Sex Bets To Make With Your Boyfriend

Sex Bets To Make With Your Boyfriend


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The Best Way To Find Unique and Great Gifts For Those you Love and Care About
13 Good Bets to Make With Your Boyfriend
A good bet is a bet you can make in which you are confident to win. There are a variety of fun bets you can make with your boyfriend: some of them can be funny, silly or even flirty. The type of bet will of course depend on your mood and your desired consequence or outcome of the bet. This article gives you a variety of good bets you can make with your boyfriend that range from fun to flirty.
This is a fun bet for couples who are competitive. With this bet, you place a banknote(s) under a glass tumbler – you can either fill it with water or leave it empty – and dare your boyfriend to take the money from underneath the tumbler without touching it, breaking it, or spilling the water.
This is a funny bet you can make with your boyfriend. ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ is a pretty popular game that is used as a tie-breaker. However, it can also be used as a bet to determine a distinctive winner and loser. To play, you use your hands to make “rock’ (which is a fist) “paper” (which is a flat palm facing downwards), and “scissors” (which is the peace sign sideways). The rules are rock crushes scissors, paper covers rock, and scissors cut paper. An extension or variation of this game is ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock’ which was made popular by the sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” – here is how that variation works, as narrated by Sheldon Cooper.
This is such a classic bet idea for couples who are daring and like to live on the edgy side of life. This classic bet has inspired the hot pepper challenge which is a viral internet sensation. With this bet, you are going to have two or more hot peppers and challenge both you and your boyfriend to eat them and the first person who reaches for the milk loses. However, note that this can be a very dangerous game to play as some peppers are too hot and can have side effects such as – dehydration from sweating too much, and respiratory complications for people who have respiratory problems. It is important to ensure that both you and your partner are up for the challenge – remember the goal is to have fun and not end up in the E.R.
This is a clever idea for bets between couples that want to spend (more) time together because of the challenge that lets you spend quality time with your significant other. The rules to this bet are very simple: you both ditch your phones for a day – no social media, no phone calls, no private messages – just the two of you spending the day together. The first one who decides to check their phone’s notification loses the bet. A study conducted by The Pew Research Center in 2013 found that there were some negative and positive impacts of social media and technology on relationships.
Impact of technology on relationships by age and relationship length. Source link:
This is a friendly bet idea for couples who are easing into the betting game. It is easy and the rules are simple to follow. To play this bet, both you and your partner will predict what the weather and temperature will be tomorrow – without using any weather apps or checking the news. The one with the most accurate predictions – or closest to – wins!
This is such a creative bet for couples of any age. To play, you will need to place six short sticks on the counter or a flat elevated surface. Then you will place money (that you and your partner have put in) between the third and fourth sticks leaving on both sides two spaces to move. You and your boyfriend will then start flipping plastic cups (red solo cups are preferred but you may use any plastic cup of your choosing). When you flip your cup and it lands upright, you will move the money one space towards your direction – the person who flips the cup upright the most and moves the most spaces wins the money when it gets to their end of the stick. This is an interesting bet to make because it is fast-paced and requires a fast handi-coordination.
With so many dating shows on T.V., this bet is good for couples who watch reality television together. Your bets can vary weekly from guessing and predicting who will end up with whom? Who will get eliminated that week? Who will have a secret affair? Who will win the game? Etc. these bets between couples are fun because the outcomes are unpredictable and therefore it can be anyone’s win for the week.
This is a good bet to make with your boyfriend if you both enjoy game shows on TV. You can always switch the rules to fit what game show you are watching – if it is question and answer games, then you can both keep score and the person with the most points is the winner at the end of each game.
This is an excellent bet for couples who are cinephiles. You can either play movie trivia with your boyfriend or you can watch a new movie together and predict what is going to happen to the events, the main character, minor characters, and the antagonist. The possibilities with this one are endless!
This is a fun wager for couples that like playing pool – or if one pair of the couple is trying to learn how to play pool. This bet is pretty straightforward; you play a game of pool – may be the best of three? – and pick a winner from there.
This is a good wager idea bet for gamer couples. You can play against each other in different games either online or offline.
This is a creative wager idea for couples who live together and trying to get out of a rut. It is easy enough for a first wager and it involves the couple doing an activity together. The rules are simple – have an even number of hard-boiled eggs for each one and start to peel. The first one to finish wins the game.
