Super Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download

Super Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download


Super Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download

Frank Darrbo is a hapless fry cook. When his wife Sarah falls off the wagon and dumps him for Jacques, a drug dealer, Frank tries to get her back by reporting her kidnapped, grabbing her from Jacques' car, and wailing for her to return. After watching Christian TV and having a vision, he becomes a superhero to fight evil. He sews a costume, finds a weapon (a pipe wrench) and looks for crimes to stop. He has problems: his wrench inflicts real injury, so the cops want him for being a vigilante, his sense of boundaries is flawed, and Jacques' gang has guns. Libby, a clerk at a comic book store, becomes his sidekick, and it's time to go save Sarah. What chance do they have?
After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, but lacking in heroic skills.
Super IS ... super-strange, super-dark, super-what-exactly? Super is a DARK comedy starring Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute of NBC&#39;s &quot;The Office&quot;) as a down-on-his-luck every-man (or a sad-sack loser -- you be the judge) who grows tired of seeing the ways of the world favor the corrupt and morally-unjust and decides to do something about it. That &quot;something&quot; is adopting a costumed alter-ego to restore sanity to the streets of his city while telling the most-unwelcome crime to &quot;shut-up!&quot; When his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler - Lord of the Rings, Armageddon, The Strangers) is willingly taken by a local drug dealer (Kevin Bacon !!! -- Mystic River, Footloose, The River Wild), Frank (Wilson) reaches the end of his limits of tolerance and decides to adopt this costumed crime fighting persona to stand-up for the wronged little-guy. With the aid of a comic book store clerk, Libby, played by a hyper-and-deranged Ellen Page (Juno, Hard Candy, Inception), Frank researches the non-super powered kind of super heroes and adopts his own persona -- the Crimson Bolt.<br/><br/>Wreaking havoc on local drug dealers, pimps, child predators and line-cutters (!), the Crimson Bolt soon becomes &quot;news-worthy&quot; even if the public isn&#39;t certain whether or not he is a hero or a nuisance. When the Crimson Bolt finds himself in trouble after trying to rescue his dazed wife, Libby decides to step-in and help as his (over)eager and manic sidekick, Bolty! The humor in Super is pitch black and I bet there could be a contest for &quot;most grisly death&quot; in the film. The film is super-graphic, super-dark, super-bloody, super-extreme and super-twisted. I did enjoy most of the film even if there is a slightly marred mixed message of there being a difference between socio-pathic people(s) -- Super gives us &quot;good&quot; sociopaths vs. &quot;bad&quot; sociopaths (to mixed results as Bolty is clearly CRAZY but still &quot;good&quot; -- wink-wink).<br/><br/>The film&#39;s ultimate payoff lies at the film&#39;s very end so you have to make it through countless deaths (there is an extremely high body count here) and some trying humor; but I thought it was a &quot;super&quot; ending for this quality of a film (notice this ... not super-super ... just okay- super). The film&#39;s heart beats at the very end and the nuance used here could have/should have been employed more often throughout the entire film.<br/><br/>Lastly -- any film that stars Nathan Fillion as a character called &quot;The Holy Avenger&quot; has to win some points ...
From start to finish of this film my eyes were stuck to the screen. I can say this - on a shoe string budget this film has a lot of big names in it . No, it didn&#39;t rake a lot of cash in at the box- office. It did horrible actually. But this isn&#39;t a go and spend $12 type of movie at a theater. Heck, I saw it on netflix in 2016. I don&#39;t even remember this film back in 2011 being out in the theaters. But I freaking love it anyways!!!! <br/><br/>A lot of blood and gore, but hey, that&#39;s more realistic if you can stomach it. That being said, I enjoyed the psychopathic sidekick that Frank met. She is a beautiful girl and a blast to watch on the screen with all her energy. Plus a very hot and crazy sex scene with her in it. <br/><br/>Over all it was a very interesting film to be involved in on a Sat night alone on the couch.
It's really a one-joke movie, but the joke is a good one.
No, it is an original story by James Gunn. It is a cartoon specifically created for the movie. a5c7b9f00b

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