School Sex Slaves

School Sex Slaves


Erotica Sex Story: “Do you have $4-6 million that you don't know what to do with. Here's the answer: own your on sex slave, any age or gender. Trained by the best school in the business. Satisfaction guaranteed or you money back. Demonstration and guided tour upon request. Call 999-555-9876 for more information.”
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Slavery Heterosexual Fiction DomSub Oral Sex Exhibitionism .
Jeremy Lynch was ushered into an absolutely decadently luxurious office. The floor was covered by a blood-red carpet with a very thick pile, and the walls were lined with tapestries depicting all sorts of sex scenes. There was an oversized desk and chair occupied by a man of about 35 in excellent physical condition. In front of the desk was a overstuffed chair, and that was the extent of the conventional furniture in the room. Otherwise, there were several large and small cushions scattered about the room looking as if they were just waiting for some sort of interesting activity.
The man stood up as Jeremy entered, escorted by a beautiful and nude receptionist. He shook hands, introducing himself as Howard Johnson. "That's all for now, Nancy. Hang around, as we may have need for you later."
"Yes, Master." Nancy bowed so that Jeremy could see her pussy from her back side and the way her tits hung so delightfully from her chest. It was obvious that those delectable tits were all natural, or else had been adjusted by a skilled artist. She almost danced as she exited the room and closed the door.
"Well, Mr. Lynch, may I call you Jeremy? You have just seen an example of our training, and she can demonstrate all the other facets of sex that she had learned if you are interested."
"Yes, Howard, call me Jeremy. I must say that your window dressing does a spectacular job. I am already as hard as I ever get, and all I did was look."
"I think that we better relieve that pressure, then, before we go any farther ... Nancy, please come in, and bring your towel."
A moment later, Nancy was standing before the desk, but in such a way that Jeremy could also see all of her charms. "Jeremy, which of her three holes would you like to use to relieve the pressure, or would you like to try them all?"
"Oh, I think a blow job would be sufficient for now, though I would like to tap the other charms if we have time, later."
Nancy sort of floated over to Jeremy and knelt between his legs. She carefully folded the towel and laid it on the floor in front of her. Nancy then loosened his belt and waist band and used her teeth to lower Jeremy's zipper. Jeremy raised his hips from the seat, and Nancy slipped his pants and boxers down to his ankles.
In the process, Jeremy's hard cock flopped up and hit Nancy in the nose. She showed how well trained she was by simply smiling before kissing the tip of his cock, which was already showing some drops of precum. Nancy licked the end and around the base of the helmet on Jeremy's circumcised cock to get it all covered with moisture. She then took his cock in her mouth and proceeded to advance her lips down his shaft until her lips compressed his pubic hair. The other end of Jeremy's cock was, of course, well into the entrance of her throat. She showed no sign of the gag reflex, which again demonstrated the level of her training.
She moved her tongue up and down the length of his shaft for a few seconds and then swallowed. The effect was nothing like Jeremy had ever felt before, and he considered himself to be very experienced. The sensation was so electrifying that he almost jumped out of the chair as he exploded cum down Nancy's throat in one of the most all-encompassing cums of Jeremy's life.
Jeremy collapsed back into his chair almost in a faint. Meanwhile, Nancy cleaned up the few drops of spilled saliva with the towel and helped Jeremy to get his clothes back on. Afterward, she looked at Howard, and he nodded, so she left the room.
When Jeremy seemed to be back in command of himself, Howard chuckled and said, "If you think that was good, wait until you see what she can do with her cunt and asshole." Jeremy frowned at the use of the crude language, and Howard apologized, "Sorry, I forgot to warn you that, as part of the training, the slaves are taught to refer to their organs in the common street terms. That helps to reinforce their status in their minds, according to our psychologist."
Jeremy nodded his acceptance of the apology, and Howard continued with his sales pitch. "It is my understanding that you are here to purchase a slave, rather than have us train one you already own." Jeremy nodded again, and Howard continued. "I might comment that we provide a service for wives. We pride ourselves on being able to turn the meanest shrew into an abject slave who will service your every whim. You might keep that in mind for future reference.
"Now, to business. We need to know what level of slave you want. We can provide any level from a live-in prostitute to a complete slave who will do virtually nothing except live, breath, eat, and pass wastes except at your command. I assume that you are not looking for such extremes, but I did want you to know that they are available.
"Our normal practice is to supply the slave already sterilized so that she cannot produce offspring and to have removed all of her body hair by laser treatment. Actually, we charge extra if you want to eliminate either one of those conditions."
"I understand the full slave, but what is a live-in prostitute?"
Howard grinned and said, "Some of our customers prefer to complete the training themselves, so that all we provide is a slave that will provide cunt sex and blow jobs on command, but the rest of her training is left up to her owner. I must warn you that this often results in a ruined slave that must be disposed of.
"As a final note before we see some samples of our merchandise, I will tell you that every slave is fitted out with an internal GPS device that never runs down. With the device in place, the slave can never run away without being caught. We have found that the device is normally sufficient deterrent. In only one case has there been an actual runaway, and he was caught within four hours.