This is a good bet wager idea for sports lovers. You and your boyfriend will pick a sports and a specific game in that sport – preferably a game that is going to air on television. You can then each bet on which team is going to win (if the sport is team-based).
This will be the reward for winning the bet, whoever loses will have to drive the winner around for an entire day at the request of the winner.
The best part about winning a bet with your boyfriend is that you get to enjoy the perks of winning against him. For example, getting to pick what movie to watch for movie night.
This is a good prize for winning a bet, get your three wishes granted by the loser. The wishes should be reasonable and attainable by the loser.
Whoever wins the bet gets to choose what you both have for breakfast – if you cook or order in or eat out. Winner’s choice!
If you and your partner are into cosplay, Larping, or any other sort of costume-wearing, then you can make them wear a cosplay of a character they do not particularly like from a TV or anime show they like – and make them go out in public wearing it! You can even make them say the character’s catchphrase if they have one.
The winner decides where you will go for your dinner date – they decide on the type of restaurant, the location, and the time of the dinner date.
Whoever loses the bet has to do something that the winner tells them to do at any given time of the day. The fun part about this is that this activity will be chosen on a random day and time and the loser has to do it with no exceptions. However, as the winner keeps in mind the boundaries set by the loser.
In this twist of events, whoever wins has to make the loser breakfast as consolation. It is a nice break from the norm and it shows that the bets are really just for fun and nothing serious.
If you and your boyfriend live together, then this bet consequence should be your ‘go-to’ when none of you wants to be stuck doing the chores. The loser of whatever bet has to do the chores for the day.
This flirty bet consequence is great for couples. The loser of the bet gets to give the winner a massage and they get to decide how sensational they want to make it.
A good wage is a wage that is fair and considerate of the loser. In this instance, when it is couples that are betting against each other it is important that you both set rules that you are comfortable with. It is also equally important to respect your partners’ boundaries when it comes to wages. For example, if your partner does not drink alcohol, you should respect that and not make them drink alcohol as a wage for losing. 
Betting can be really fun for couples especially when they are trying to make the most out of their relationship or trying to get out of the metaphorical rut. The only rules to betting with your partner are to:
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New Twist on an old Game: Sexual Bets
Jun 16, 2012 by Jay Dee in Keeping Sex Fun
Recently we tried something new in our marriage – sexual bets. We both love to play games, but we’ve never made a sex bet on them before. So, I thought I’d share a bit about what happened so that maybe you can get some ideas for your marriage.
Last week, my wife and I were chatting over Facebook (I was at work, she was on her phone). We were discussing the plans for the evening, were there any meetings, clubs, activities, etc that we are required to go to. Then she sent me a message that nearly knocked me off my chair:
Maybe we could play cards and the winner can have almost anything they want later…..
Now, the “almost” is entirely understandable as we’ve only had sex once since our last child was born. Certain limitations were 100% understood and acceptable. Of course, I liked the plan because the game is fun, and there was the promise of sex later on. We were playing Dominion, a strategy game involving cards. It’s a pretty fast-paced game with a turn lasting typically 10 seconds or less and a game lasting half an hour or more, and you’re never quite sure who is winning until you finish and count up the points.
Now, we love this game, but that night there was something else. We were both a little nervous I think. When’s the last time you were nervous about sex? And I don’t mean being nervous about your spouse saying “no”. But just nervous because you are in new territory. I was being a lot more daring in my strategies, trying new things, anything to win, and by the end of the first game, I had no idea who was going to win before the actual scoring.
We counted up the cards, and I came out on top, 76 to 74. 2 points! But we were playing best two out of three. After a short break, we started the second game. Now I was really nervous. If I won, we were finished and I got “almost anything” I wanted. If not, we’d have to play again, and lose half an hour of potential in bedtime, and I might lose. After a gruelling game, we counted up the cards, and again, I was on top. 105 vs 103. I had won by only 2 points each game, and consequently had won the bet!
A board game had completely changed our outlook on upcoming sex. Just to be clear: we were going to have sex anyways, I don’t think your sex life should ever depend on any outside influence like the outcome of a game, or chores completed. I don’t see anything wrong with those things being extra, but not the basis for your intimacy.
So, what about you, have you ever spiced up your sex life with a sexual bet?  
Subscribe to get the 2 page PDF full of questions to help you and your spouse start to talk about your sex life.
What Should I Get My Husband For Father's Day?
