SuperBob Download Movie Free

SuperBob Download Movie Free


SuperBob Download Movie Free

Faster than a Speeding Bullet, Crap with Girls: After a freak meteor storm turns postman Bob into a superhero, he must face his greatest challenge: going on his first date in six years. Featuring stellar support from top tier comedic talent, Bob must balance international politics, saving the world and getting the girl.
Robert Kenner is a lonely man looking for love. Today, if he can actually get his boss to give him some time off, he is going on his first date for 6 years. Oh, and he is also the world's only SuperHero.
Hilariously British comedy. Endearing normal characters, Super Bob is the plucky Peckham underdog. Amazing &#39;awkwardness&#39; of true Brits works perfectly inside a documentary style film (same as The Office was genius)(lots of improv is gold dust) and above all a heartwarming story. You&#39;ll root for bob and leave the cinema uplifted, but gutted you cant fly too! Wonderfully shot by Jon Drever and superbly written- Superbob actor Brett co-wrote it! Very funny, feel good, highly recommended. Loved it<br/><br/>Good bye<br/><br/>#WhamBar
After watching the trailer I thought this was going to be the typical crap with all the cool shots in the trailer. The second statement is true. The first one isn&#39;t.<br/><br/>I&#39;m a regular rater and this is probably my first review. I feel the urge to write a positive review because this is the first time I&#39;ve seen something different in a while. And it&#39;s also an independent production. It needs to be known. Superbob rocks.<br/><br/>This is what Hancock wished to be. This movie has a real plot and real characters. For punches watch a DC/Marvel one. For story watch this. It&#39;s a simple one, very heartfelt and enjoyable.


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