Sex Retreats For Married Couples Australia

Sex Retreats For Married Couples Australia


OZ tantra are Relationship Counselling Specialists
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Ecstasy and Intimacy for Couples Gold Coast Retreat is the perfect space to rekindle your spark and zest for each other.
Or to cement it into your relationship if you’re a new couple.
Fall in love all over again.
Reconnect sex and love.
Learn skills to last a lifetime.
Find the YOU in your relationship, as well as the WE.
Honour the Divine in each other and embrace your beloved in mind, body and soul.
Ecstasy and Intimacy is a comprehensive, nurturing, safe and also fun relationship learning experience without equal.
It’s a couple’s retreat that will allow you to see each other, and yourselves in a whole new way.
If you’re looking for a new perspective in your existing relationship, then this delicious week long couples retreat will certainly help you achieve that, and much more…but don’t just believe us, take a look at the participant testimonials (there’s more at the end of this page) to get their take on the experience…
Our new book, “Coming Together” is now available, and is included with all workshop bookings
Is focused on bringing balance into your relationship and sex that is nurturing, loving, exciting, yet sustaining. This retreat will support you in looking deeper at your relationship in a loving way that will resolve any outstanding relationship niggles, no matter how big they may seem in this moment. And give you a pathway to integrate these changes at home…(our at home follow up, if desired, is second to none).
“Thankyou does not even begin to cover it.” Nicole, QLD
So, if you’re searching for something to share with your special someone this is definitely the retreat to consider, with the beautifully relaxed yet opulent essence of this luxury venue bringing an extra zing to your experience.
We limit the number of participants to ensure the best quality of experience. We look after you from beginning to end so all you have to focus on is time with each other. The retreat is easily accessible for international travellers to Gold Coast Airport too.
We know when you’re busy with your daily work and family schedules, it’s not easy to maintain a loving, supportive, deeply committed, yet passionate and exciting relationship. And once the children leave home how do you close the gap that has suddenly opened up between you?
Often our priority for long term relationships is to provide us with security and stability. Yet in this search, we abandon the vitality and excitement of a new relationship for what ends up being predictability and sameness. We start to believe we know everything about our partners, we view them through the lens of our unresolved hurts and triggers and stop seeing them (and ourselves) for who they actually are. This seriously limits the potential of spontaneity, love and passion in your relationship. In our retreat you have the chance to see each other through whole new eyes and feel desire for them in ways you might not have for years. We also remind you of the value of fun in your relationship by offering you space to bring out your inner playmates for some creative play, something often lacking in everyday life.
Ecstasy and Intimacy Retreat is presented for those couples who choose the best for themselves and their relationship. During this retreat, a safe and held space is created, allowing trust and intimacy to develop where those limiting underlying issues can be explored in a supported and nurturing way. You will not be required to share your intimate stories with the group, there will be time for you to speak one on one with your facilitators if required.
“Of so much value was the counselling provided by Annette & Graeme of our wider relationship, including some one on one time with just my wife and I. Annette & Graeme are grounded, practical, experienced facilitators and I can commend this workshop to every couple.” Rod, NSW
This week invites you on an intimate journey of deep love and acceptance, to experience the ‘divine otherness’ of your partner, the newness that develops when we open to the now and fall in love with them (and yourself) all over again…
“I thought I was a normal person doing normal things and that was me, I now see how much more I can be. As I told my wife on the start of day two, …. I love this course!” Lee, SA
Discover the freedom in letting go of having to perform in sex, uncover the joys of receiving. Give up merely striving for the one big ‘O’ and be amazed at what you’ve been missing along the way.
Become empowered in your sexuality through tantric practices, learn how to experience intensity of pleasure whilst staying relaxed, allowing lovemaking to open your heart and create a fully satisfying experience that meets both of your deepest longings.
“Totally and truly blissful, ecstatic, orgasmic, joyous & divine! We felt so safe in Annette & Graeme’s sacred hands. Marriage saved.” Elizabeth QLD
During this opening into intimacy with your partner, simple but powerful lovemaking skills are introduced for you to bring into your relationship (with plenty of time in the privacy of your own room to practice, this is NOT a group orgy offering, each couples privacy is respected). Men learn Tantric Lovemaking skills in their relationship that will develop their “master lover” ability, as women connect to the true nature of their own feminine sexuality 
Honour the Divine in each other and embrace your beloved in mind, body and soul. Create a place of realness, safety and resilience in your relationship with simple, but profound communication and emotional skills to enhance your understanding and love for each other and help you manage the triggers that are responsible for much of the pain between you.
Spend time in separate men’s and women’s circles, experience your masculine and feminine essence – that which you arise from and return to after you experience the bliss of “oneness” with your partner.
“I do not feel anymore, that other women have something that I cannot be. That mysterious restriction is gone.” Marie WA 
Gain insights into your own relationship from being with other committed couples. Feel the love in the air. And the serenity in the dining area each evening as the place is deserted by couples heading off to their rooms for the night’s ‘homeplay’.
Ecstasy and Intimacy Retreat is unique, not only because of the quality accommodation, food and service, but also because of your Oztantra facilitators, Annette and Graeme.
