Surf Ninjas Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download

Surf Ninjas Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download


Surf Ninjas Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download

Two boys learn from a mysterious warrior that they are the heirs to the throne of Patusan and set out to overthrow the current monarchy.
Two East Asian surfing brothers in California discover they are the long-lost princes from a China Sea Island. Part of their inheritance is magically induced prowess in hand-to-hand combat. Using their new powers they act to dethrone the island's current dictator, a mad despot.
I first saw this movie when I was twelve or thirteen in 1993 and I remember liking it quite a bit because I liked quite a few bad movies as a child. However, I now realize that without the Reyes&#39; martial arts (my grandfather even remarked how great Ernie Sr.&#39;s moves were when we saw it), this movie wouldn&#39;t even sell at Wal-Mart for $.99! However, I have one major problem with it that I cannot keep quiet about any longer:<br/><br/>Rob Schneider, widely known today as the annoying Xerox guy and Adam Sandler&#39;s monkey boy, played a character named Iggy in this and nothing he said or did had anything to do with the rest of the movie. I have no problem with Rob Schneider playing an annoying sidekick as that&#39;s what he does best, even though that&#39;s not saying a lot. Anyway, even the detractors of this movie (myself included) must admit that Ernie Reyes, Jr., who was even the executive producer, was the star of this show, and his father was as well. Ernie Jr. should have been the one who went on TV talk shows and done behind the scenes promos on this, because he was the star, but Rob Schneider did all this as if he were the star just because he was a medium-sized name and Ernie was not. In reality, he did not contribute to it at all, and he had no business in it in the first place, much less going on talk shows promoting it!<br/><br/>However, I am an email contact of Ernie&#39;s and I asked him once if it bothered him that Schneider did this, he said it was so long ago he didn&#39;t even remember. Well, Ernie, boy, do *I* remember! And I do not respect it at all, because the only talent Rob Schneider has is called Adam Sandler, which is also the reason he gets starring roles now!
This movie is a sad, sad attempt to cash in on the Ninja Turtles craze. The tie in with Sega is the most pathetic, sorry attempt at cross promoting I have ever seen. The &quot;plotline&quot; is so overplayed it&#39;s sad--not to mention of the 500 movies that have used this very same plotline, 498 of them did it better. It only stays away from a 1 because some (and I stress, SOME) of the ninja moves are decent. Don&#39;t rent it, don&#39;t watch it, just spend two hours hammering a nail into your hand instead--it&#39;ll be more fun and you&#39;ll feel like you acomplished something, to boot.


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