School Little Teens

School Little Teens


School requires neat and sleek hairstyles like braids and ponytails to make sure your child looks disciplined.
If you’re looking for ways to style your little black girl’s hair for school, you’re at the right place because following are 21 hairstyles for school that we think will be perfect for her.
It’s common knowledge that handling the hair of little black girls can be a little harder than others since they’re much kinkier and curlier than the rest.
So when it comes to school, you’re stuck trying to find ways to tame your little girl’s afro to make sure she looks prim and proper for school. Worry no more! Here we have 21 hairstyle ideas that are school appropriate.
Our first option would be letting her luscious and tight curls loose and accessorizing it and pulling it all together with a large bow to give your black little girl an adorable and neat school girl look.
Another great option would be parting her hair down the middle and tightly tying them into two high ponytails like two smaller afros to make your little girl look neat, put together, and ready for school.
Give your little girl a Beyonce look with this gravity-defying top bun which is the epitome of all things chic and trendy. All you need to do is neatly comb back her hair and gather it all into a high bun.
After thoroughly brushing out her hair, precisely tie half of it into a top bun or high ponytail using a cute scrunchie for a look which allows her to look neat and fresh without restricting her natural curls too much.
This little black girl’s hairstyle for school may seem complicated but it’s unbelievably easy. All you need is a bunch of colorful hair ties and 5 minutes to spare for this seemingly intricate but hassle-free look.
Cornrows are ideal hairdo for school as they keep the hair out of your little black girl’s face in a chic and sharp look which is why throwing a couple of top buns into the mix will only make things better.
If you’re looking for an adorable school hairstyle which doesn’t restrict your little black girl’s natural hair too much, then this one is all you need. Don’t forget to accessorize with a trendy barrette or bow.
This style is incredibly prim and proper and makes sure your little girl’s hair stays in place throughout her school day and the two small buns will make her look innocently adorable.
This look is ultra modern and trendy and even the Kardashian’s kids are seen rocking it.
If your little girl is the type to stay fashionably up to the minute, this black hairstyle would be perfect for her to rock at school as it’s modish, tidy, and seriously adorable.
This is a classic hairstyle for black little girls which barely takes 5 minutes to accomplish and is the ideal school girl look. Begin French braiding the sides of her face, then transition them into two pigtail plaits.
Bubble ponytails are a super easy and super fun hairstyle that could easily become your go-to. What’s more is that accessorizing it with small pins and bows will add extra points to her look.
Begin with two tight braid buns at the crown of her head and then let the rest of her natural curls flow. This look is all things trendy and adorable and will make your black kid look the cutest in school.
As classic as normal cornrows look, thin cornrows just look much neater and fresher. This hairstyle might be time-consuming, but when you see the end result, it’s seriously worth it.
This school appropriate hairstyle will make sure any little black girls hair is well kept and pulled back. Begin by braiding her hair into tight and thick cornrows and tying them off at the top into two bundles of braids.
French braids are a classic hairstyle which is why they’ll always make your kid look amazing, but adding a zig-zag pattern, in the beginning, will be the perfect cherry on top of your look.
Here’s another cutesy look with bubble braids; grab a bunch of colorful hair ties and get done with this super quick but eye-catching school hairstyle for black little girls under the span of 5 minutes.
Neatly comb back her hair and tie it into a ponytail. Then style them into thick twisted braids and accessorize with sparkly hair ties. Don’t forget to lay down her edges precisely.
This little black girls hairstyle is incredibly intricate which is why it’s ideal for making your girl look school ready.
All you need is a little precision when it comes to braids and a colorful little hair bow to accessorize.
This look might look time taking, but it’s really not. All it’s requires a bunch of hair ties of your preferred color and, if your little black girl’s hair is super curly, a hair straightening iron.
For a simply sophisticated hairstyle for school, all you need is a comb, some gel, and a hair curling iron. Neatly brush back her hair and tightly tie it into a side ponytail.
After gelling down her edges, curl the ends of her ponytail. Top it all off with her favorite colored bow.
Last but not least, it’s best to sometimes let her kinky and beautiful hair loose into a gorgeously adorable afro to show off her natural beauty just the way she wants it.
Accessorize with a headband for a pop of color. This is a simple & short hairstyle for little black girls to wear at school.
Are these hairstyles practical and stylish?
These hairstyles for school are extremely practical as they are easy to do and take up less time. What’s more is that they’re incredibly stylish and modish, making your little black girl the chicest kid in school.
Why should I choose these hairstyles for school?
