Smokin Aces Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download

Smokin Aces Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download


Smokin' Aces Full Movie In Hindi 720p Download

In these interlocking tales of high stakes and low lifes, Mob boss Primo Sparazza has taken out a hefty contract on Buddy "Aces" Israel - a sleazy magician who has agreed to turn state's evidence against the Vegas mob. The FBI, sensing a chance to use this small-time con to bring down big-target Sparazza, places Aces into protective custody-under the supervision of two agents dispatched to Aces' Lake Tahoe hideout. When word of the price on Aces' head spreads into the community of ex-cons and cons-to-be, it entices bounty hunters, thugs-for-hire, smokin' hot vixens and double-crossing mobsters to join in the hunt. With all eyes on Tahoe, this rogues' gallery collides in a comic race to hit the jackpot and rub out Aces.
A dying mob boss takes out a $1 million contract on the life of his former protégé, a Vegas magician turned gangster who has agreed to testify against the mob. The FBI attempts to protect their key witness as an array of hit men and women descend on Lake Tahoe in a race to take the magician out.
Positively an awful movie dealing with a plot that is revealed with about 10 minutes or less to go in this terrible, miserable, outrageous film.<br/><br/>You know that a picture is in trouble when Ben Affleck is shot to death in the first half hour of the film. At that point, the studio should have shut this entire mess down.<br/><br/>Jeremy Piven is given the thankless role of a comedian type mobster who is soon wanted by the mob.<br/><br/>The film is outrageously violent and the shoot up scene in the hotel smacks of nothing else but pure disgust.<br/><br/>How dare the makers of this garbage call this a form of entertainment.<br/><br/>What kind of nonsense are we led to believe in at the film&#39;s end? The FBI allowed this massacre to take place so that the Piven character could participate in a heart surgery to save his father, the latter being someone who was out to get him throughout the film. The film never explains the various groups caught up in that hotel shootout. The bodies pile up and I was disgusted by this way too violent film. Some sort of code is needed to get this junk off the screen.
Obviously from what I titled this review you can tell I hated the film. Just to let you know where I&#39;m coming from crime/action/noir type movies are what I live for and are the only movies I enjoy watching. Whenever a new one hits theaters I greatly anticipate seeing it.<br/><br/>Such was the case with Smokin Aces. I loved Joe Carnahan&#39;s last movie Narc. It was an amazing movie with a great script, great cast and great direction on Carnahan&#39;s part. Sadly Aces was absent of all those things.<br/><br/>The script and plot seemed to come second to the action sequences, speaking of which didn&#39;t impress me either. What little plot there was reminded me of a cross between the Usual Suspects and True Romance. It especially seemed like Carnahan must have watched Usual Suspects one too many times and I saw several things he stole directly from other movies such as Mission Impossible III.<br/><br/>As far as the characters go none of them were interesting. There was absolutely no character development of any kind or anyone to root for.<br/><br/>The dialogue was absolutely forgettable and not one memorable line was mumbled throughout the whole film. This was a major disappointment considering some of the great dialogue in Narc.<br/><br/>Don&#39;t even get me started on the cast. Ryan Reynolds was wrong for the role he played and Ray Liotta was underused. The two musicians he cast (Common and Alicia Keys) should have never been given a chance to act in the first place.<br/><br/>I can&#39;t even believe the studio let him go ahead with this movie after reading the script. This is one of those films where a few years down the line Carnahan and the actors in it are going to admit it stunk.<br/><br/>Let&#39;s hope Joe C. does something at least a little better next time.
While the film bristles with cinematic verve, it also is as second-hand as an antique store.
... Richard Messner and Donald Carruthers listen in on Serna and Padiche&#39;s phone call? &quot;Surveillance (I-Spy and the FBI)&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Jack Dupree, Pistol Pete Deeks, and Hollis Elmore are introduced as Dupree talks about Israel? &quot;Smokin&#39; Aces - It&#39;s Buddy&#39;s World&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Locke debriefs Messner and Carruthers about Israel? &quot;FBI&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Georgia Sykes and Sharice Watters are introduced? &quot;SpottieOttieDopaliscious&quot; by Outkast.<br/><br/>... Pasquale Acosta is introduced? &quot;Yo&#39;te Queiro (Oh Ma Corazon)&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... The Tremor brothers are introduced? &quot;Ace of Spades&quot; by Motorhead.<br/><br/>... Lazlo Soot is introduced? &quot;Down on the Street&quot; by The Stooges.<br/><br/>... Israel wakes up in his penthouse? &quot;Segura O Sambura&quot; by Nilton Castro.<br/><br/>... Israel throws cards at hookers? &quot;I Love You&quot; by The Bees.<br/><br/>... Ivy &amp; Beanie get rid of hookers? &quot;Trespassing&quot; by Skull Snaps.<br/><br/>... Tremor brothers drive-by and shoot up Dupree&#39;s crew? &quot;Like Light To The Flies&quot; by Trivium.<br/><br/>... Darwin Tremor plays with Dupree&#39;s corpse? &quot;Morte Di Un Soldato&quot; by Ennio Morricone.<br/><br/>... Soot murders Hugo in the basement? &quot;Save Yourself&quot; by The Make-Up.<br/><br/>... Acosta murders Bill? &quot;Yo&#39;te Queiro (Oh Ma Corazon)&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Watters watches Sykes change? &quot;Touch Me Again&quot; by Bernard Pretty Purdie.<br/><br/>... the montage (showing Sykes waiting by the elevator, Hollis making his way to Warren&#39;s house, Acosta fixing up his face in the hotel lobby, Tremors going up in the elevator, Soot going up in the elevator, e.t.c...) begins? &quot;Smokin&#39; Aces - It&#39;s Buddy&#39;s World&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Soot enters penthouse / Israel freaks out in bathroom? &quot;Big White Cloud&quot; by John Cale.<br/><br/>... Carruthers vs. Acosta? &quot;FBI&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Warren opens the door to the wounded Hollis? &quot;I Gotcha&#39; Back&quot; by GZA/Genius.<br/><br/>... Watters &amp; Sykes vs. FBI agents? &quot;Welcome To Tahoe!&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Tremor brothers vs. security team? &quot;First Warning&quot; by The Prodigy.<br/><br/>... Watters&#39; breakdown &amp; death? &quot;Shell Shock&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Messner walks through crowd outside of hotel and then goes to the hospital? &quot;Aftermath (Body Count)&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... Messner pulls the plug on Israel and Sparazza? &quot;Dead Reckoning&quot; by Clint Mansell.<br/><br/>... during the end credits? &quot;Play Your Cards Right&quot; by Common ft. Bilal, &quot;First Warning&quot; by The Prodigy, &quot;Smokin&#39; Aces - It&#39;s Buddy&#39;s World&quot; by Clint Mansell. a5c7b9f00b

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