Sex Furry Wolf Tf

Sex Furry Wolf Tf


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Dan had just gotten home from a long day at school. He had finally finished a project he had spent the last two weeks on, so it was time to kick his feet up and enjoy some free time. And what better way to spend free time was to browse the Internet? Dan went to his normal websites, posting up a few pieces of art he had finished but not had the time to post, the usual. There was a benefit of not using adblock, and that was ads the genuinely interested him. 

The ad was for a brand new online store, made to cater to the furry market. They had designs with paw-prints and labels and the like, rather basic. On top of that they had flat out basic clothing with no patterns. There were two options for buying though, furry and non-furry. The preview picture was the same for both, so the option didn't make so much sense to Dan. 

Ultimately, Dan decided to buy a simple white flat cap. He looked at the two options and gave a shrug and decided to select the furry option. No harm in it, maybe it went to some kind of donation fund? Either way, Dan was happy to get a sweet new hat to wear around town. All he had to do now was wait around for the package to arrive. The rest of the day went on rather casually, and after a yawn he figured it was time to get some sleep. 

Dan awoke the next day and was about to go out to get breakfast, but opened the door and saw the package had already come! He picked up the pleasant surprise in a box and set it on the table, opening it up. Inside there was the hat he bought! It looked exactly as the picture showed, and he put it on. He fat his head quite nicely, and he figured he'd give a look at his new look in the mirror! 

As Dan walked over, he idly scratched at his face, which had begun to itch as time went on. He figured something must of bitten him. There was a brief moment where it felt as if he lost all hearing, before quickly returning, sounding stronger than it did before. It also seemed to move to the top of his head. Unbeknownst to him, Dan's hair was growing longer, down to his back while turning a dark pink. Dan approached the mirror in his bathroom and starred back in disbelief as he saw red eyes starting back, and a muzzle with purple nose form. The pink fur grew everywhere except on his front, which was a much, much lighter pink.

Dan found himself unable to take his eyes off the transformation, now that he knew it started. His arms became slender while past his wrists the pink fur became the same as his front. His nails became black claws as his hands became smaller and feminine. Dan's shoulders lost their broadness shortly there after. A similar kind of transformation happened at his legs and feet, except his feet lost two digits of toes. Dan's legs became shapely and much more feminine than before. 

As Dan looked at his body, he started to realize exactly what he was becoming. His hips expanded outward into childbearing proportions while his rear became a bit more plump. From behind him, a rather fluffy tail formed that wagged and had a mind of it's own. Dan felt a burning sensation down below and knew exactly what it was, only for his forceful sex change to be confirmed with two orbs of flesh at his, or rather her chest. With that, Dan's transformation ended. 

She looked at her body and back to her reflection, knowing exactly who she became. She was Kali, a wolf character she had made! She looked behind her and saw her tail, wagging it with focus and made her giggle. She even played around with her ears, making them go up and down with the emotions on her face. Her tail wouldn't stop wagging with excitement, even though Dan just became a girl she was an anthro! Not a lot of people can say that! 

Her admiration of her body was interrupted by a rumbling at her stomach. She still hadn't eaten breakfast! Dan, or Kali rather figured she would need to buy some new clothes to! She gave in approving nod at her body and basically skipped out the door. It was gonna be a fun, furry filled day! 
Gift for  as a part of Giftmas: Introducing: Giftmas!

I decided it would be fun to TF him into a character, but instead of his main sona I decided to do his other character, named Kali seen here Kali the Wolf - Digital Reference. Originally was gonna be another Insta-Fur story, but in the 2nd one I did of that Kali was featured in that, so I figured I think of something new!
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Pls make a sequel I feel like this is sequel worthy
How the f**k does a hat alter your appearance?! What, was the hat filled with chemicals or something?!
A cool turning! My best wishes to Kali! 
damn it, another website with items that can change people, have to block it and contain any changed. 
Thanks for pointing that out! Fixed
well he ( or is it she) didn't freak out.
OMG I love it!! Thanks so much, really good story! XD It's so accurate too, never finding time to upload, my strong dislike of ad block Lol. 
Also what's really funny, for the longest time I've genuinely thought about trying to buy a hat in that colour and style to say I own Kali's hat, I think this just convinced me too XD
Glad you liked it! I'm a physic I guess
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"Ah, nothing better than that ocean breeze, eh Trev?" the fox stretched out his arms, taking in a deep breath. "You know, there's few things I like more than it. Heading down here was the right call Sky!" the wolf couldn't help but laugh. "Not to mention how much of a melting pot it is! All sorts of people to have fun with!" Skyler surveyed the area. "So many people, and so many people that need some transforming!" Trevor shook his head and chuckled. "But before we get to the beach I think a proper swimsuit is in order!" Skyler looked towards a passing biker raccoon woman with glowing eyes. "And I found mine!" The raccoon suddenly shot t

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Dom was happily walking through the park, enjoying the beautiful day. The sun was out, birds were singing. It was straight out of a story book. He had recently gotten a promotion to supervisor at the movie theater he worked at, was dating a super cute and fun girl he really connected with, things were looking really good for the human lad. 

