Samus Aran Lesbian Fanfic Tumblr

Samus Aran Lesbian Fanfic Tumblr


congrats on the new game, samus! please like/reblog if you use.
requests always open! more under the cut.
Популярные блоги на тему "trans samus aran"
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Bad: Samus contorts into some horrible, physiology-defying posture when using the Morph Ball.
Also bad: The Morph Ball uses space-warping technology to shunt Samus’ body into an extradimensional space while it’s active.
Good: The Morph Ball shrinks Samus down to six inches tall and she guides it by running around inside of it like a hamster in a wheel.
Had to try out the Metroid Dread version of Samus. I appreciate the Fusion-esque straps and garter belts oho~ her suit is a bit trickier now. Trying to figure out what the straps under the armor might look like. Since this actually a sequel to Fusion, I was thinking about her hairstyle from that game as well. Nintendo Direct was the best part of E3, and this being the best part of that ! Looking forward to October. The Treehouse gameplay and short documentary about the game was really cool to see too. I'm glad to see 2-D Metroid back, finally!!
Популярные блоги на тему "samus-aran"
Mais notre monde érodé restera le même, et demain toi et moi serons partis.
Give me the time of day and I'm yours.
They/Them | Autistic | Pan | Demi | Genderfluid | Black Lives Matter
My name is Samus Aran and I hail from the planet Zebes, I acquired this high tech suit from an extinct race known as the chozo. My primary mission is to respond to difficult distress calls and hunt my eternal rival, Ridley. On the side I am currently researching the anomaly I have dubbed "dark Samus".
Plot twist: A fat protagonist has a compelling arc and stays fat the whole time, because using weightloss to signify personal growth is fucked up and also lazy writing.
i will soon be relocating to:
I'm Melissa, also known as Samus’ biggest fan. 28 years old, Nintendo fan. On this blog, it is all Samus, all the time! 😊 Samus is my Queen 👑, My everything! She is my hero, my inspiration, and my most favorite character ever! 💕 She is perfection and I love her dearly. I am fiercely protective of her and I’m a strict follower of the canon games. This blog supports Metroid Other M, and I am an avid defender of the game! If you come to my blog to flame or criticize Samus, Other M or Samus’ canon personality, back story or design in any manner you will be blocked immediately! And believe me, I DO fight fiercely against anyone who tries to change Samus or twist her into something she isn’t. So if your a troll or you’ve got any agenda, complaints or criticisms of Samus or the Metroid franchise, then leave my page and take your shit elsewhere! It won’t be tolerated here. On my page we love and support Samus as she is depicted canonically, because she is perfect! 😊You have been warned.
A Metroid fan blog that primarily focuses on the Main Metroid Series from Nintendo. Metroid(NES) Metroid: Zero Mission(GBA) Metroid II: Return of Samus(GB) Super Metroid(SNES) Metroid: Other M(Wii) Metroid: Fusion(GBA)
Look, I just really love Snakus. Wholesome blog only, please leave your negativity at the door. Metroid/Metal Gear content too. Asks/Submissions Closed. Instagram @fysartwork
Chinese illustrator/comic artist from Finland now in Wales who draws a lot of action-y art and toku stuff and whatever strikes my fancy.
Artist of toku-inspired webcomic Battle-Bug
I'm expanding! This blog won't be limited to just metroid anymore. I'm going to be adding in some Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell, and a few others
I had this shitpost hit me so suddenly that I had to pull the car to the side of the road to make it
This is a Tumblog dedicated to the Nintendo character, Samus Aran, and the game, Metroid. I'll post artwork, screenshots, movies, music, and whatever else I can find based around Samus and Metroid.
I'll be using a few specific tags for this blog, along with general tags to keep things searchable across Tumblr.
I'll also tag everything with Metroid and/or Samus Aran, Nintendo, and Video Games.
Tag Cloud, this contains all tags used for this Tumblog:
Motivational Posters! My collection of Motivational Posters.
F*ck Yeah Pathfinder! A Tumblog dedicated to the Pathfinder RPG system created by Paizo.
F*ck Yeah Babylon 5! A Tumblog dedicated Babylon 5 television series.
F*ck Yeah Agrias Oaks! A Tumblog dedicated to Agrias Oaks and the Final Fantasy Tactics game series.
Samus Aran, Metroid, and any other material related to said character or game are copyright and owned by Nintendo.
My art -- though most of it is Samus Aran -- the high quality versions of most of my art is on my deviantArt page of the same name (xMrNothingx)
I like to do SFM stuff (Not very active) I love Metroid, F-Zero and Zelda in general, SSB and 3D animation. ¡I love purple and Samus!
