Sex Slave Training

Sex Slave Training


The goal of behavioral slave training is to establish behavior that is consistent and reflects her slavery. This is agreed to training by both parties for the purpose of becoming closer in a Master/slave relationship.  It is consensual training.
Behavioral training means changing the slave’s actions to serve her Master better. It also allows a Master to better manage her. Behavior is the seen actions of the body. A slave’s behavior must be controlled before a Master can rightly claim ownership of her. Behavior is the way a slave visually expresses her slavery. It is the way she serves her Master. The training prepares her for a future as your slave.
Consensual slave training always includes behavioral modification. A master controls when, where, and how her body is used. Falling under the huge umbrella of behavioral slave training are a slave’s kneeling, orgasm control, voice training and any other actions of the body.
A slave agrees of her on free will to accept slave training and behavioral modification from her master. This is done to establish and develop a consensual relationship.
The slave’s behavior changes by using positive reinforcing in order to encourage desired behaviors, or by punishing her undesired behaviors. It takes both.
This section covers how to train her action to please. To train, a Master must be able to identify the behavior he desires to correct and know the proper method of changing. He then insures the new behavior is maintained. The trainer must understand the components of behavior and some of the scientific methods used to change it.
You develop control of her with intense behavioral training. You will get many ideas on improving your own training program below.
A slave must feel the control of her Master. The sense of helplessness to control and change her behavior is essential and fundamental to slave development. Helplessness mean that if she stays in the relationship she will obey her master. she can leave but if she stays it is his will she will follow. This requires a well thought out plan of action. Do not play it by ear. The goal of behavioral slave training is to establish ownership of the slave’s body. Behavior modification means changing the slave’s body actions to serve and, please her Master.
In the Theory of B.E.S.T. slave training, behavior refers to the actions of the body. Closely associated with behavior are emotions, self-image and thoughts. Thoughts control behavior because a slave first thinks, then feels, then acts. Before she moves, she must think to cause that movement. Before she can move her body, her brain must send a signal to cause her movement. However, this section focuses on actual behavior not thinking? B.E.S.T. covers that in another section titled “Thoughts”. Here, we discuss how to control behavior and how to change a slave’s attitude with that control.
A Master can only truly judge a slave by what his five senses reveal to him. Try as he may, A slave owner is cannot see into his slave’s mind and heart. This is one thing he must be honest with him about and accept. He cannot hear her thoughts or feel the emotions a slave feels. He can only observe her behavior and come to a conclusion about what he sees or hears. Demonstrating proper behavior is the best way a slave shows her state of mind to her Master.
Repeated discipline training is very useful in early behavioral slave training. Behavioral slave training not only teaches the desired behavior that her Master demands but also helps mold her attitude. Attitude and behavior are twin agents of change. See Push/Pull Theory of slave training.
Controlling a slave’s Space, Time, Physical Actions, Privacy and Relationships:
Before this behavioral training starts she should be allowed to read this section or be told details of what will be expected of her. she must be informed of all before giving her consent. she must of her free will agree to trained by you.
Part of consensual slave training is the actual physical control of the slave’s behavior. A Master must gain control of her 1) space, 2) time, 3) physical actions, 4) privacy and 5) relationships with others. This is not done with force against her will but by her willingness to be owned and serve. A Master can develop a much better behavioral slave training program when aware of these elements of behavior. He can design training that focuses on each element.
The best practice is to include each area in a behavioral slave training program. Early training in each of these areas helps avoids future problems and provides a foundation for more advanced B.D.S.M. and slave training. Often many of these behavioral changes need to be practiced over and over until they become a habit for your slave girl.
It is also effective to inform her that her Master controls all of these areas and explain how he controls them. However, it takes more than just words; action is necessary. A Master must spend the time necessary using discipline training, practice, reinforcement and punishment in order to change her behavior.
A side benefit of establishing rules, modes and altering behavior is that it makes slave management much easier in the future. This becomes even more important where a master owns more than one slave.
Restricting and controlling the scope or freedom of action of the slave’s body:
The area or space a slave is occupying should be controlled. In the early stages of slave training, control her space and where to be at all times. Restricting the slave to an area and requiring permission to go beyond that area is an example of owning the space a slave occupies. Owning the slave’s space can be enhanced by caging, restricting where she eats and sleeps, and restricting the use of furniture. Bondage can also be a powerful restrictive tool for controlling space. Tying her leg or legs to a bed post at night is another example of strict control of space.
When a slave is not actively serving she, placed her is a waiting status. It may be that she sits at your feet or in a corner until called. Her body is actively control at all times by using this process. It is not efficient slave management in long-term service because it restricts her ability to do routine tasks. In addition, these methods can use this for training or punishment.
