Sp Facebook Module For Joomla 25

Sp Facebook Module For Joomla 25


Sp Facebook Module For Joomla 2.5


Empty addon responsive settings improved. This feature is not available right now. .. The Page Builder is that much flexible and user friendly. Facebook Open Graph Data SP Page Builder provides an option to add open graph data for the pages managed by the tool. Flickr and Instagram addon curl added (Pro). Very nice plugin AXiaofeng Evony ATian (3). Unsubscribe from May Pimkanok? Cancel Unsubscribe Working. Working. SP Page Builder Version 2.3 Article integration issue fixed (pro). It shows thumbnail view of all images of a directory and click on them will show full size in lightbox. Addon Feature individual padding option (top, right, bottom, left). + Contact form addon added new field 'From mail' and 'name' (Pro). Easy one click Image upload. SP Page Builder Version 2.2 Visual Site Building with Frontend Editor (pro) Lightning Fast Unlimited Undo/Redo Changes New Media Manager Page Builder Module (pro) Enhance Joomla Articles with Page Builder (pro) J2Store and K2 Support (pro) JCE Editor Support (pro) Pre-designed Page Layouts and templates (pro) Device Specific Responsive Controls Enable/Disable Page Elements (pro) Better Row/Column Management Copy, Paste, Delete & Duplicate Everything (pro) Access Control List Support (pro) Countdown Addon (pro) Social Share Addon (pro) Heading Addon (pro) Attach Files to Buttons Central Google Maps API Configuration All Possible Layouts SP Page Builder Version 2.1 Container option added in global settings. Compatible with JCE, K2, J2Store etc. Up next How to build a Joomla 3 Website - 2013 - Duration: 1:25:57. Opinions expressed on this website are our own, based on our experience and research. Twitter addon now displays tweet images as well (Pro). Addon article all category select error issue fixed, k2 & Joomla article in frontend and backend (pro). Phrase "Photos" cannot be translated, in Albums view, frontend. Google Map info window added (Pro). Magnific Popup conflict issue fixed (Pro). Joomla! Hosting by Rochen We have detected that you are using an ad blocker. SP Page Builder makes it so easy. You will also be able to use Facebook Comments Moderation Tool to moderate your comments. - Carousel and Carousel Pro addon custom button issue fixed. Mathew Tamin 7,658 views 4:27 Installing Facebook Feeds to Your Joomla Website - Duration: 6:55. SP Page Builder Version 2.4.6 ^ Updated Font-awesome to 4.7. 404 redirect issue fixed. Make Joomla Articles More Professional (Pro) SP Page Builder 2 brings a major feature for blogs and content based sites. This extension is based on OWL Carousel Touch enabled jQuery library. Add Custom CSS SP Page Builder empowers users to build a complete site without any coding. Open graph data is very important for a social shareable web page because it defines the Facebook share title, description, thumbnail image etc 5a02188284

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