It’s ideal to choose one of these 21 hairstyles for your black little girl going to school because these hairstyles are super practical and easy to do.
Are these hairstyles suitable for school only?
Although these hairstyles are best to make your little girl look neat and fresh at school, these hairstyles are also ideal for other places and events when you want your kid to look stylish and sophisticated.
Now that you’ve read our list of 21 little black girl hairstyles for school, you’ll never have to fuss about taking too much of your time in the morning and opting for the same old hairstyle again and again!
Because now you have a list of easy and hassle-free hairstyles to help you out each morning before your little girl goes off to school.

KidsHealth /
for Parents
/ 10 Ways to Help Your Teen Succeed in High School
10 Ways to Help Your Teen Succeed in High School
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Parents can play a vital role in helping teens succeed in school by being informed and lending a little support and guidance. Even though teens are seeking independence, parental involvement is an important ingredient for academic success.
Here are 10 ways to keep your teen on track to succeed in high school.
Teens do better in school when parents support their academic efforts. Attending your school's open house or back-to-school night is a great way to get to know your teen's teachers and their expectations. School administrators may discuss school-wide programs and policies, and post-high school options that parents and guardians of juniors and seniors need to know about.
Attending parent-teacher conferences is another way to stay informed, although in high school, staff usually set these up only when parental involvement is needed to address issues like behavior problems, falling below grade-level expectations, or alternatively, benefiting from advanced class work.
If your teen has special learning or behavioral needs, meetings can be scheduled with teachers and other school staff to consider setting up or revising individualized education plans (IEPs), 504 education plans, or gifted education plans.
Keep in mind that parents or guardians can request meetings with teachers, principals, school counselors, or other school staff any time during the school year.
Knowing the physical layout of the school building and grounds can help you connect with your teen when you talk about the school day. It's good to know the location of the main office, school nurse, cafeteria, gym, athletic fields, auditorium, and special classes.
On the school website, you can find information about:
Many teachers maintain their own websites that provide access to textbooks and other resources, and detail homework assignments, and test and quiz dates. Special resources for parents and students are also usually available on the district, school, or teacher websites.
During the high school years, homework gets more intense and grades become critical for college plans. Students planning to attend college also need to prepare for the SATs and/or ACTs. Amid all these changes, many teens are learning how to balance academics with extracurricular activities, social lives, and jobs.
An important way to help is to make sure your teen has a quiet, well-lit, distraction-free place to study that's stocked with supplies. Distraction-free means no phone, TV, or websites other than homework-related resources. Be sure to check in from time to time to make sure that your teen hasn't gotten distracted.
Regularly sit down with your teen to go over class loads and make sure they're balanced, and help him or her stick to a homework and study schedule.
Encourage your teen to ask for help when it's needed. Most teachers are available for extra help before or after school, and also might be able to recommend other resources.
A nutritious breakfast fuels up teens and gets them ready for the day. In general, teens who eat breakfast have more energy and do better in school.
You can help boost your teen's attention span, concentration, and memory by providing breakfast foods that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein, as well as low in added sugar. If your teen is running late some mornings, send along fresh fruit, nuts, yogurt, or a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Many schools provide nutritious breakfast options before the first bell.
Teens also need the right amount of sleep — about 8½ to 9½ hours each night — to be alert and ready to learn all day. But early school start times — on top of schedules packed with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and friends — mean that it's common for teens to not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is linked to decreased attentiveness, decreased short-term memory, inconsistent performance, and delayed response time.
Most teens also have a change in their sleep patterns, with their bodies telling them to stay up later at night and wake up later in the morning. Ideally, teens should try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. You can help by reminding your teen before bedtime to turn off the phone and limit video games and TV. Napping during the day can also push bedtimes back, so it's best if teens don't nap after school. Many teens try to catch up on sleep on weekends. But try to keep your teen's sleep and wake times within 2 hours of what they are during the week.
Learning and mastering the skills of getting organized, staying focused, and seeing work through to the end will help teens in just about everything they do. But this is not usually explicitly taught in high school, so teens can benefit from some parental guidance with organization and time-management skills.
Parents and guardians can help teens keep assignments and class information together in binders, notebooks, or folders that are organized by subject. Creating a calendar will help teens recognize upcoming deadlines and plan their time accordingly. Don't forget to have your teen include non-academic commitments on the calendar, too.
It also helps for teens to make prioritized daily to-do lists, and to study and do homework in a well-lit, quiet, orderly workspace. You can remind your teen that when it comes to studying and homework, multitasking is a time-waster. Working in an environment free of distractions like TV and texts works best.