Restricted body movement in training teaches her to follow orders she would not otherwise follow. This is present tense training, not future oriented
Controlling space can be thought of as controlling where her body at all times and/or placing restrictions on the distance it can be from you. There must be a reason, when her body is beyond the distance limits you establish for her.
When a slave is not actively serving she can be placed in waiting status. It may be that you want her to set at your feet or in a corner until you called for her. You actively control her body at all times by using this process. It is not efficient slave management in long-term service because it restricts her ability to do routine task. In addition, you can use this for training or punishment.
Above is an example of how you do not have to be engaged in an activity training all the time to be developing her as a slave. You can “park” her and make her wait until the next time you need her. Behavioral slave training can be at times nothing more than ordering her to be silent and still as she is awaiting your next order. Not doing this is a missed training opportunity to control her time and space.
The term Space includes the “personal space” of a slave. A slave has no “personal space” that is separate from her Master. For a slave the term “personal space” no longer applies. It is all her “Master’s space.”
B) Time – Controlling a slave’s time means that you:
1) Can set times for activities and her availability for the activities.
2) Can control a period at the slave’s disposal for her own use.
3) Can set or maintain the tempo, speed, or duration of time used to complete activates.
Time is no longer owned by the slave. She learns to abide by the time schedule set and managed by her Master.
Free time is a privilege granted to her. Early in training the slave should be allowed little free time and should be kept busy serving her Master. A slave can be “Parked,” while awaiting new orders.
The slave has probably operated most of her life on her time schedule and has to adjust her thinking to abide by your time schedule. Establishing time schedules for activities and restricting activities she can perform without permission are also ways you can control her time.
You can also order her do some task at the same time every day. This is effective during the period she is learning that you own her time. If she always does a task at a particular time & place, then you can change the time or place she does it. This reinforces your control
Sit her on the floor and place old clock that ticks loudly beside her. You want her to be able to hear it and see the time displayed. Tell her she has to remain and watch the hands on the clock slowly move. Make her stay in that place, tortured by the slow movement and sound of the clock. This reinforces that you control her time and space.
C) Physical Actions (controlling actions of the body):  Controlling physical actions means the controlling the actual body of the slave, which include the body’s:
2) Position the body is in (Examples: kneeling, standing).
3) Then the body can change locations from one place to another.
4) Manner or style in which the body moves.
This involves the Master establishing his ownership of the body movements of your slave. The control of her movements and actions is a significant part of her learning how to serve, obey and, please. It is necessary to establish, practice and enforce rules of behavior for your slave. This allows a structured and consistent way of controlling your slave’s behavior.
Controlling a slave’s body positions and establishing Modes and Rules of Submission:
Controlling physical actions: Includes, but is not limited to, establishing rules for actions she will take, teaching her positions, rules for PRESENTING, and modes. (See slave positions).
This part defines how a slave conducts herself around her Master. It could, if you wish, include how she presents you a glass of water, stands before you, walks around the house and many other things. See slave MODES, and Rules of Submission for details on my rules, required PRESENTING and slave modes. This will give you ideas on how to establish your own.
Often a Master spends time “voice training” a slave. This usually means restricting her speech. Voice training compels a slave to speak in the pattern and inflection that you finds desirable and is befitting her position as his slave.
This website provides you with a detailed way of controlling speech. Voice training is explained in its own section. (See Voice Training)
Controlling a slave’s sexual being:
Another sub-category of controlling physical actions is controlling the sexuality or sexual being of a slave. You own her sexual being, which means you choose how, with whom, when and where she has any sexual activity. She has no right of sexual refusal to you. She has also no right to receive sexual pleasure without your permission.
A slave’s orgasms become a privilege granted by her Master and no longer a right she enjoys.
Orgasms are only allowed at your command. A Master usually required a slave to ask for permission before she can have an orgasm. A Master often makes his slave beg before granting her permission. After she is allowed to reach orgasm, she should thank her Master for allowing it.
It is not necessary that you allow a slave to have an orgasm each time you use her for your pleasure. Her sexual being serves at your pleasure. Using her for your pleasure and not allowing her to reach orgasm can be an effective training tool. It presents her with the task of pleasing without feeling the pleasure herself. Denial is part of training for many Masters.
She must always thank you for using her body for your pleasure including the times you denied her an orgasm. Her sexual being is for your pleasure. She should thank you for taking your pleasure by using her. Training techniques should be developed to reinforce and show the comprehensive range of control you have over her sexual energy.
Teaching your slave “fucking positions” is also a useful tool. You can establish a different word command for each position you would like her to be able to assume. Simply with one word command from you, she knows what sexual position you wish her to assume so you can use her body for your pleasure. You own her body; teach her how you want to use it.
