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When I first saw these amorous images, I thought supermodel Stephanie Seymour had taken a young lover. But—surprise!—that is actually her 18-year-old son. How close is too close when it comes to mothers and sons?
Because this is awfully close. Especially the hand-boob action. (Benefit of doubt: Maybe it was an accident?) [Image via INF]
But then, it continued. (Benefit of doubt: Paparazzi cameras take pictures really fast.) [Image via INF]
Maybe he wasn't kissing her, but "whispering into her mouth"? [Image via INF]
He looks just like her. Familial love as narcissism? [Image via INF]
Here's a moment that will haunt him forever. As commenter sarasasa notes, "having a hot model mom as a teenage boy must be confusing." [Image via INF]
To his credit, there are other half-naked people present, and he's nineteen. Let us not cast judgment on the genitalia of those suffering from excess hormones. [Image via INF]
After all, every family is different. I once dated a guy whose mother would crawl in bed with him and give him back rubs. (Weirded me out.) In some families, they pee with the door open. In others, they drink freely from one another's cups. In still others, they share beds. And in still others, they hold hands... [Image via INF]
...and, um, kiss hands. Maybe they were play-acting? [Image via INF]
At least they look like they're having fun. I feel kind of bad intruding on their family beach play day; Stephanie's entire family, including her husband, were present, and none of them seem weirded out. (Note that he retracted his fingers in this picture.) But seriously, is this normal behavior? How close is too close between mother and son? [Image via INF, tip via james_from_cambridge]

Home » More... » Metro » VIDEO: My father has been having sex with me for years, girl cries out
A 20-year-old lady, Fatima Usman has accused her father of having sexual intercourse with her in Owo, Ondo state.
Fatima in a viral video gave the name of her father as Usman Momoh Sani, a worker in a tertiary institution in the state.
In the two minutes 10 seconds viral video, Fatima alleged that her father had been sleeping with her for long.
“Whenever I refused to have sex with my father he would send her out of the house in the midnight.
“My father has been sleeping with me for a very long, and whenever I refused he would send me out of the room.
“If I say I will voice out, he would be threatening to kill me.
“He would bring out a knife and show me that if I tell anybody he would kill me.”
“My mother did not bother to check on me whether I slept in the room or not.
“Anytime my father sent me out, and I slept outside, my mother would have slept off, she did not know what was happening.”
Fatima called on the government to help him get justice.
However, in another viral video, a man who claimed to be an in-law to Fatima’s father confirmed the incident and said the family had intervened in the matter.
He said; “When we heard about the matter, we came to their house and Fatima’s father confessed to the commission of the act but pleaded that it was the devil that pushed him.
“So we took the matter to our village in Delta State and the family said he had committed sacrilege.
“So he was asked to bring some items as atonement for the incestuous act and he provided those items, which include tubers of yam, goat, local gin among others.
“After that, the elders in the village warned the girl not to return to her father’s house that she should be staying with me.”
He confirmed that the matter was reported at a police station in the town and Momoh was arrested, interrogated and later granted bail.
Police spokesperson in the state, Tee-Leo Ikoro, claimed ignorance of the incident when contacted for comment.
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