Hey guys if You want hentai of samus or Hentai of Nintendo
Please visit my blog and if You want more hentai visit @Princessperverhentai = hentai HD
And The baby too (Art is done by drakindapark)
Moving to a new blog to properly mange this one.
So come on down to @dailysamusaran 
xjay-cosplay I really would appreciate the support!
[[ independent RP account for Samus Aran, Bounty Hunter.
Please understand that Samus' personality has never been very defined throughout the franchise, so most of her personality is born from my imaginings of her. I will do my best to research her thoroughly and bring the most accurate version of her to you. ]]
Hey, where did you hide your submit box? You mentioned it in the headcannons section, but I can't find it!
[[ o la la, are you going to send me something, anon? 
it seems my theme does not allow you to just click a button to get to it, but never fear! Samus is here! lovingly conveniently posted there for you by yours truly!
I look forward to whatever might be coming my way! ]] 
All of your signals were false, Hunter, unsurprisingly. You successfully wasted several cycles of my time. I am certain you feel great pride and accomplishment at having inflicted a squadron of Space Pirates with crushing boredom, and will be remembered for such heroism for centuries to come. I will find you eventually, Hunter. In the meantime, there is a surprising demand for human slaves lately, and I need to pay for all that fuel I used tracking your false signals. - Pirate Commando J'nak
The bounty hunter clenched her jaws tightly, teeth enamel grinding against each other. What she wouldn't give to personally escort this J'nak to the gates of a hell made just for him. But she would do that in real combat, refusing to stoop down to their level. She sat there idly tapping her fingers and gnawing slightly on her bottom lip. In thought she absently bit down, gasping a little at the surprise pain. The metallic taste of blood was cleansing to her mind, and she took in the sharp sensation with gratitude. 
Back to work, then. No more playing hard to get, J'nak.
A simple blog where this simple man uploads his simple sketches, while trying to improve his skills, I don’t have a specific fandom, but if you like Kaiju, My Hero Academia, Metroid, Dinosaurs or practically anything, you might find something you like here, enjoy your stay, and I hope you find my drawings pleasant.
I'm Samus and I like food and lots of other stuff. I'm also trans (she/her), a furry, pansexual, and romantically gay. Also I'm 20!
hi everyone, accidentally made something terrible again, sorry
Just a nerd blogging what he wants. Anime and Gaming is going to be 98% of this blog. the rest will probably be Japanese cultural stuff. I love the culture but don't know too much about it to be honest. I'm ignorant but would love to learn more. Follow for Tales of dedicated blog I run. Favorite old school RPGs: Tales of Phantasia(all Tales games), FF VI & VII, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, LoZ favorite current RPGs: Tales of Berseria(All Tales games), Trails of Cold Steel, LoZ, Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts, The Last of Us (not so much RPG but still), YS. Fav animes: AoT, FT, FMAB, the Ancient Magnus' Bride, Vivid Strike!, Black Clover, Naruto, A Certain Magical Index, index Railgun, Touken Randbu, Another, Demon Slayer. MHA.
Lauren, 21, college student. I love everything
Why I haven't answered back in a RP:
1. I am NOT ignoring you. 2. I am trying to think if a reply. 3. I’m not up to it at that moment. 4. Tumblr ate it.
Send me "Oh come on, it won't hurt!" To inject a needle into my muse and transform them into something.
Reblog if your RP partners don't annoy you and you love them.
Heavy/Black/Death ect. Metal/Cosplay/old Anime/Hula Hoop
ADHD/Not for everyone/Videogames/Arnold Schwarzenegger/ 80s/History/
The prophesied warrior of the Chozo, Samus Aran. Galactic bounty hunter. Ask & RP blog following the events of Super Metroid, ignoring Other M. Open to all.
Skype: leshikiface 3DS FC:3695-0208-0131 Hi, I'm Jessica and this is a Metroid Fanblog. I like to Roleplay and Metroid in general.
I'm Lyn (formerly Andrew). I'm 19. Trans girl. I love Taylor Swift. Aspiring Smash 4 professional. Zero Suit Samus for life. Robin and Corrin are also my babes. Pikachu/Suicune Pokken player.
"The life of a single person should be lost in space and time. But among the stars, there is one light that burns brighter than all others. The light of Samus Aran. Her battles extend beyond her life, and etch themselves into history." - Metriod Prime {Indie Metriod RP blog} {OC and multi fandom friendly}
Dustin would really never get used to the fact that people had such a fascination with his ass. He guessed it’d be different if it was someone who actually cared about Dustin. But who would wanna be with someone who made a living off of sleeping with other people? Plus Dustin couldn’t really see himself settling down with just one partner. “I’m yours for the night. Whoever paid wanted to make sure that you were fully pleased.”
