Star Trek Nemesis Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

Star Trek Nemesis Full Movie In Hindi Free Download


Star Trek: Nemesis Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

On their way to William Riker and Deanna Troi's honeymoon on Betazed, the Enterprise heads near the Romulan Neutral Zone, and picks up a prototype version of the android Data. Immediately, they are diverted to Romulus, where the new ruler, Praetor Shinzon, a human cloned from Captain Picard who lives on the slave planet Remus, appears to want peace with the Federation. But then the crew detects a break-in on their computer systems, and Picard is captured by the Remans because Shinzon needs him as his only matching supplier of genetic material. Picard and the Enterprise crew escape, only to find themselves battling Shinzon's completely cloaked Warbird, who goes after the complete destruction of Earth.
The Enterprise is diverted to the Romulan homeworld Romulus, supposedly because they want to negotiate a peace treaty. Captain Picard and his crew discover a serious threat to the Federation once Praetor Shinzon plans to attack Earth.
I'm a long-time Star Trek fan, especially of "The Next Generation", so you can bet I was eagerly anticipating this new movie. Alas, it falls far short of expectation. The plot is predictable, most of the dialogue is trite, and the cast all seem bored with their roles. Sure, there are quite a few good action scenes, but they just don't compensate for a banal plot. Unless you're a dedicated Trek fan, give this one a miss.
Being a fan of the Next Generation rather than the original series i have always favoured the TNG movies. And to be honest, although even this is not as good as numbers Two, Four and Six, it&#39;s far better than One and Five, and a match for number Three.<br/><br/>Unfortunately the Next Generation crew all suffer from the same problem as their OS predecessors, namely age. Paunches are in evidence here and a few tired faces as well. There are some bad moments, cheap driving and shooting on some badly filtered patch of desert, B4,the Troi rape scene and Rikers worst fight ever let the side down somewhat.<br/><br/>But with TNG you get class and good acting. Stewart is always immense and there&#39;s no change here. The scenes with him and Hardy are excellent, eloquent and enjoyable. Okay so it&#39;s not &#39;phasers on stun&#39;, but TNG has always been better when they talk rather than shoot. I love the scene with Picard and Shinzon at the Romulan Senate, it&#39;s a touching scenes, and acted beautifully. The fight scene between the Enterprize and the Reman ship is one the better ship-to-ship battles in Trek movies, certainly superior to the ones in Search for Spock and Final Frontier.<br/><br/>There&#39;s enough good on show to make this a good film, but the weaknesses of TNG are exposed, There&#39;s too much shooting, pointless action sequences and pyrotechnics. The strengths of TNG are pushed outside in favour of &#39;movie moments&#39; which undermine the whole theme of the Next Generation philosophy. It&#39;s too much like cowboys in space. Picard doesn&#39;t take stupid risks, he and his crew find another way, which has not really been reflected in any of the films than other First Contact. I do like Nemesis, but I can see why it&#39;s criticised. It&#39;s not a great send off, but certainly not a bad one either.
If anyone tries to tell you how this one ends, blast 'em with a phaser. Set on stun, of course.
When Reman Praetor Shinzon (<a href="/name/nm0362766/">Tom Hardy</a>), the new ruler of Romulus, invites the Federation to negotiate peace, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (<a href="/name/nm0001772/">Patrick Stewart</a>) and the Enterprise are sent to act as emissary. Picard is shocked to find that Shinzon is human, unlike the other Remans, and that he was actually cloned from Picard&#39;s own genetic material. It soon becomes apparent that Shinzon does not want peace but is plotting the destruction of Earth. The Enterprise, alone in the neutral zone, must try to stop him. All of the Enterprise-D crew are back: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander Will Ryker (<a href="/name/nm0000408/">Jonathan Frakes</a>), Lieutenant Commander Data (<a href="/name/nm0000653/">Brent Spiner</a>), Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge (<a href="/name/nm0000996/">LeVar Burton</a>), Lieutenant Commander Worf (<a href="/name/nm0000373/">Michael Dorn</a>), Dr Beverly Crusher (<a href="/name/nm0000533/">Gates McFadden</a>), counselor Deanna Troi (<a href="/name/nm0000642/">Marina Sirtis</a>), bartender Guinan (<a href="/name/nm0000155/">Whoopi Goldberg</a>), and <a href="/name/nm0000854/">Majel Barrett</a> as the voice of the Enterprise computer. In addition, Wesley Crusher (<a href="/name/nm0000696/">Wil Wheaton</a>) can be seen seated at the end of the wedding table at the beginning of the movie, and Admiral Kathryn Janeway (<a href="/name/nm0000550/">Kate Mulgrew</a>) from the TV series <a href="/title/tt0112178/">Star Trek: Voyager (1995)</a> (1995-2001) is seen on an incoming transmission from