As facilitators, Annette & Graeme present for you a high quality and unique experience that will exceed your expectations. Our approach is wholistic, it’s not just about the intimacy and sex with your partner, it’s about your relationship with yourselves as well.
We’ve learned that we can only connect as deeply with one another as we can with ourselves, and that this is the magic ingredient in making the walls fall away and the magic (yes, we’re serious about using this word) open up.
Annette and Graeme not only facilitate, but also have extensive life skills in relationship and sexuality issues to ensure and support your experience as both life changing and sustainable. This is not only before and during the retreat, but also after you arrive back home with extensive follow up and ongoing support included. We follow up with you after the retreat as required, to ensure that your experience “lands” and becomes part of your life moving forward.
“The sex was almost instant- amazing!! But more importantly, it was the emotional connection that we found to be more powerful. We will be forever grateful to Graeme and Annette for their amazing workshop, truly life changing. They’re such beautiful people. You will not regret a single moment.” Jarrod, WA
(Listen to our video to learn more about us and how this workshop will work for you)
Join us at the Hamptons Hinterland Retreat on the easily accessible Gold Coast for a once in a lifetime intimate journey of love, acceptance and passion. Working on your relationship has never been so truly delightful, with the peace and tranquility of your surroundings gently peeling away layers of resistance…
We guide you and your partner in opening to intimacy, trust, spontaneity and playfulness, enhancing your experience of love, pleasure and passion. In a long term, committed relationship ourselves we seek to honour, respect and deepen the integrity in your own.
Upon Arrival at Gold Coast airport there’s no hassle finding transport, if required we will pick you up and take you to the Hamptons Hinterland Retreat (and deliver you back again!). At the retreat you will be transported into another world of relaxation and and stunning views over the pool. You’ll very quickly understand how unique this venue is for a romantic couples retreat, especially with the quality of heartfelt and creative food provided by a superb local chef.
If you deeply desire to honour your relationship with a special commitment ceremony in this romantic setting, with some forward notice we can help you create a heartfelt ceremony and celebration dinner to bring an extra taste of love to your week.
“Though the workshop my partner manifested a dream that we shared and Annette & Graeme, the other couples and the entire staff fulfilled that dream for us. It was truly magical to see what can happen out of love and compassion for others.” Derek, U.S.
Our Transformational Program Includes:
Nb. Working with each other- although this is a group retreat the focus is on your relationship and there are no intimate partnered exchanges with other participants.
Ecstasy and Intimacy is a couples retreat that provides opportunities for you to reconnect with your partner and recreate the excitement of your early days, when nothing could keep you away from each other. And the skills for you to keep the connection alive when you get back home (for we know it takes more than a week to make life long changes sustainable).
Check out this video with Annette & Graeme talking about what to expect on the retreat so you can get a bit of a feel for where we come from!
Ecstasy and Intimacy 7 day residential couples retreat
Nb. we keep numbers limited so you get our full attention!
Venue: Hamptons Hinterland Retreat Gold Coast, Qld, Australia
Meals, accommodation and transfer from/to Gold Coast Airport are included. 
Room with Luxury Ensuite: (1)
Full Fee $5,900 (AUD) per couple (@$US 4,180, @EU$3,641)
Early Bird Fee: $5,622 (AUD) per couple if paid by Jan 9th 2019
Wise Owl Fee $5,193 (AUD) per couple if paid by Dec 9th 2018
Room with Ensuite: (1)
Full Fee $4,545 (AUD) per couple (@$US 3,217, @EU$2,804)
Early Bird Fee: $4,325 (AUD) per couple if paid by Jan 9th 2019
Wise Owl Fee $3,995 (AUD) per couple if paid by Dec 9th 2018
Room with Double Shared Bathroom: (3)
Full Fee $4091 (AUD) per couple (@$US 2,895, @EU$2,525)
Early Bird Fee: $3,893 (AUD) per couple if paid by Jan 9th 2019
Wise Owl Fee $3,596 (AUD) per couple if paid by Dec 9th 2018

Deposit: $909 (AUD) non refundable to secure your place
Refresher Fee: For couples wishing to retake this retreat take $500 off your total Fee.
For further information or to make a booking, call 1800 TANTRA or email us
We want you to be informed and relaxed about joining us so consider no question is too small.
