Summer School on Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Cognition

Summer School on Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Cognition

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the fourth Summer School on Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Cognition, which will take place 7-21 July 2018, Couches, France. Although this summer school is not focused on vision per se, it may be of interest to graduate students and post-docs in the vision community (we will cover a lot of generic stuff about numerical programming in R, model fitting, model selection, etc.).


# 4th bi-annual Summer School on Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Cognition


Most areas of cognitive science have recognized the power of computational and mathematical models and have embraced their benefits to rigorous theorising. One illustration of this trend is the growing popularity of Bayesian approaches to cognitive modelling. This powerful trend comes, however, at a cost: The complexity of models and modelling techniques render it increasingly difficult for non-experts to acquire the necessary skills and then keep pace with developments.


This summer school is dedicated to introducing researchers to the basic techniques of computational and mathematical modelling from the ground up and in a hands-on manner. The instructors represent a broad range of expertise and are all research leaders in their field with extensive experience in teaching of modelling.


# Cost


We are still in the process of applying for funding and cannot be sure of the final cost. At the moment, the maximum cost for twin-share accommodation at the conference hotel including breakfast and dinner (but not lunch) will be below €1,000. We hope to be able to reduce this cost.


# Applying


Applications will open in early 2018 once the final cost is known. Until then, please submit expressions of interest here: You will then be notified of the final price and application details once they are available.


# Faculty


- Bob French, CNRS, University of Burgundy, France

- Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Bristol, UK

- Joerg Rieskamp, University of Basel, Switzerland

- Klaus Oberauer, University of Zurich, Switzerland

- Amy Criss, Syracuse University, US

- Casimir Ludwig, University of Bristol, UK

- Gordon Brown, University of Warwick, UK

- Simon Farrell, University of Western Australia, Australia

- Chris Donkin, University of New South Wales, Australia

- Arndt Broeder, University of Mannheim, Germany

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