Soft Cap - Hard Cap

Soft Cap - Hard Cap


We have a minimum amount of $ 200,000, which is 12% of the maximum amount, according to the rules this is not enough, but depending on what to proceed. How one can apply general rules (recommendations) for different projects with different goals. In general why collect maximum funds if minimum specified amount is enough for the project? Each project may have its own answer to this question. 

Here is the answer of our project:

To create a laboratory to conduct all the studies, tests and gather different samples of the device, and also for creation of one assembly shop and material directly for the device, $ 200,000 is required is the minimum specified in the project. At the same time, the estimated production capacity is determined within 30 RWT devices with a total output capacity of 30,000watt per day. This allows you to fulfill your obligations to investors for receiving the device in exchange for RWTS tokens in several months. At the same time, production expenses are taken into account, which, for the most part, will be covered by finished products. That is, part of the finished product goes to fulfill obligations to investors, and part to sell at market value.

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