In addition, you can teach her an automatic position that she is required to assume for use sexually. If, for example, you want her in the middle of the night, there is not always a need for foreplay; you own her so you approach her or wake her up and she knows to get into the automatic position while you use her for pleasure. You may or may not allow her to cum that it is your decision. She must thank you for using her body for your pleasure.
You can teach her to reach orgasm without being touch by just obeying your commands. This, for many, takes time to accomplish.
Two advance training techniques involves teaching her to cum on command and second, not allowing her a complete orgasm:
A female will cum in waves. Before not allowing her to have a complete orgasm, you need have her count the number of waves she has during an orgasm then tell you how many she had. You probably should have her do it more than once to get an accurate estimate of the number of waves she has during a normal orgasm. If she normally has between 4 to 7 waves during a typical orgasm; then control her orgasms by cutting the number allowed in half. Allow her only 2 or 3 waves during some orgasms. This will be challenging for her to do, but with practice she will be able to accomplish it. This teaches her that you own her ability to experience and enjoy an orgasm. It is not necessary to do this all the time and is probably more effective to change-up; allow her a complete orgasm sometimes, an incomplete orgasm sometimes and no orgasm at other times. Be creatively wicked.
Teaching her to spread her legs automatically at some signal you give her is another tool. For example, if you touch her between her legs, she should automatically spread her legs wide the instant she feels this tough no matter where she is or what time it is. Practice is necessary to ingrain this automatic response. In time, the touch will fire a signal to her mind to spread wide for you.
Setting a rule that she must wear a dress or skirt with no panties when you are in public, shows her that her cunt must be available for use at all times. By not allowing her to sit on her dress while riding in a car, you reinforce that she must make her cunt easy to reach. A slave should be available for use and not allowing her to wear underwear reinforces it.
Another common step taken by Masters involves not allowing her to play with her cunt or nipples unless you give her instructions to do so. You own her sexual being and control its use.
Control of the slave’s body also includes controlling her:
D) Privacy:  Privacy includes three areas;
1) Privacy of the body, 2) Secrets and 3) Transparency of thoughts.
A slave has no place of seclusion from her Master and is always subject to his observation. Any retreat or solitude a slave is granted as a privilege by her Master.
Nothing is allowed to be withheld or private from her Master. The slave no longer owns her privacy and is allowed no private space without her Master’s permission. This includes her use of the bathroom, telephone conversations, work, or sleep. She must learn that her days and nights are owned by her Master.
Forcing a slave training in the nude and requiring her to open her body for inspection are also good techniques for lack of privacy training. Have a predetermined command you can give her that will place her in a position or positions to have her body inspected. Do it often in early training to instill in her that she will maintain her body as you wish.
In addition, forcing her to leave the bathroom door open at all times shows her that nothing is private from her Master.
Forcing a lack of physical privacy also adds to a feeling of a lack of emotional privacy. This adds to her feeling of being owned.
Privacy is more than just her body. Don’t allow the slave to keep secrets. This can include computer passwords, reviewing her mail after she opens it, knowledge of her finances including income, expenses and personal debts, and private personal items.
If you wish, it can include her forwarding copies of her email exchanges, chat room discussions and instant message discussions to you.
One of the concepts of slavery is “transparency.” This is openness related to her thoughts and emotions. Her behavior is directly related to her thoughts and emotions. It is essential that this information is available to you. Exploring the slave’s core beliefs and feeling should be done when resistance to change occurs.
A very effect training tool is asking your slave the following question, “What are you thinking right now?”
E) Relationships with others (interpersonal):
Rules are established for the relationships a slave has with others and is often divided into categories such as rules for social, employment, family, and sister slaves. Restriction on or rules for sexual relationships. The control of a slave should be extended beyond just the time and relationship with her Master.
Association with others is a privilege granted by her Master, not a right. If she is meeting co-workers after work for an activity, you can require her to ask for your permission before she is allowed to attend.
I don’t like to separate a slave from her family, but she should know that you control her access and time with them (excluding the separate category of small children, which is different). Under normal conditions, she is subject to your schedule. Yes, there are exceptions to this rule, remember that they are exceptions, not the norm.
You should remember that B.E.S.T. slave training does not consider a slave’s behavior as being in a vacuum from emotions, self-image and thoughts. These four cornerstones of training are interconnected with each other during training. Establishing proper behavior and turning these ideas into habits for her can also improve her self-image.
Changing the slave’s environment leads to behavioral change. A change in environment to one that is conducive to slavery helps to:
This is why it is necessary to control the slave’s space, time, physical actions, privacy, and relationships.
The purpose of controlling the slave’s environment is to:
A Master controls the slave’s behavior: Because she is helpless to change
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