Nobody commented? Really? Ok, I’m game….
I’ve got nothing. We’ve never done this, but it is something I’d like to do. I always thought those fuzzy dice would be fun…you know, the ones that say lick, kiss, suck, whatever on one die and a body part on another. Hubby’s not too adventurous, though.
Otherwise, I thought about buying him a deck of cards and on each card writing something I love about him. I was either going to give them to him to use when he’s away from home to pass the time, or use them for a bedtime card game.
I was just cruising around to get familiar with you site and stopped here for a moment. I wanted to say something about sexual bets that may lead to a post of you in the future. Having read the posts on bondage, among others, I feel you will understand my point.
I am sure at some point you and your wife have asked one another “What would you like, anything special? I also suspect at this more advanced point in your sex life you both respond with a suggestion/request/”demand”/whatever.
I am sure though that a lot of couples respond with “what ever you want” or “oh, anything” or “I like everything you do,” or “I don’t know. Surprise me.”
It understandable that this happens with couples that aren’t comfortable with their sexuality or comfortable and secure with sharing it so openly, even though married. I won’t get into how they need to get past that, that’s a whole other issue.
My point here is that the misunderstood or overlooked dynamic here is that your spouse wants very much to please you. They want to give you the gift of a fulfilled sexual experience and in so doing, receive a feeling of emotional attunement with you. In short pleasuring you will please and pleasure them also. But in order for them to give to you, you have to request. Remember when you were a child and you parents asked what did you want for Christmas or your birthday? If they could afford it, find it and thought it was beneficial, they bought it for you. They received joy seeing you receive that gift. Your spouses desire to give you a sexual or intimate gift for your pleasure will give them joy and pleasure in return. Don’t be guilty of denying them that opportunity because you are too shy, inhibited or feel unworthy of a love that deep. How disappointed have you felt when you asked our spouse what they wanted as a gift for a special occasion and they replied, “Oh nothing. Don’t worry about it. We really can’t afford anything anyway?” In reality you understood their reply, but felt denied a chance to express your love. It’s really a form of refusal although we don’t look at it that way. There is always an option to suggest the “cheaper” gift that can be “afforded” if you will as opposed to outright denial toward your spouse. Tell them you’d love to go to that ice cream place from your dating days. You can find a gift you are comfortable asking for and allow your spouse to have that joy of pleasing you.
Also, in asking for something, you are saying there are things you do for me that we share that I dearly love and cherish. Will you please do that for me now? How do you think that makes them feel about your relationship? They feel wanted, needed, appreciated and desired. You have just given them a gift too. Be thinking about how you will answer that question the next time it is asked, or better still, don’t wait for them to ask. You be brave and go first. Tell them what you like and want. Believe it of not, that is more fulfilling to your mate than them having to ask. It tells them that they are on you mind even in your absence.
AS to the game post that got me started on this. I feel if you have “WON” a right of request, you are particularly obliged to come up with some “demand” and the more unique or special, the better. The important dynamic here is both parties entered into a contract of winner takes all. The apparent thing is we are playing to win. Below the surface though, one or both may be playing to lose. The loser gets the opportunity to give and that may be more satisfying than “winning.” That may be the real win of the game.
Yes, I agree, for this to work, there has to be two things:
1) Spouses have to be free to talk about sex together.
2) Spouses have to have an attitude that sex is good and like to serve each other in this capacity.
If #1 is missing, winning will feel like losing because of the uncomfortable position it puts you in. If #2 is missing, winning will feel like losing, because you will be forcing your partner, against their will, to perform sexually.
Thanks for commenting, welcome to the site.
“My point here is that the misunderstood or overlooked dynamic here is that your spouse wants very much to please you.” I think this is a very powerful dynamic for men – much more than women. I say that because sexually speaking, men are less complex than women. Men derive a great deal of satisfaction from pleasing their wives. And to not let them know how to do that relationally and sexually, is as Userdand says, “a form of refusal”. In our marriage we’ve both been guilty of it, and then blaming the other person, however subtly, for not being able to read the cues or figure it out.
But like JD says, in order for this kind of intimacy to happen, there has to be freedom. In my opinion, you don’t get this kind of freedom without some serious maturity and trust. With maturity and trust leading to deeper freedom, the gates of inhibition are blown out of the water.
“My point here is that the misunderstood or overlooked dynamic here is that your spouse wants very much to please you.”
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