Strange New World Movie Mp4 Download

Strange New World Movie Mp4 Download


Strange New World Movie Mp4 Download

Professor Hugo Strange unleashes a deadly toxin on all of Gotham, turning its entire population into zombie-like creatures. With the fate of the city in his hands, Batman must overcome incredible odds to find an antidote before the condition is rendered permanent.
If "Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind" doesn't top my "Best Episodes" list, this will. "Over the Edge" meets "The Walking Dead". The series could literally end after this episode, and it would be a perfect finale. Twists and turns at every corner, amazing action, amazing suspense, an amazing story, and a twist I had no idea was coming. This could literally be one of, if not THE smartest episode across all three series I've covered! I was thinking of doing an "All-Time Top 20 Best Animated Batman Episodes" list after the Bat-a-thon concluded. I'd need to cover "Batman Beyond" before then, but what it would essentially be is a combination of the four animated Batman shows, ("Brave and the Bold" maybe, I know nothing about it), and I would take all the episodes from my previous "Top 10 Best Episodes" list, and make the ultimate, be-all-end-all comparison. Think of it, it would be glorious! The reason I bring this up, is because I believe this is up there with episodes like "Two-Face Part I", episodes like "Growing Pains", episodes like "Mad Love". Absolute animated genius, all wrapped up in a 22 minute box! Yes! Yes! Yes!


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