Scarlett Johansson Defended by Agency for Black Widow Film, Disney Called Shameless

Scarlett Johansson Defended by Agency for Black Widow Film, Disney Called Shameless

The open war between Scarlett Johansson and Disney continues to heat up. The Creative Artists Agency (CAA), which oversees the Black Widow actress, also issued a statement.

Reported from E! News, Saturday (31/7/2021), the actress's agency responded to Disney's statement linking Scarlett Johansson's demands to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Just a reminder, Disney calls the demands of the Marvel star very sad because it ignores the long, worldwide effects of the pandemic.

Called Shameless

"They have shamelessly and falsely accused Miss Johansson of being insensitive to the global Covid-19 pandemic, seeking to make her the person they and I know she is not," CAA Co-Chairman Bryan Lourd said in a statement.

CAA also reminded that so far Scarlett has partnered with Disney in nine films that made billions of dollars for this giant company.

Payout 20 Million US Dollars

The CAA also responded to another statement by Disney claiming that it had fulfilled its contract with Scarlett Johansson, and had paid the actress US$20 million to date.

Disney's move to mention Scarlett Johansson's fee was also criticized by the CAA.

"This company includes its fees in its press releases, in an attempt to weaponize its success as an artist and businessman, as if it were something to be ashamed of," Lourd said.

Proud of Marvel

He added, "Scarlett is extremely proud of her work and of the actors, writers, directors, producers and creative team of Marvel, of which she has been a part for over a decade." Lourd again reminded that Scarlett's problem was at Disney.

Breach of Contract

Lourd tips memilih bandar togel terpercaya explained that this lawsuit was filed because Disney was deemed to have intentionally violated Scarlett Johannson's contract. The trick is to move revenue from streaming and profits to Disney+, without taking Scarlett into account.

Finally, he regretted Disney's statement which was considered a direct attack on the character of the actress. Disney has not yet commented on this statement.

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