"Yes, before you ask, we do supply male slaves, but they are more difficult to train and are much more expensive than the female slaves as a result.
"Now, would you like to see our training methods in operation, or would you just like to see what we have to offer that we think that you would like?"
"You have touched my curiosity. Who buys your male slaves?"
"Oh, we do have a few female customers who are looking for a boy-toy. Also, but rarely, we do get a gay customer. We keep a few males on hand, but the quantity is nothing like the number of female slaves in our stable."
"Well, I would also like to see some of your training methods. It is my natural curiosity rising again, since I have no intention of training my own slave."
"Ah, that is the attitude that we like to see. It usually insures the most satisfied customer. By the way, would you like for Nancy to accompany us?"
"Yeah, that sounds like fun. Will she be dressed?"
"Oh, no. Well ... she will be wearing flip flops, but we don't count them as clothes."
Howard, Nancy, and Jeremy began the tour of the facilities with a visit to the medical facilities where the slaves were sterilized and fitted with their GPS device. With the women, insertion of the GPS was done at the same time as the hysterectomy, and the device was placed in the resulting body cavity. For the men, the GPS device was placed in the scrotum at the time of the vasectomy, which was a little more extensive than simply cutting the tube and tying them off.
As a way to control hysteria among the slaves, they did not know about the sterilization, only about the addition of the GPS device. That explained to them why they had a short period of recuperation.
The next visit was to the area where the blow job training was done. At first, the slaves practiced on mannikins. Actually, to simplify matters, both genders were trained in oral sex with males and females. That allowed the owner to have a party with the slave as the major entertainment for both sexes. It also saved having to send a slave through training a second time to fulfill a special order.
The mannikins had special sensors which measured things like depth of penetration, amount of suction, and quantity of saliva. The sensors fed back to cattle prod-like devices which were strapped to the slaves genitalia. A small goof produced a mild shock, but a major goof would knock the slave trainee unconscious. The slaves learned very quickly under this kind of encouragement.
As a final exam, the slaves practiced on each other. Each pair was judged separately, and, if the giver could not produce an orgasm in the receiver within a certain time span, the giver was punished. On the other hand, if the receiver came within the time span, then the receiver was punished. This was an opportunity for wagering among the workers, and they had a lot of fun punishing the loser.
The next area they visited was set aside for learning all of the ins and outs of vaginal sex. The slaves learned to perform superlatively in all possible positions the human body was capable of assuming without outside aid. That was a separate training program reserved for clients with special needs and cost quite a bit extra. Jeremy couldn't help noticing that Nancy's cunt, as he was learning to call it, was leaking fluids in copious quantities during this part of the tour. Of course, Jeremy had to rub his hand against Nancy's cunt to verify this, and she pushed back at his hand. Before he left the facility, Jeremy vowed to sample Nancy's cunt.
The last area on the official tour was the section set aside for anal sex. This was pretty much the same sort of training the slaves received in the area for vaginal sex, except that male slaves were included in the recipients of the training. Most of the trainers were men, naturally, but a few women with strap-on dildos were also training the slaves, mostly male slaves after they had been trained initially by men using their own cocks.
It was now time for lunch, so Jeremy was taken to the executive dining room by Howard, and Nancy went along, since Jeremy's finger was solidly pushed into Nancy's cunt.
The meal was excellent, and Jeremy never had to take his finger from Nancy's cunt, since she fed him the whole time. After lunch, they returned to Howard's office. "Jeremy, unless you are in a hurry, why don't you sample Nancy's cunt just so you will know what you are buying?"
The source of this story is Storiesonline
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Kati Loreal sat at the desk of her aunt’s lawyer. She knew that she should have been heartbroken; having just heard that her aunt had died but she was not. After all, even though her aunt was, technically, her only living relative, Jane had barely any contact with for several years. And when her parents had died two years prior; instead of taking her in, she had left her in a group home to rot.
Aunt Jane simply did not care about her, Kati told herself, which was why it came as a huge when surprise when, out of the blue, Jane’s lawyer, Mr. Patrick Fitzsimmons had called so as to alert her that she was the sole inheritor of her aunt’s estate, which was said to be valued at over 40 million dollars. He had told her that she and her two closest friends, Jasmine and Lexi could move out to the huge estate within the next week (although the paperwork allowing her friends to move would take longer as they were not relatives of Jane).
It should be said that Kati was a beautiful and innocent looking girl of 16. She was petite, weighing only about 90 pounds sopping wet) and it seemed as though most of her weight was distributed in her breasts, legs and butt. Having regularly trained in gymnastics helped her physique she would get continuous looks from men and women due to her shapely, petite figure. Likewise, her hair, which she usually wore in either pigtails or french braids; was so blonde that it was almost white and thus added to her innocent look. Her lips, which were expressive and full, had the sort of reddish tint that one would expect from someone wearing lipstick (although Kati was the sort who never wore makeup).
She was a very buoyant, flirty and sweet girl who was adored by almost all who met her. Although she did not possess a hgih degree of intelligence; her charm, beauty and sex-appeal would likely get her far in life. It was the rare individual who was not immediately charmed by the pretty girl.
