Scorchy Movie Download

Scorchy Movie Download


Scorchy Movie Download

Seattle undercover narc Jackie Parker (Stevens) is out to bust the drug smuggling ring commanded by Philip Bianco (Danova).
Here we have a woman with layers.<br/><br/>Sexy, sultry Connie Stevens can daylight as a cop and moonlight as a drug-smuggler as she thwarts an operation entailing heroin hidden in antiques imported from Greece to America, that is, when she&#39;s not swimming naked or bedding down Greg Evigan she&#39;s kicking ass and taking names: like Ceaser Danova, providing the top villain spot... although its William Smith as the menacing henchman she really contends with: especially during an incredible chase where, on a city street, she just happens upon a dune buggy with keys inside.<br/><br/>Stevens is perfectly cast here; she&#39;s got all the juice to make this lemon shine. But despite the badness, this flick, like our heroine, really has it all: including a techno soundtrack that was either re-dubbed years later during the Miami Vice craze or, for better or worse, is very ahead of its time.<br/><br/>And after a steamy sex scene turned deadly, Connie provides a screaming-pig&#39;s squeal that&#39;d make Bill McKinney proud.
This bizarre crime drama stars Connie Stevens as undercover narc Jackie Parker, out to bust the junk smuggling ring commanded by Cesare Danova. There&#39;s tons of action: shoot &#39;em ups, outrageous chase sequences, Connie taking a shower...but the best part of the movie is watching Connie chase the bad guys in what appear to be her pajamas. Add in the fact that the film bears no relation to its odd title, and you have a late night classic.


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