Setting up the DAS masternode

Setting up the DAS masternode


This tutorial will help you to setup the masternode on the Ubuntu 16 virtual private server and collect the DAS coins in the local Windows wallet.

This guide was initially published by @whywefight. I fixed some problems that I had and published everything here.

Let's get started!

Minimum amount of money you need for the masternode setup: 1000 DAS + fees + 4$ for the vps.

Important terms before we start: 

Remote: Virtual Private Server (VPS) which in our case will have Ubuntu 16 operating system.

Local: Your desktop computer which runs under Windows.

Buying the vps:

Go to the VirMach webpage and choose one of the plans you like. I've chosen the Elite+ because I was planning to run multiple masternodes on one vps.

After that choose the operating system – it should be Ubuntu 16.04 x64 (Clean Install).

Important: If you are planning to run multiple masternodes on 1 vps you have to buy extra IPs. Do it right now because after the setup process additional IPs cost 2$ each.

Once you bought your vps you will get multiple emails. One of them contains the IP address that you will need further on! Now you are ready to go.

Setting up the remote wallet:

Download putty if you are on Windows. Otherwise, just ssh-connect to the IP you got. Here is the tutorial how to connect to the vps using Putty.

Now we will install all necessary packages to run the wallet on remote Ubuntu machine.

Just perform the commands one after another. Whenever you are asked any questions just answer 'yes' or press 'Enter'.

sudo apt-get install update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install nano htop git
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev 

And a couple more:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

I understand that most of the people don't really want to compile their wallet (it even sounds complicated), therefore, we will use the precompiled version. If you really want to compile the wallet check this and this to overcome the problems with low RAM.

git clone DAS-Source
cd DAS-Source
mkdir src
cp das* ./src

Now start the wallet and keep reading while it is syncing.

./dasd -daemon
sudo ./das-cli getinfo # Compare the block height against the explorer

Switch to your local machine.

Setting up the local Windows wallet:

Start the wallet.

In the menu go to 'Tools > Debug console' and type

getaccountaddress 0

('ACC 0' from now on)

Copy the output into the notepad and head back to the debug console, type:

masternode genkey

Copy that output into the notepad as well.

Send 1000 DAS to the 'ACC 0' address you just got. Pay attention to the fees. You want exactly 1000 DAS in you wallet.

Now close the wallet.

You will now need to navigate to your Roaming Folder. In order to do so:

Press the windows key and directly type: '%appdata%' and hit return.

A new window will open, search for the DAS folder and enter it. You will find the das.conf inside.

Put this text inside but remember to put the username and password you want, you public ip and the master node private key that you generate couple of minutes ago.

masternodeaddr=<your public ip>:9399
masternodeprivkey=<masternode private key>

Start the wallet again and type in the Debug console:

masternode outputs

Copy the sequence and number you get.

Close the wallet and navigate to the '%appdata%' folder again. Create a file masternode.conf.

Put one line there

mn1 <your public ip:9399> <masternode private key> <long sequence from the outputs command> <one number from the outputs command>

Start the wallet again. Check that in the Masternodes tab you see your settings.

Navigate to the 'Debug console' and type 

masternode start-alias mn1 

Now switch to the remote machine.

Setting up the remote wallet, again:

The wallet should be synced by now. Double check it with:

sudo ./das-cli getblockcount

Before going on, we will wait till we have 15 confirmations on the chain for the 1000 DAS transaction. This might take some time, so chill a bit.

You can check your TX on the explorer. Once it has 15 we are good to go on.

sudo ./das-cli stop # assuming you are still in ~/DAS-source/src/
sudo nano ~/.das/das.conf

Copy the full das.conf contents so your local and remote das.conf look the same:

masternodeaddr=<your public ip>:9399
masternodeprivkey=<masternode private key>

Save and exit.

Fire the wallet up again:

sudo ./dasd -daemon

Wait a few seconds and type:

sudo ./das-cli masternode status

The status files should show

'status' : 'Masternode successfully started'

Congrats you are done!

You in the DAS world

If you find this useful feel free to send me some coins:


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Extra masternodes:

If you bought multiple IPs you can use them to set up extra masternodes. You basically have to repeat all the steps from above except you don't have download the wallet again. 

Here how it works:

Steps on the local Windows machine:

Create a shortcut to the das-qt.exe. Right-click it and set the target field to 

"C:\das-qt.exe" -datadir=WHAT/EVER/FULL/PATH/YOU/WANT/IT'

Create that folder in the location you have chosen.

Start the wallet and let it sync. You have to create an 'ACC 0' and masternode key – just follow the steps from above. Send 1000 DAS to that new 'ACC 0'.

Remember to set the alias in the masternode.conf once you get the coins.

Switch to the remote machine.

Steps on the remote Ubuntu machine:

You basically have to repeat the previous steps for setting up the masternode specifying another folder for the wallet.

mkdir ~/.das2
cd ~/DAS-source/src
sudo ./dasd -datadir=/root/.das2
sudo ./das-cli -datadir=/root/.das2 stop
sudo nano /root/.das2/das.conf

Put your das.conf data in:

Important: you have to use another port for the second masternode.

bind=<your second public ip>:9499 
masternodeaddr=<your public ip>:9399
masternodeprivkey=<masternode private key for the 2nd node>

Save and exit it.

sudo ./dasd -datadir=/root/.das2 -config=/root/.das2/das.conf -daemon

Keep track if its sync with:

sudo ./das-cli -datadir=/root/.das2 -config=/root/.das2/das.conf getinfo

Check your Masternode status with:

sudo ./das-cli -datadir=/root/.das2 -config=/root/.das2/das.conf masternode status

Yes you can setup as many nodes as you want.


Q: 'ACC 0' TX doesn't have 15 confirms

A: Wait and check the explorer. Currently, a restart of the daemon can help.

Q: 'Masternode waiting for remote activation' problem

A: Go to you local wallets' debug console and type: masternode start. On the masternode perform: sudo ./das-cli masternode start. Just in case restart the remote wallet.

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