Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Alex S.

Results-oriented software engineering professional with more than 6 years of experience in the field. Promotes object-oriented approaches to real-time software development. Analytical and detail-oriented.


- strong knowledge of algorithms and data structures;

 - the perfectionist with deadlines;

 - experienced in Microservice and SOA architecture;

 - performance and scalability optimizations;

 - choose the tool by task and not vice versa;

 - managing and supporting multiple projects at the same time;

 - experience in creating and developing the own product;

 - teamwork / team management;

 - self-organized;

Languages & Frameworks:

 - Python (Django, asyncio, SQLAlchemy)

 - Golang (std library fan, concurrency Jedi) [preferably]

 - SQL-venerator;

 - JavaScript (ES6, ReactJS) [read, understand and write but do not like]

Technologies (experience from real projects):

 - Linux (Debian & Ubuntu, CoreOS)

 - Docker, Compose, Swarm; [can create/read/change Dockerfile; configure local environment via docker-compose; configure & deploy swarm cluster]

 - PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, MongoDB, Redis

 - Nginx

- Telegram Bot API;

- OpenRTB;

- Expirience with Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & Smart Contracts;

An approach:

 - logging is better than debugging (in my stack);

 - test-driven development;

 - CI is required, CD is better than git clone on server;

 - one service - one role - one docker container; 

 - DDD is better than bussines logic in View;

 - one logical change - one commit;

 - Git, GitHub-flow;

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