She was a year older than her two best friends, Lexi and Jasmine, whom she felt so close to that it almost felt as if, at times they were in love with one another. They had met about two years prior at the group home and, since they shared a room together, became fast friends. And at first, their relationship was simple, girly and sweet. They would play together, put each other’s hair up in braids, try on each other’s makeup, etc. However, over time, the girls gradually became closer and, given that they were just beginning puberty, started experimenting with one another sexually. Lexi was the most eager of the girls and was the first to push these ‘experiments’ into something much deeper.
Kati would never forget that day; when Lexi practically forced her into lesbian sex for the first time. Jasmine had been away on a trip and the two girls, being bored, had decided to take their time together so as to make out and ‘fool around’ as Lexi called it. Kati had been fifteen and Lexi fourteen but it seemed like, even then, Lexi was simply far more adventurous sexually than Kati was.
The two had been making out with one another and their clothes had been off. This was not uncommon as Lexi had pointed out several months before that, it was simply more comfortable to make out with one another when they were naked. Both Kati and Jasmine, who had felt the intimacy in resting naked in one another’s arms, had agreed and it was therefore rare that the trio did not sleep together while naked.
Nor was it uncommon for Lexi to use her fingers on Kati’s pink, shaven pussy (all three girls readily agreed that it felt better to press against each other pussies when they were bereft of hair). Lexi would usually use one or two fingers and plunge them deep inside of Kati or Jasmine and they would do the same to Lexi, making each other come and feel good.
However, this makeout session was uncommon in the amount of aggression that Lexi showed toward Kati. On that day, she had pushed Kati down on her bed, kissed her forcefully and hadn’t even hesitated in plunging her fingers deep inside the older girl. Kati had done the same and even strummed Lexi’s clit in the way that the she knew the younger to adored so that Lexi ended up squirting girl come all over her. “Mmm…” Lexi moaned, staring deep into Kati’s eyes. “That was so good…why don’t you lick the rest of it off?”
And that was when things changed. Kati had never gone down on a girl before and, before she could respond or protest, Lexi had straddled her face and pushed her pussy against her mouth. “C’mon,” Lexi moaned. “Lick me until I come, you silly bitch. I want to fill your mouth with my come…”
Kati hesitated for only a second. Lexi’s pussy was beautiful, pink and smelled faintly of strawberries. In short, the scent of it was heavenly and she gave it a tentative lick. “Not like that,” Lexi said, and grabbed Kati’s hair so that she could grind against her perfect lips. “Eat me out like the little slut you are. Come on….make me come all over your face…”
Deciding to throw caution to the wind, Kati obliged. She had eaten out her friend, plunging her tongue deep into the younger girl until Lexi had screamed and flooded Kati’s mouth with her girl cum. “Oh my god…” Lexi cried, as she continued to ride Kati’s face. “That was so good….”
Over and over again, Lexi came in Kati’s mouth before turning around so that she too, could go down on her friend. The two lovers orally stimulated one another for at least an hour before falling asleep in the 69 position. For both Kati and Lexi; it was absolutely heavenly.
Jasmine had come home later that night and found the two in that position; naked, with their mouths but inches away from one another’s pussies. At first, she had been surprised; never before had any of them gone so far so as to have full blown sex with one another. They had made out, sure. And slept together. And used one anothers fingers to bring each other off, but that had been the extent of their relationship. To go down on one another and have what had obviously been the most intense of sex; it seemed unprecedented.
However, Kati and Lexi were her friends and lovers. The sight of them, while shocking, was nonetheless exciting and stimulating. Therefore, it was not long before Jasmine joined in the lovemaking. However, given that she was much more submissive and coy than the two; she always preferred the sort of of sex which would allow her to be humiliated and degraded. Lovemaking simply wasn’t enough to bring her off. She had to be thrown onto the bed, tied up and used to so as to bring the best orgasms to the pretty girl.
Kati and Lexi were only too happy to oblige the girl. Kati would smile, recollecting the time that she and Lexi had found two strap ons and fucked the poor girl throughout the night. Or how Lexi had woken up Jasmine at 2 AM, commanded her to go down on Kati while she fucked Jasmine from behind with a strap on. Or how, during a basketball game, Lexi and Kati had whispered obscenities into Jasmine’s ear before hauling her into the girl’s bathroom so as to force the coy teen to go down on the both of them.
Now, she would be leaving her friends; but it would only be for a short time. Due to the wealth she was receiving from her aunts death; she had thus promised them that the two could come to live with her in the next several days. She had already spoken to Mr. Fitzsimmons about it and the lawyer had readily agreed to do everything in his power so as to have the two girls come and live with her.
Mr. Fitzsimmons then came into the office. He was a nerdy, bespectacled and otherwise impotent man whose use was relegated to that of serving those much more powerful than he. In this case, he had been hired to deal with Jane’s estate and, more importantly, those whom she had left said estate to in her will. “Hello, Kati,” he said, as he sat at the table. “I must say that I am pleased to meet you; although I am afraid that there had been…a bit of a misunderstanding as to your aunt’s properties.”
Kati looked confused. “Are you saying that
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