Spook Town Full Movie In Hindi Download

Spook Town Full Movie In Hindi Download


Spook Town Full Movie In Hindi Download


Dty Gulch Trading Post owner Kurt Fabian advances money on mortgages to the local settlers to finance an irrigation program. Three Texas Rangers, Tex Wyatt, Jim Steele and Panhandle Perkins transport the money in a strong box which they place in the Wells Fargo safe as agent Sam Benson assures them that he is the only one who knows the safe combination. Fabian conspires with Bill Gunner, Breed Crocker and Trigger Booth to steal the money and they fail, but Fabian gets it on his own. Benson is arrested, and a committee of citizens, led by Oscar Perrin accuse Captain Wyatt and the Rangers of carelessness and request the resignation of the Captain if the money is not recovered. Fabian owns the abandoned ghost town of "Mystic", and Gunner, Crocker and Booth take him there to force him to tell where he has hidden the money, They shoot at his feet to intimidate him and he dies from fright and shock. Tex, Jim and Panhandle are also searching the town and they find Fabian's body. Benson tells Lucy Warren that the money may be hidden in the old Wells Fargo office in Mystic and they go there and find the strongbox. Enter Gunner, Crocker and Booth. Enter the Rangers. Gunfight.
Money being transported for some settlers is stolen from those who were suppose to be guarding it. From that point on it becomes a quest to find out who was behind the deed and catch him.<br/><br/>If you&#39;ve ever seen any of the B program westerns that were cranked out for the 30&#39;s,40&#39;s and 50&#39;s you&#39;ve seen this film before. This isn&#39;t a bad thing, it just means that its unremarkable to the point of being utterly and totally forgettable. While the great cowboy heroes like Wayne, Rogers, Ritter, Autry made careers out of recycling the same plots over and over they always managed to spice things up somehow, there was always something to make you remember them and the film. Here there is nothing special. The plot is old, the cast is game, the songs are okay, the comedy corny, everything except something to make you remember you&#39;ve seen it.<br/><br/>Ultimately typical to the point of boredom.<br/><br/>5 out of 10
Rangers Tex, Jim, and Panhandle are taking back a strongbox with money to be delivered to Kurt Fabian as payment from settlers paying back a loan Fabian made. Outlaw Trigger and two of his buddies are hired by a mysterious boss to get the strongbox from the Rangers, which they fail at first, but succeed at a second time. The settlers seeing that they will have to pay back Fabian his money at a higher interest rate, demand that the three Rangers turn in their badges and that Tex&#39;s father, Capt. Wyatt find the crooks and money or he will be forced from office. It later becomes obvious that Fabian is the mysterious boss (2/5th of the way into the film), but now Trigger is cutting himself into the deal, which does not include Fabian in the deal. The Rangers now have to get the money back, while preventing the three outlaws, as well as Benson, who is searching for the money to clear himself of conspiracy in the theft. Okay entry in the PRC Texas Rangers series, with back and forth interaction with Fabian, Benson, and Trigger&#39;s gang which at times seems to be going nowhere. The comedy relief with Wilkerson and Harvey gets tired quickly. Fabian&#39;s nervousness around guns was a good quirk for the villain, but it would have been better for the film to have the mystery villain angle played further. Thank goodness the film was saved by a well done action packed finish. Other than that, the film may be of interest only to B western fans. Rating, based on B westerns, 5.


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