers for creating apps that run on the Tip Network.
  • To vote for delegates to secure the network.
  • For delegates to stake their coins and earn staking rewards for securing the network.

Token Sale

In order to generate financing to fund the research, development, and marketing of the Tip Blockchain, Tip Inc will be launching a sale of TIP tokens which will be open to the general public. Users will be able to purchase TIP tokens using either Ethereum or Bitcoin.

The sale price for Tip will be 1 ETH = 10,000 Tip, or 1Tip = 0.00001 ETH. The price of TIP tokens in Bitcoin will be calculated by converting the Bitcoin value to Ether, using the Bitcoin-Ethereum exchange rate at the time of purchase. The token sale will run for four weeks. During this time, 60% of the total TIP supply will be available for purchase by the general public.

Info Token Tip

- Token Type: Ethereum ERC20.

- Purchase with: ETH.

- Base Price: 1 ETH = 10,000 TIP.

- Hard Cap: 50,000 ETH.

Token Tip Price Structure

Team Success

John Warmann

Garlam Won

Walter Pareja

Carolyn Jiang

Supul Amarookan

Hassan Qureshi

Victor Guedes

Yeonsuk Kim


Jasper Hellman

Benoît Morelli

Carl Nunez

David Sabo

Matthew Burgoyne


Q4 2017

INCEPTION: After research into the usability of cryptocurrencies, the Tip Blockchain team conceived the idea of discovery on the blockchain and its many applications as the catalyst for mass user adoption. An idea was born.

Q1 2018

DEVELOPMENT OF TIP APP PROTOTYPES: The team began working on creating functional prototypes to prove the viability of our platform.

Q2 2018

TIP TOKEN DISTRIBUTION BEGINS: Tip will be holding a token sale as well as bounty programs to distribute our tokens to our community. The seed round will run for 15 days, followed by a 1-week presale, and 4-week crowdsale.

Q2 2018

WALLET AND MESSAGING APP PRIVATE BETA: embers of the Tip community can sign up to check out the platform. Users will be able to find people by username and send TIP via instant messages.

Q3 2018

WALLET AND MESSAGING APP PUBLIC BETA: We will open up beta testing so that more users can get a hands-on experience of using our revolutionary crypto wallet and instant messaging app.

Q4 2018

INSTANT MESSAGING WALLET APP RELEASE: After months of extensive development and testing, the Kasakasa crypto wallet and the instant messaging app will be ready for primetime. Discover users and businesses on the platform, and send crypto using friendly usernames.

Q1 2019

CLOSED BETA OF POINT OF SALE SYSTEM: Development and consultation with our business partners culminates in opening up our platform to select businesses, so they can start using the Sika point of sale system to accept crypto payments.

Q2 2019

TIP BLOCKCHAIN TESTNET LAUNCH: The messaging and point of sale applications switch over to using the Tip Blockchain testnet. Beta testing will be open to the public to try out our new 3rd gen blockchain.

Q3 2019

RELEASE OF SIKA POINT OF SALE SYSTEM: Merchants all over the world will be able to easily integrate Tip crypto payments into their existing payment flow.

Q1 2020

LAUNCH OF TIP NETWORK MAIN NET: The discovery enabled Tip Network chain goes live. Sika and Kasakasa will be ported over to using the Tip main net and data migrated to IPFS. ERC20 tokens will be swapped for main net tokens at a 1-to-1 rate.

Fore More Details Link TIP Blockchain:


WEBSITE https://tipblockchain.io

WHITEPAPER https://tipblockchain.io/docs/Tip%20Blockchain%20-%20Community%20Whitepaper.pdf

TELEGRAM https://t.me/TipBlockchain

TWITTER https://twitter.com/TipBlockchain

FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/tipnetworkio


My Bitcointalk Profile : Sesepuh

Eth Address : 0xE6918D7ec07F35bdc579034692aAC61881Aff3D8

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