Sharknado 2 The Second One Movie Download Hd

Sharknado 2 The Second One Movie Download Hd


Sharknado 2: The Second One Movie Download Hd

Fin and April are on their way to New York City, until a category seven hurricane spawns heavy rain, storm surges, and deadly Sharknadoes.
Before the sequel etched its way onto my TV screen, I watched the last half of the original 'Sharknado' - just as a review. What a mistake. I think the original was a classic, but absorbing the last thirty minutes - again – was like ingesting bile, ending up with a bitter after-taste sitting in my mouth and lasting for a lifetime. The first time I saw S-nado 1, everything was fun and fresh. The idea was original and the humor was oh so subtle, that the laughs almost seemed unintentional. It was a brilliantly crafted tongue and cheek satire, saluting the classic, 'Jaws'. So - why a sequel? This second movie was horrible. It was like everything was packaged and ready for production - and then a ton of last minute changes were introduced, immediately screwing everything up. I gather since the first edition was such a big success, overwhelming interest for a sequel naturally followed. Among other things, this attention created a massive chum-line for out-of-work superstars to latch their huge egos to. Star power can be a good thing…but it can also be bad. This time it was a massive fail. There appeared to be multiple ad-hoc one-liners chucked in only to appease the egos of the numerous "guest-mega-stars." The stifling chants by these cameo gasbags, transformed simple fun into some kind of ad-nauseam, narcissistic love fest. My fingers could not go down my throat far enough. Please…no more. Let the writers work on something else…no more sharknados…please.
Who thought they could top the first Sharknado but they have. This time the sharknado hits New York City. From the opening airplane sequence to sharks in the subway to the Empire State Building Sharknado 2 is truly awesome. Who doesn't want to see sharks in a skyscraper?! There is a ton of celebrity cameos in this movie. There's nothing like Matt Lauer and Al Roker reporting on a sharknado. The terrible cgi in the movie makes it even better. The end of this movie is one of the most epic endings ever. It even tops the chainsaw scene from the first Sharknado. I don't think I could have asked for anything more from this movie. I don't know about you but I am for sure looking forward to Sharknado 3.

Having survived last year&#39;s sharknado in Los Angeles and written a book about the experience, April Wexler (<a href="/name/nm0005346/">Tara Reid</a>) and Finley &quot;Fin&quot; Shepard (<a href="/name/nm0005575/">Ian Ziering</a>) are on a flight to New York City to attend a book signing when their airplane is caught in another sharknado, killing the pilots and forcing Fin to land the plane himself. When Fin attempts to warn New Yorkers about the sharknado, however, no one believes him. Once again, it is up to Fin, along with ex-girlfriend Skye (<a href="/name/nm0000407/">Vivica A. Fox</a>), to save the city. Sharknado 2 is a sequel to <a href="/title/tt2724064/">Sharknado (2013)</a> (2013), a made-for-television disaster film. The screenplay for Sharknado 2 was written by Thunder Levin. It was followed by <a href="/title/tt3899796/">Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015)</a> (2015), <a href="/title/tt4831420/">Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens (2016)</a> (2016), and <a href="/title/tt6298780/">Sharknado 5: Global Swarming (2017)</a> (2017). <a href="/name/nm0000696/">Wil Wheaton</a>, <a href="/name/nm1114884/">Kelly Osbourne</a>, , <a href="/name/nm0295103/">Judah Friedlander</a>, <a href="/name/nm1369247/">Daymond John</a> and <a href="/name/nm0000407/">Vivica A. Fox</a> are among the celebrity casualties. With just eight minutes left before the two tornadoes merge, Fin and Skye ascend to the top of the Empire State Building. Skye connects the Freon tanks while Fin battles falling sharks with his chain saw. April shows up to help, having attached an electric saw to her missing hand. As Fin begins to blow up the tanks, the connection suddenly detaches, forcing Skye to reattach and hold them together. The tanks explode, killing Skye and sucking Fin into the storm where he is gobbled up whole by a falling shark. He uses his chainsaw to cut himself out. The explosion successfully breaks up the tornadoes, and people on the ground start killing the falling sharks with shovels, machetes, chain saws, pitchforks, machine guns, pick axes, and flame throwers. Fin surfs on the back of a shark that gets impaled on the building tower. He climbs down to April and, while looking for a weapon, notices April&#39;s hand, still holding a gun and hanging out of one of the shark&#39;s mouths. He retrieves the dead hand, takes the ring off its finger, and asks April to marry him—again. She agrees. In the final scene, a delivery truck carrying fireworks explodes, shooting fireworks all over Manhattan. &quot;I love New York,&quot; Fin comments. There is no real reason for anyone to go hunting for the Blu-ray disc release if they have the TV version anyway. However, the extensive bonus footage, which illustrates the enthusiasm of the producers nicely, can be recommended to anyone interested. a5c7b9f00b

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