” ” I came to the workshop because my husband and I had felt disconnected for a very long time, we had resolved a lot of issues but the intimacy was gone. Annette & Graeme gave us all the tools we needed to open up to each other and as a result found the same connection, love and affection we felt for each other that we hadn’t felt since the first 6 months of our relationship. We have walked away truly grateful for everything we were given” Fatima, WA
“It has brought me closer to my partner and given us a deep feeling of peace and closeness” Andrew, QLD
“I have a loving and trusting relationship with my partner but the pressure of working and living together was taking a toll on our communication on every level. We are committed to personal and spiritual development but couldn’t find anything that worked for couples. We do yoga and meditation and tried couples counselling- the latter a waste of time. Annette and Graeme’s work addresses the spiritual, the sexual and the practical. The synergy between loving your partner on a sensual, uninhibited, passionately sexual level, communicating better with deeper understanding, respect and honouring your own personal spiritual journey is encompassed in a week of carefully structured workshops, homeplay and personal attention. Their work has been honed thought years of experience and they are both very real and hands on. A wonderful experience on every level.” Suzanne, NSW
“Graeme and Annette truly embody their teachings. There is no clinical solution to understanding yourself. Their awareness of self and ability to step inside their own experience is truly a gift that cannot be described in words. If you are willing to challenge yourself to form a real connection with your own heart and soul then these two can take you to that place. It is only thought a true connection with yourself that you can rediscover how to love and connect with others.” Grant, QLD
“I came to the workshop thinking that we would be coming here to work on our sex life, but what I discovered was a very personal journey of healing my relationship with myself as a pathway to a more connected relationship with my partner- emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The approach of the facilitators was gentle, open hearted but also firm in ensuring participants got what they came to the workshop to achieve. I have never felt such passion, inner peace or physical pleasure as I have as a result of the Intimacy and Ecstasy retreat. Thankyou Annette & Graeme” Sally, QLD
“My wife and I have had trouble for years to be intimate, it was a big problem. We didn’t know what to expect from this workshop but we jumped in regardless. Never in our wildest dreams did we expect it to have such a positive influence on our lives. Graeme and Annette’s approach made us feel very comfortable in opening up to each other which was a big step to making us connect more emotionally. The sex was almost instant- amazing!! But more importantly, it was the emotional connection that we found to be more powerful. We will be forever grateful to Graeme and Annette for their amazing workshop, truly life changing. They’re such beautiful people. You will not regret a single moment.” Jarrod, WA
“We came to Oztantra 4 years ago in a last effort to save our marriage. Graeme and Annette not just saved our marriage but have taken it to new levels time and time again, each more fulfilling than the last. This was my first week long retreat and I was not disappointed. The workshop cemented my relationship with my husband and with myself, taking them to a higher level of understanding and in doing so I fell even deeper in love with him. It took that love to a whole new and deeper level that I did not think was possible. Thankyou does not even begin to cover it. Can’t wait till the next one!” Nicole, QLD
“I came to the workshop for my relationship with my wife. While the workshop was based on the learning of tantric sex the input form Annette & Graeme provided so much more. The education and practice of tantric sex was enlightening and revealed to me the importance of not just giving but receiving and how this can really enhance our sexual relationship. But of so much more value was the counselling provided by Annette & Graeme of our wider relationship, including some one on one time with just my wife and I. Annette & Graeme are grounded, practical, experienced facilitators and I can commend this tantric sex workshop to every couple.” Rod, NSW
“The greatest gift we could have given our relationship. It has helped me understand myself as a man, my role in committed relationship and given me the confidence to feel, desire and explore.” Andrew QLD
“I am thankful beyond words to Annette and Graeme for the week my husband and I spent here under their guidance. We were very nervous coming here, as we brought a topic into this retreat that has been challenging us as a couple for years. But what we experienced during this retreat went way beyond our expectations. Annette and Graeme are so kind, authentic, experienced and sensitive that we trusted them and the process quickly. It felt always so safe and loving that we could go through a learning process that helped us discover things about ourselves we didn’t know were there! It was lots of fun and sometimes emotionally challenging but it was so worth it. My husband and I both understood that we first needed to be deeply connected with ourselves if we wanted to be deeply connected with each other. The insight I got from that affected me and us so much. Things started to move in the right direction, something shifted. Those are not only words, it really happened! We felt it, we went through it. I understand the meaning of connection now at a deeper level for myself and for our relationship. We came there to address a challenge and left the week changed, stronger, more loving, and truly connected as a couple. Thank you so much!” Patricia, Germany
“You owe it to yourself to come to this workshop. My preconceived ideas about sexuality were gently dissolved away by Annette & Graeme. Gently guiding me to trust myself, shed the shadows I’d layered around me, they allowed a more vulnerable, authentic me to emerge. Their knowledge and skill came through as each individuals’ and couples’ scenarios received customised attention that didn’t feel like it came out of a can. Life changing. Thankyou Annette & Graeme.” K.L. Malaysia
“This has been the most soul searching and couples bonding experience ever. We came to the workshop in a loving and respectful place which was hard to imagine we could create an even deeper bond, but we are leaving with lasting to enhance our love and grow as a couple. Annette & Graeme created a safe environment which allowed me to open up and grow deep in my soul. I feel more centred in my journey as a woman which in turn will allow me to be a better person for my partner. Thankyou Annette & Graeme.” Susan, U.S.
“A truly amazing and hopefully life changing experience. I came here with a rather narrow view or goal oriented sexuality and left with a completely different view of myself, my relationship and my sexuality. Annette & Graeme are amazing facilitators, leaders, confidantes and whatever I needed. It feels like an entirely new direction has been shown to me. I can only recommend to really anybody anywhere to do this workshop when you have the chance- what a privilege.” Jan, Germany
“This retreat was very meaningful and fulfilling to me. To have experienced this beautiful journey with my husband over the 7 days has really crea
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