Sword Art Online Full Movie In Hindi 720p

Sword Art Online Full Movie In Hindi 720p


Sword Art Online Full Movie In Hindi 720p


The story takes place beginning in year 2022. A new game called Sword Art Online (SAO for short), has come out on the NerveGear. A new technology that allows players to be inside the game. Beta tester and solo player Kirito re-enters SAO where he soon meets and befriends a newbie player. Then, the game's secrets spill from the shadows...
In the year 2022, thousands of people get trapped in a new virtual MMORPG and the lone wolf player, Kirito, works to escape.
As most of you know there are light novels for this series, all of which I have read. And this has been perhaps the best read I&#39;ve had in ages. The storyline, characters, vastness of the world and romance between Asuna and Kirito are perfect, and the twists will leave you dying for more. If you&#39;re here for an anime with a great storyline, have played any RPGS or enjoy a little romance mixed with action and suspense, then this is the anime for you. Although there has only been 4 episodes (at the time of this review), the anime has covered a substantial part of volume 2 in the sword art series, so from here on out the main and incredible storyline will be followed. The animation is beautiful to say the least, and will no doubt accurately represent the amazing setting from the light novels as well as the character models. The voice acting for the main characters Asuna and Kirito have been spot on (of course), and the sound quality is overall, like the animation, perfect.<br/><br/>As I hinted at above, the story will have you hooked from the beginning , I&#39;m sure many of you have played RPGS, and if you died in those RPGS, you&#39;d respawn and try again of course. But in this anime, the RPG becomes real life, if you health bar drops you&#39;re killed almost instantly in real life. With that kind of premise, this anime will be very suspenseful and engaging. I&#39;ll focus on the main characters for now because most of the others haven&#39;t been fairly introduced yet. Off the bat you can tell Kirito isn&#39;t the average anime protagonist, he chooses to go solo for the sake of his own survival rather than stay with his &quot;noob&quot; friend and protecting him in the VRMMORPG. This might seem like a shortcoming, but in the novels he quickly changes upon meeting Asuna (his main love interest+party member), and becomes a character you&#39;ll love. Asuna is very strong willed and at first seems to contrast with the anti-social and awkward Kirito, but we later find out how similar they are, and their relationship is perhaps the best I&#39;ve seen in any other anime or Manga. This anime will only be about 25 or 26 episodes long, covering just volumes 1,2, and perhaps some of 8 in the process, if it does well enough movies and ova&#39;s or even another season could be launched, allowing us to further immerse in this incredible universe. <br/><br/>And I&#39;m sure by the time this anime is finished (or long before), everyone will be rushing to read the novels, and they won&#39;t be disappointed!
Hands down I&#39;ve watched alottttt of anime and I just wont stop loving this one The art is beautiful the plot is original you can&#39;t but help falling in love with each character and it includes many different genres I&#39;ve laughed I&#39;ve cried I&#39;ve screamed in joy this anime has made me every emotion possible it just warms my heart I&#39;ve seen some pretty good anime&#39;s, but none can top this one I re-watch the series and the movies all the time and they move my heart every time SWORD ART ONLINE IS A MUST WATCH PEOPLE and IMDb why am I not aloud to use comma&#39;s or periods ? Dude fix your app


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