Planning is key for helping your teen study while juggling assignments in multiple subjects. Since grades really count in high school, planning for studying is crucial for success, particularly when your teen's time is taken up with extracurricular activities.
When there's a lot to study, help your teen to break down tasks into smaller chunks and stick to the studying calendar schedule so he or she isn't studying for multiple tests all in one night. Remind your teen to take notes in class, organize them by subject, and review them at home.
If grades are good, your teen may not need help studying. If grades begin to slip, however, it may be time to step in. Most parents still need to help their teen with organization and studying — don't think that teens can do this on their own just because they're in high school!
You can help your teen review material and study with several techniques, like simple questioning, asking to provide the missing word, and creating practice tests. The more processes the brain uses to handle information — such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening — the more likely the information will be retained. Repeating words, re-reading passages aloud, re-writing notes, or visualizing or drawing information all help the brain retain data.
Even if your teen is just re-reading notes, offer to quiz him or her, focusing on any facts or ideas that are proving troublesome. Encourage your teen to do practice problems in math or science. If the material is beyond your abilities, recommend seeking help from a classmate or the teacher, or consider connecting with a tutor (some schools have free peer-to-peer tutoring programs).
And remember that getting a good night's sleep is smarter than cramming. Recent studies show that students who sacrifice sleep to study are more likely to struggle on tests the next day.
All schools have rules and consequences for student behaviors. Schools usually cite disciplinary policies (sometimes called the student code of conduct) in student handbooks. The rules usually cover expectations, and consequences for not meeting the expectations, for things like student behavior, dress codes, use of electronic devices, and acceptable language.
The policies may include details about attendance, vandalism, cheating, fighting, and weapons. Many schools also have specific policies about bullying. It's helpful to know the school's definition of bullying, consequences for bullies, support for victims, and procedures for reporting bullying. Bullying via text or social media should be reported to the school too.
It's important for your teen to know what's expected at school and that you'll support the school's consequences when expectations aren't met. It's easiest for students when school expectations match the ones at home, so they see both environments as safe and caring places that work together as a team.
It's also important to note that educators may call law enforcement officials to the school for serious infractions, and consequences may differ based on students' ages.
Volunteering at the high school is a great way to show you're interested in your teen's education.
Keep in mind, though, that while some teens like to see their parents at school or school events, others may feel embarrassed by their parents' presence. Follow your teen's cues to determine how much interaction works for both of you, and whether your volunteering should stay behind the scenes. Make it clear that you aren't there to spy — you're just trying to help out the school community.
Parents and guardians can get involved by:
Check the school or school district website to find volunteer opportunities that fit your schedule. Even giving a few hours during the school year can make an impression on your teen.
Teens should take a sick day if they have a fever, are nauseated, vomiting, or have diarrhea. Otherwise, it's important that they arrive at school on time every day, because having to catch up with class work, projects, tests, and homework can be stressful and interfere with learning.
Teens may have many reasons for not wanting to go to school — bullies, difficult assignments, low grades, social problems, or issues with classmates or teachers. Talk with your teen — and then perhaps with an administrator or school counselor — to find out more about what's causing any anxiety.
Students also may be late to school due to sleep problems. Keeping your teen on a consistent daily sleep schedule can help avoid tiredness and tardiness.
For teens who have a chronic health issue, educators will work with the families and may limit workloads or assignments so students can stay on track. A 504 plan can help teens with medical needs or health concerns be successful at school. Talk to school administrators if you are interested in developing a 504 plan for your child.
Because many teens spend so much of the day outside the home — at school, extracurricular activities, jobs, or with peers — staying connected with them can be challenging for parents and guardians. While activities at school, new interests, and expanding social circles are central to the lives of high school students, parents and guardians are still their anchors for providing love, guidance, and support.
Make efforts to talk with your teen every day, so he or she knows that what goes on at school is important to you. When teens know their parents are interested in their academic lives, they'll take school seriously as well.
Because communication is a two-way street, the way you talk and listen to your teen can influence how well he or she listens and responds. It's important to listen carefully, make eye contact, and avoid multitasking while you chat. Remember to talk with your teen, not at him or her. Be sure to ask open-ended questions that go beyond "yes" or "no" answers.
Besides during family meals, good times to talk include car trips (though eye contact isn't needed here, of course), walking the dog, preparing meals, or standing in line at a store.
When teens know they can talk openly with their parents, the challenges of high school can be easier to face.
Note: All information on KidsHealth® is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
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