Starfleet Command. A nemesis an enemy or an opponent that seems unbeatable. More specifically, it is an archenemy with whom the protagonist (often) has a long-standing rivalry for very personal reasons. In the context of the movie, Shinzon appears to be Picard&#39;s nemesis, due to Shinzon&#39;s frustration of feeling like an inferior version of Picard. It takes place in 2379 A.D., four years after the events in Insurrection. The Remans are the native inhabitants of the planet Remus, the sister planet of Romulus. Romulus and Remus were named as such by the Romulans, who were originally a group of Vulcans who had left Vulcan two millennia earlier, before the Vulcans became an enlightened species who embraced logic. The Romulans have therefore retained much of their former brutality. When settling on Romulus, they also annexed the neighbouring planet, dubbed it Remus, and subdued the native people, who were henceforth called &#39;Remans&#39;. The Remans are virtually slaves, performing forced industrial labour on Remus and serving as expendable soldiers in the military without the possibility to rise up to command or political functions. Being a completely different race explains the vastly different appearance of Remans compared to the Romulans. The Remans have only ever inhabited the dark-sided hemisphere of Remus, causing their pale appearance and sensitivity to light. With no warp drive, no photon torpedoes left, and the Romulan warbird &quot;dead in the water&quot;, it is up to the Enterprise to defend herself against the Scimitar. Shinzon positions the Scimitar directly in front of the Enterprise, and, knowing they have no weapons left, suggests they surrender. Picard suddenly rams the Enterprise into the Scimitar, seriously damaging and disabling both ships, but not the Scimitar&#39;s thalaron weapon. With no other option, Picard tries to initiate the self-destruct sequence but finds that it&#39;s offline due to the damage. As the Scimitar backs itself away from the Enterprise, Shinzon orders the deployment of the thalaron weapon, intending to kill everyone on the Enterprise. When Picard realizes Shinzon&#39;s intent, he places Data in command and beams over to the Scimitar, after which the transporter blows up. Realizing that Picard now has no way to get off the Scimitar, Data leaps across the airless void between the two ships and sets out to find Picard, who is already engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Shinzon. With two minutes left until the thalaron firing sequence begins, Picard lures Shinzon into a lunging attack and kills him by impaling him onto a metal support rod. With less than 30 seconds left until the thalaron weapon fires, Data locates Picard and plants his single-use personal transporter on Picard. The Captain safely beams back to the Enterprise, while Data blows up the thalaron device, taking both the Scimitar and Data with it. Romulan commander dispatches rescue ships and invites the Federation to resume peace talks. Picard and the senior staff retire to the Captain&#39;s room, where they have a tearful salute in Data&#39;s honor, and reminisce about their adventures with him. In the final scene, as the Enterprise undergoes repair in space dock, Picard says goodbye to Captain Riker who is preparing to leave the Enterprise in order to take command of the USS Titan and begin peace talk with the Romulans. Picard then meets with B-4 to tell him about his &quot;brother&quot; and how Data&#39;s curiosity led him to strive to improve himself. B-4 doesn&#39;t quite understand but, he is seen trying to sing &quot;Blue Skies&quot;. Yes. A novelization of the movie by American science fiction writer J.M. Dillard (pen name for Jeanne Kalogridis), was released in 2002. So far, there are 13. Star Trek: Nemesis was preceded by <a href="/title/tt0079945/">Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)</a> (1979), <a href="/title/tt0084726/">Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982)</a> (1982), <a href="/title/tt0088170/">Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)</a> (1984), <a href="/title/tt0092007/">Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)</a> (1986), <a href="/title/tt0098382/">Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)</a> (1989), <a href="/title/tt0102975/">Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)</a> (1991), <a href="/title/tt0111280/">Star Trek: Generations (1994)</a> (1994), <a href="/title/tt0117731/">Star Trek: First Contact (1996)</a> (1996), and <a href="/title/tt0120844/">Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)</a> (1998). It was followed by <a href="/title/tt0796366/">Star Trek (2009)</a> (2009), <a href="/title/tt1408101/">Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)</a> (2013) and <a href="/title/tt2660888/">Star Trek: Beyond (2016)</a> (2016). Star Trek: Nemesis is set after Star Trek: Voyager. After Voyager finally returned home to Earth, Captain Kathryn Janeway was promoted to Admiral and she gave Captain Picard the assignment of going to Romulus and meet with Shinzon. a5c7b9f00b

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