The laughter of kids playing, the sound of sports being played, everyone was having a good time. Dom had taken a well deserved break to take in the peacefulness on a bench just outside the range of a nearby party. He couldn't help but have a smile on his face, it seemed like everyone was having a good day. 

"Hey, look out!" Dom heard a voice call out and he looked up to see where it was coming from, only to be hit in the fact with a water balloon that popped right in his face. He suddenly felt warm, and that warmth spread all throughout his body. In more time than he could react his whole body was transforming. 

Dom's body hair rapidly multiplied, soon covering any trace of skin now sporting grayish-blue fur while a lighter shade of that went down his front. His pinky toes merged with the toes next to them, losing a digit on each foot. They became more chubby and rounded, black claws forming out from the tips of them. His feet became longer and thinner, Dom's legs shifting into a digitigrade stance. His legs themselves formed some nice curves to them, rounding out most notably at his butt, where it suddenly became much larger and curved to feminine proportions. This would be highlighted by the size Dom's hips grew out to, the figure to his lower body was rather attention grabbing. Between his legs would be where the real major change was happening. Dom's manhood would shrivel away into mere slitted emptiness between his legs, his insides and genetic coding altering appropriately to fit her new sex. 

The transformation didn't stop there as it continued up his body. Her figure would take on even more feminine tones to it as her waist pushed inward along with her back, forming into deep curves that gave Dom a clear hourglass figure. The last major transformation to Dom's sex would be at her chest. There, two rather large breasts emerged causing her shirt's collar to dip and stretch out vastly, revealing much of her newly acquired cleavage. Dom's shoulders became smaller, arms becoming slender while her hands shrank in size. 

The final transformation came to Dom's head. There, her face would extend outward, forming into a muzzle as his nose became larger to cover most of the end of it. It would become a bit wetter while turning a dark blue color to match the rest of his blue fur. With a canine muzzle in front of her, Dom's ears would alter next. They shifted from their normal look into a triangular shape, the insides growing light blue fur as they moved up to the top of her head. Two purple earrings even found their way forming inside of her left ear. Dom's eyelashes became much thicker, highlighting her now much more feminine dark blue eyes. Lastly, Don's hair became much more thick and long, reaching down just past her shoulders, turning a dark navy blue that matched her nose color, the former human now a blue wolf. 

"Oof, sorry dude!" a man waved before running off with the rest of his body.

Dom looked down, seeing just how much her body had changed in an instant. She shakingly brought her hands up to her rather large breasts, quickly pulling them away once she felt the sensations they brought. She got up and looked behind her, seeing her bushy tail for the first time. Dom tried pulling down her shirt to cover the midriff her new size shift caused but was unsuccessful in doing so. Dom was feeling overwhelmed with emotions, having no idea what to do. Would anyone even believe she was still Dom? 

She shaking reached down in her pocket, pulling out her phone. 

"Hey Jasmine...can we meet up somewhere? Something happened and I need to talk to you in person." 

"Oh uh...sure. Where did you want to meet babe?" 

"I guess the community center? We can maybe play table tennis after of something." 

"Yeah, I'll head over now. You want me now right? Sounds urgent." 

"As soon as you can, I'll meet you there." 

Dom took a deep breath. Anxiety filled her body as she was uncertain about how the meeting would go. Without even putting her phone back in her pocket she got a called from her job. She wasn't in a position to just ignore it, so with a sigh she answered it. 


"Is this the wrong number? We're trying to reach Dom Marcus if you can give him the phone." 

"I Marcus." 

"Very funny, is this some kind of joke? Haha but now put him on." 

"It is me! I was at the park and this water balloon hit me and made me into this fox or wolf girl and I'm sorry. It's really-" 

"Okay, this is not the kind of games we want being played by a SUPERVISOR so you can tell Dom this isn't the place to goof around and this isn't a place for him to work because he's fired!" 

"But sir-" however Dom was unable to convince her boss about anything and just like that she was jobless. "Oh my God..." she sighed, pocketing her phone and solemnly making her way to the community center. At least she'd still have Jasmine for a shoulder to cry on. She got a few looks from passerbys, some just watching her while others were checking out her body. Even Dom had to admit if it was anyone else she might be looking at her too. But she was her and that was the issue! She was a human man not a girly wolf! Dom kept her head down as she rushed to get to the community center. 

