Spplat Attack Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

Spplat Attack Full Movie Hd 1080p Download


Spplat Attack Full Movie Hd 1080p Download


At best this could be described as an 80 minute home movie. In fact, a number of shots show the cameras involved, and they are mere consumer grade camcorders... without anti-shaking features apparently. Many scenes rivaled Blair Witch Project in its lack ability to keep things stable. Terrible panning shots in an effort to keep up with the action. Just thinking about it again makes me want to puke.<br/><br/>Don&#39;t watch.
It turns out that Shatner is, in fact, Kirk. On more than one occasion during this very silly movie, Shatner manages to come out on top of potentially disastrous paintball scenarios. I came away from this surprised at how wily Shatner really is. <br/><br/>The camera work is not amateur so much as it is unprofessional. It&#39;s much like watching a Shatner family home movie. I have never been involved in paintball, so it was fascinating to see how riled up these people get about their paintball.<br/><br/>However, this movie is certainly not for everyone. If you&#39;re not a big Shatner fan than you&#39;re better off watching Friends reruns.


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