Second Life Bdsm

Second Life Bdsm


Перевести · BDSM. Bondage & Discipline/Dominance & Submission/Sadism & Masochism (BDSM) in the context of Second Life means restraint of an avatar by some means, generally in the context of sexual roleplay. This can include use of scripted objects or builds, as well as animations. Bondage is related to fetish and BDSM …
Перевести · 06.07.2016 · BDSM: I can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't obsessed with bondage. I've been doing this my whole life in one way or another. I've had "a bit" of practice. That …
Hey there ! I think you need to slow down a bit. You just arrived. Take your time to look around and know, that it takes a bit of time to understan...
10/10 on the trollscale until point 3, and in particular the word "buvvinz" that's the exact point you started trying too hard. The "munch" is wher...
I think you're over-thinking this. I understand the pressure of wanting to know where you're at, but I promise we all get it: Second Life has lots...
Wow. Slow down! I'm old and I haven't had enough coffee yet. I am not entirely sure what you are asking. RLV: It was originally its own 3rd party v...
First of all, thanks to both of you who responded so much, all of that is helpful. I really do appreciate it, Second Life has been such a blast for...
Malyzza wrote: When I get to that point I can handle myself, but right now I just need to know how many respawn points there are and what the diffe...
Malyzza wrote: Also hey if I'm annoying people by being really verbose just let me know. I'll shush if you tell me to, as if that wasn't obvious. x...
Rhonda Huntress wrote: Just be you. Those three words are the best advice that you can get involving BDSM and D/s, both in SL and RL. Don't let som...
"because I'm ace and I can't deal with that sort of thing because it makes me nauseous," Please be patient with my lack of familiarity with some te...
It's short for asexual! Ace people don't experience sexual attraction to other people and usually aren't really intrested in sex for the sake of se...
Перевести · 05.12.2020 · Second Life, it’s version of BDSM/ D/s, and Reality macattack56 Uncategorized December 5, 2020 December 9, 2020 3 Minutes Before I get into the differences between Real Life and Second life …
Перевести · 27.01.2019 · Enter Second Life...I came here after I lost my Dominant to a drunk driver and needed something to fill that void inside my heart, and I definitely was NOT looking for a SL Dominant. But, I suppose because I had been in the lifestyle all my life, one gravitates towards what they know and I ended up in a lot of BDSM …
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Rants and Ravings and Stories and Poems
macattack56 Uncategorized December 5, 2020December 9, 2020 3 Minutes
Before I get into the differences between Real Life and Second life in the lifestyles mentioned in the title, I need to make one thing perfectly clear to all who read this. They are really two different lifestyles not one and they can exist and do exist in real life as separates, not always combined as many Second Life sim owners wish, all to believe.
First, let’s define each, for all to see the difference. BDSM, stands for Bondage, Discipline, Sado Masochism. Which means the act of binding someone, disciplining them by spanking and implements, and causing pain for pleasure or the release of endorphins for pleasure by giving or receiving pain. This can be done without being in a D/s Relationship folks and many do it, daily.
Domination and Submission, is a different item. Domination is the act of controlling through physical or mental force, another human being who wishes to be dominated and is submissive in nature and wants it. One who willing gives up control in a relationship to someone they believe is mentally or physically superior, or has more knowledge of sexual experiences, to reach a satisfying ending of orgasm for both partners. It is also a way of life many live by, in marriage and relationships, because one partner needs to be submissive and the other dominate, to fulfill themselves and make themselves whole, in all ways sexually, mentally or physically.
What is wrong with those in Second Life who run these so called D/s BDSM sims is simple, they teach that both go hand in hand at all times and they don’t, or don’t have to necessarily. As I stated each can be done on its own for it’s own intended purpose by any couple who happen to be submissive and dominate to one another.
Point in fact is the different levels for Dominants in the lifestyles. Many sims in Second Life will let some men go for the position or title of Dominant period, others want them to go further and become Masters. Now a Dominant is just a person who prefers to be in charge and has basic knowledge of the lifestyles discussed, A Master is supposed to know all, including the giving and receiving of pain for pleasure or discipline. Both learn how to use implements and toys and how to bind someone. The line is really thin if you look closely, but the point I am making is this, there is a thin line and one can perform and be a part of a D/s relationship and not use BDSM, and vice versa. Few realize this in Second lIfe so they automatically combine both, in trying to train people and educate people in the lifestyles mentioned here. It is not necessary. Period.
Next, those who attempt to teach what they do not know themselves, because they have never lived it in real life, should not do so. You can’t fake it, you can’t just create something and make it sound like your educating someone, regarding it, either. When you copy and paste and take material off the internet, rebox it and try to use it as your own, you get caught folks, people do look for themselves, just telling you all that.
Lastly here, I have no objection to Domination/ Submission as a Lifestyle, nor do I object to Bondage, Discipline, Sadomasochism either. As long as all, is with informed consent and knowledge, of what one is getting into and why. Old saying many ignore, when dabbling in new areas, or just dabbling in areas that can be unsafe, know thyself before you do anything. The best advice to give anyone, is simple, know thyself before you attempt to know anyone else or do anything in the lifestyle. Access your desires, your knowledge, your needs and wants and balance them to who you are. Make sure you are safe, sane, and give consent or get consent from whom you are doing it with. Never use equipment you have never used before without guidance and if needed, training. Play Safe, Live Safe and always know your safe words and how to stop. If someone does not stop, when you use your safe words, then leave them as fast as possible and seek help to stay away from them, while you heal or recover.
Age 64 Navy Veteran- 16 years military, three branches Writing is my thing! Do Poems and stories Also use social networks and chat sites MyYearBook-Domct2002 Twitter-@BillMcCurrach View all posts by macattack56
Published December 5, 2020December 9, 2020
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