Upon walking into the felt blue interior, she saw Jasmine sitting on a bench on her phone, seemingly waiting for Dom. The wolf girl took a few steps in circles, building up the courage to approach her. "Okay...we've been dating for almost two years now she loves you for you not you're body. Let's do this." 

Dom finally worked up the courage and sat next to Jasmine. "Hey Jasmine...thanks for meeting me..." 

"Uh...I don't think I know you." Jasmine shook her head.

"No you do...I'm uh...Dom." 

"And I'm a monkey's aunt." she replied in a deadpan voice. 

"We met on Sunset and Beach. Bumped into each other when we were both eating ice cream so I bought us frozen yogurt we were next to."

"D-Dom?" she asked in shock. "What the hell happened to you!?" 

"I was just at the park and this balloon hit and next thing I knew I have fur and these...tumors on my chest!' she slapped at a breasts, rubbing it. "Ow..." 

"Dom I...I don't know what to say. I..." 

"We can get through this together. I don't know if there's a way to fix this...this might be my body for...forever." 

"Oh Dom...I don't...I don't think I can do this." 

"What are you saying?" Dom asked leaning back with a nervous look on her face. 

"I'm sorry Dom. This is awful it happened but I can't do this. It's too much!" she shook her head, rushing out of the community center leaving Dom to herself. 

She blinked in disbelief, not quiet wanting to believe what was going on. In the matter of hours she lost her job, her girlfriend, and her body. She was feeling incredibly overwhelmed, and not wanting to make a scene in public she went over to the corner, leaning against it looking down dolefully. Dom felt tears starting to come up, trying her best to keep them down. 

"Hey, you okay?" a zebra girl asked putting a hand on the wolf's shoulder, Dom looking up at her. 

"It's been a long day..." she said with a hefty sigh. 

"Come on, sit down and we can talk about it." she invited Dom. "Everyone needs to vent out their frustrations and by your look alone it looks like you got a lot to say and need to get out. 

"Thanks." Dom said with the weakest of smiles and a sniff, wiping her nose. 

"Please, I'm here to help people stop being sad. I'm Tanya." she held out her hand. 

"'ll make sense after I explain-" 

"Cause you used to be a guy?" 

"How-how did you know that? Is it that obvious?" Dom looked rather embarrassed, trying to cover up her jiggly bits. 

"Not entirely. It's easy to tell when you're in that same boat." 

"Wait...what does that mean?"

"I used to be a guy too! Goat guy, school prank gone wrong sophomore year and boom, I'm a zebra girl in the midst of o' "sweet" puberty. Nowadays I help the recently transformed transitioning into their new bodies." 

" can help me? I don't even have a job...and I don't think I'll be able to keep my apartment..." 

"You can stay at my place until you get back on your feet." she smiled. 

"You'd really do that?" Dom's tail found itself wagging. 

"Wouldn't offer if I wouldn't." the zebra giggled. "Oh!" she was a little taken aback as Dom suddenly wrapped her in a hug, unable to stop the tears from coming out. 

"Th-thank you...just-thank you." 
Another story based on a picture I had nothing to do with in the same vein of the one I yesterday! It's hard to not write stuff based on images honestly. It's one of my favorite things to do (which is why most of the art I commission features stories attached to them). This was no exception! 

It was also a lot different from what I've normally written. Takes a look at the coin of TF and how it can effect someone. I did debate ending it without the ending interaction to kind of drive that point home, but it's just a little too off-brand for me so I ultimately decided against. 

I had a few other ideas based on the ideas soon. One involved someone committing to a transformation into a canine gal present, but regretting doing it after it finally happened (I probably would of done a similar resolution to the final product had I gone this route) while the other was a forced actor turned actress who puts on the show despite how uncomfortable (s)he is with the whole situation. 

Ultimately decided on what you see above! 


This story is based on art by and is viewable here: 
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Great job once again, enjoyed the happy ending 
Heh, thanks. Decided to go for a lil bit more of a hopeful ending after it was all said n' done 
"Ah, nothing better than that ocean breeze, eh Trev?" the fox stretched out his arms, taking in a deep breath. "You know, there's few things I like more than it. Heading down here was the right call Sky!" the wolf couldn't help but laugh. "Not to mention how much of a melting pot it is! All sorts of people to have fun with!" Skyler surveyed the area. "So many people, and so many people that need some transforming!" Trevor shook his head and chuckled. "But before we get to the beach I think a proper swimsuit is in order!" Skyler looked towards a passing biker raccoon woman with glowing eyes. "And I found mine!" The raccoon suddenly shot t

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