Separation logic for high-level synthesis

Separation logic for high-level synthesis


separation logic for high-level synthesis



Soap structural optimization arithmetic expressions for highlevel synthesis. Des milliers livres avec livraison chez vous jour magasin avec rduction. Separation logic powerful tool for reasoning about. Introduction logic circuits logic design with verilog. At present one its biggest challenges effectively prove entailments containing inductive heap predicates. Request pdf separation logic for. By felix winterstein. Aims and scope the series springer theses brings together selection the very best ph. Das buch felix winterstein separation logic for highlevel synthesis jetzt portofrei kaufen. Org abstract weak memory models formalize the inconsistent behaviors that one can expect observe multithreaded programs syntactic control interference for concurrent separation logic uday s. Separation logic for highlevel synthesis this book presents novel compiler techniques which combine rigorous mathematical framework novel program analyses and digital hardware design advance current highlevel synthesis tools and extend their scope beyond the industrial state the art. The hardcover the separation logic for highlevel synthesis felix winterstein barnes noble. Highlevel synthesis hls promises significant shortening the fpga design cycle raising the abstraction level the design entry highlevel languages such cc. Separation logic for highlevel synthesis 1133 2017. Existing highlevel synthesis hls tools are mostly effective algorithmdominated programs that only use primitive data struc tures such fixed size arrays and queues. This book presents novel compiler techniques which combine rigorous mathematical framework novel program analyses an. Separation logic for highlevel synthesis. The method uses form symbolic execution decidable proof theory for symbolic heaps and extraction frame axioms from incomplete proofs. Separation logic for highlevel synthesis 2017. Motivation asics are being displaced programmable verifying custom synchronisation constructs using higherorder separation logic mike dodds university york suresh jagannathan purdue university indiana matthew j. Event type colocated conference. One important reason for the separation the synthesis process into front. Since separation logic highlevel logic synthesis research group technical university budapest department process control budapest megyetem rkp. In the future highlevel synthesis will play key role. Fpgas use truth tables lookup tables luts implement logic gates ipops for timing and registers switchable interconnects route logic signals between.. Similar the hipsleek system allow userde ned inductive predicates resource reasoning and labelled separation logic mohammad raza submitted part fullment the requirements for the degr doctor philosophy computing the university london and the diploma imperial college october 2010. Read separation logic for highlevel synthesis felix winterstein with rakuten kobo. Stars updated january 31st2018 january 31st2018 the tree width separation logic with recursive definitions. F winterstein fleming yang bayliss constantinides. Bayliss imperial college london london united kingdom george a. High level synthesis. Also available for mobile reader separation logic for highlevel synthesis von felix winterstein englische bcher zum genre wrme und energietechnik gnstig und portofrei bestellen online. Separation logicassisted code transformations for efficient highlevel synthesis abstract the capabilities modern fpgas permit the mapping increasingly complex applications into reconfigurable hardware

Location thompson center. Separation logic provides simple but powerful technique for reasoning about imperative programs that building zynq accelerators with vivado high level synthesis copyright 2013 xilinx. Rtlsimfpga proposes highly novel programanalysis techniques for the automatic synthesis digital circuits from highlevel programming languages extremely. Logic synthesissystems for automatedlogic synthesis with the true single. Author felix winterstein. We leverage highlevel synthesis techniques interactively explore implementation scenarios based functional and technology. Bugs are extracted from failures proof attempts. Winterstein imperial college london. Constantinides imperial college london. The highlevel synthesis diades includes two stages data path syn thesis and control unit design. Quangtrung ton chanh siaucheng khoo weingan chin. High level security. We structure this paper follow. Reddy1 1school computer science university birmingham concurrency workshop dublin apr 2011 uday s

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