Shivom: Genomics and the next health time!

Shivom: Genomics and the next health time!

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Hello everyone, especially to the worldwide crypto community, on this good opportunity I will introduce a Project that uses limited genetic technology to Build the Largest Genetic Database Database in sequence.

The market for cryptocurrency is so vast and diverse that it is not surprising to see a proposal that combines the best elements of Blockchain technology with the latest innovations in medicine called Shivom. Let's look at the following:

What is Shivom?

Shivom connects two revolutionary technologies: genomics and blockchain to provide a safe and secure platform for storing genetic data and improving health and well-being. Shivom gives users access to a global precision drug platform that allows to share anonymous genetic information that can ultimately help cure complex diseases.

Shivom creates a genomic ecosystem in blockchain. We will offer an open market for healthcare providers to add their applications and services, along with personalized genome and drug data analytics.

Why should you consider the Service?

The most direct answer is "data security," let's discuss this: by working with Shivom, each user chooses to work with one of the safest and most reliable ways to handle their own genome data. By using the Blockchain log, each user will have a recording of their DNA structure to make it available to companies wishing to work with this type of information to develop scientific studies that can lead to the cure of the disease. Lending this information is not an altruistic transaction because every user will be able to collect prizes from it. They will also have control over the amount of data shared as well as third parties who request and gain access to it.

How does it work?

The process is quite easy and takes no time at all. As soon as users sign up with Shivom, they need to get a kit by post to allow companies to upload their DNA strings. Users should collect their saliva samples and send it back to the place of the company where a team of medical specialists will violate the user's DNA code to offer knowledge of the ancestors, or gain personal health insight. The information will be stored in a decentralized company. networks, and users will be able to share their genomic information for research purposes for free or by generating profit from it.

Why Now?

If you remember the history of science for a moment, you may recall that the first time a human DNA was damaged and studied it took 18 years to complete it and 3 billion dollars, the team that did this work began in 1985 and ended in 2003. This is the same study day cost has fallen because it is very common. The team behind Shivom assumes that by the end of this decade, human DNA will be mapped less than $ 100. The analysis that is a derivative of this mapping will fall to a lower cost, and medical companies will enter in fierce competition to offer the cheapest services which is related to DNA tracking, is very similar to what happened to a pregnancy test several years ago.

What are the Benefits?

In the current market genome sequencing phase can provide several benefits such as an opportunity to identify the best way to treat patients with certain conditions, prevention of disease in general. Means to predict health hazards, how to get a functioning diagnosis that will not build paranoia unlike most Google search phenomena, the right treatment for minor ailments and the option to follow new drug developments that can help treat the existing condition in a better way. This, of course, is only a scratch on the surface what can be achieved with Shivom,


Make Shivom the largest genomic data center on the planet. Contributors have their genomic data, control the right to access them, and receive a reward if they choose to share it.

  • Transform genome data into usable information
  • Break the data silos
  • Help speed up clinical trials
  • Facilitate research and development of drugs
  • Sponsors sort the project to gain access to relevant data

What is a Genome drug?

"An emerging medical discipline involving the use of genome information about a person as part of their clinical care (for example, for diagnostic or therapeutic decision making) and the health outcomes and policy implications of such clinical use. "

Our vision

Accelerate the age of genomics

Every one of the 7.6 billion people on earth has a unique code held in their genes that unlocks the secrets of appearance, ancestry, intellectual ability, health, and fitness. However, the ability of this code to uncover the disease's predisposition has been neglected.

Improve global health

Now is the time for the joint development of society for the "genome" challenge in the coming decade. Currently, some key players hold a monopoly on genome data and generate huge profits from selling it to third parties, usually without revenue sharing with data donors.

Jumpstart genome-based precision medicine

We change the dynamics of the global health care market. We utilize the most advanced technologies including blockchain, cloud computing, genome sequencing, artificial intelligence, and large data analytics to bring the medical genome into a new era.

Ensure the next level of data privacy

We are at the forefront of data security. We use state-of-the-art cryptography to add an additional level of security to our platform that goes beyond blockchain technology for decentralization, protecting every user's data from cybercriminals

Genomics for everyone is the foundation of the Vhisom Project and one of its aims is to improve global health and as a tangible proof of Founder Sally Eaves, Dr. Axel Schumacher and Gourish Singla visit rural communities in India to talk with locals about their health care challenges and opportunities where genome technology can make a difference.

OmiX Token:

Token OmiX is a key component that enables purchases, trades, incentives, and other services. Tokens are fuels from the Shivom ecosystem, as well as parts of system governance.

Benefits of OmiX token:

• Ability to obtain premium services in the Shivom ecosystem

• Ability to obtain genome sequencing kits

• Ability to sponsor a sequencing project

• Ability to gain access to health / fitness applications from third-party providers

• Ability to access the genome database

• Ability to pay donors for data / participation in research studies

• Ability for service providers to use the platform

Use of the process

The level of funding received dictates the distribution of funds. However, the reserve structure allows us to reduce volatility along the way while achieving long-term goals.

Platform Development 20%

Database, UI, API, and curation metadata creation. Most of this budget will be used to create a secure and scalable platform. From there we will implement new features and create an open market.

11% Operation & Business Development Daily operations, team building (developers, geneticists, marketers, and product managers). Establish Foundation.

10% Non-Profit R & D Platform

The drug discovery platform combines the analytical elements of Big Data, artificial intelligence, genomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics.

21% Marketing & Partnership Formation

Sustainable community-community community communication activities through traditional marketing channels and individual-based approaches. It also includes educational materials, roadshows, collaboration with other genomic initiatives, organizing events and conferences, and KOL management.

5% Law

Regulatory compliance for all Shivom markets operates on.

2% PoC Earlier

The first sequencing project at a hospital in rural India.

Data Storage 6%

Initiated to maintain the platform for the first few years.

25% Laboratory

Setting up a global network of laboratory and counseling services.

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