Planet Zebes... I called this place home once, in peaceful times, long before evil haunted the caverns below.
[The echoing of the crowds drowned out everything else around her. Samus could barely make out what play was being made. It was something she had already done a dozen times since joining this team so it didn’t matter. Her team, and the opponent’s, both waited on either side of the ring for the timer above them to hit zero. Samus was feeling the exhaustion set in. The suits each player was given took its toll on the players. Samus felt more comfortable in her own suit, but these suits were unique. It was a bit bulkier than her own suit but she moved around quicker than ever. Even though the suit, and arm cannon, were heavily influenced by Samus’ Chozo armor this set up was completely different and kept the traditional set up and style that was common with the Galactic Federation’s own armor. The timer finally hit zero. The ‘Ball dropped. Both sides rushed to grab it for themselves. Samus was in the lead, like always. She leaped and grabbed the ball. Taking it to the opponent’s goal was the objective and Samus always met her objective. The opposite team fired and charged and tried to take the ball for themselves. It became another brutal match as every player slammed into each other for control of the Blast Ball. Samus broke through the defense and with tossed the ‘Ball over. The opponent goalie went for it but missed. With a loud buzz, the goal was made and Samus’ team had one this match.]
[Samus and the female members in here team had ditched their suit and joined up in the locker rooms. Samus went over the plays in her head, trying to figure out what she could improve on.]
Cloey: Good game out there. We really showed them.
Cloey: Don’t be so hard on yourself, Samus. I don’t think anyone else even noticed. Heck, I didn’t! You still got the final score.
Even though he was infected, Ridley was still ferocious as he always was. The infection turned him feral. Samus kept on her toes. She wasn’t at full strength and couldn’t fight him with her current weapons but that wasn’t going to stop her. All the damage Ridley caused to the ship to lose orbit and plummet toward the planet. The place was falling apart around them but Ridley didn’t care. It was like he had a hunger he couldn’t control.
Samus had no idea if anyone on the surface was alive and this crash was going to leave a dent. She couldn’t stop it either. All she could do was try and survive the crash when it happens but Samus wasn’t sure she was going to. Ridley kept attacking. It was like previous battles before so she had the rhythm down. Falling debris helped as well. It kept them separated and he couldn’t really fly around. Samus used that to her advantage and Ridley was pinned down. The ship started to tear apart now and Ridley fell out of the ship and burned in the atmosphere. She wasn’t sure if he was dead, but she could check later.
The rest of the ship stayed intact but was going to hit the planet soon. She quickly scanned a console to see if there were escape pods left and luckily found a few that were unused so she rushed to get to them. Right before she did, however, she was confronted by U-Mos. He had cuts and marks all over him. She couldn’t tell if it was from their fight or from the ship collapsing. “You aren’t leaving,” he growled. His voice was becoming more feral. “I will not let you.” U-Mos tried to attack her but was having trouble. The virus was warping him even more than before. Whatever was making him different than the rest of the infected, it only seemed to slow the infection down. U-Mos couldn’t stay standing and almost fell on her. But he kept fighting. Finally Samus ended it and made sure once and for all.
U-Mos’ ship finally crashed into the planet and killed most of the infected below. The rest of the planet was untouched but they all felt the impact. A group of survivors gathered around a different area, though. They had no idea what had happened or if the infected were still around but came out of their hiding spots to get a glance. It was a small piece from the Luminoth ship; an escape pod. The survivors didn’t know what to make of it but suddenly were joyful when they saw Samus climb out of the pod. She looked around the area and at the destruction.
With U-Mos dead, the rest of the infected was finally mopped up and taken care of. Other Galactic Federation planets that weren’t attacked pitched in to help. There were not many survivors from the Federation council but they got together and all agreed to make Samus the new leader of the Galactic Federation. At first she didn’t want to accept but knew that they would need someone trustworthy. They needed a leader. Especially when the Space Pirates would attack. They fled the moment Ridley became infected, but they weren’t gone for good. Mother Brain was still around. Rebuilding the Galactic Federation was going to take time. It was going to take a lot of effort too. But Samus promised to not let Keaton’s or even U-Mos’ death be in vain. She was going to rebuild it and make it right.
Finally, Samus was face to face with the infected U-Mos. Just like last time, he was expecting her. Several Luminoth jumped her but they didn’t keep Samus down. She was pushed back by a sudden push of force and slammed against the wall. U-Mos stood over her as she got back up. “You’re strong Samus,” he told her. “You will make a fine warrior on my army.”
“This isn’t an army,” Samus responded bitterly. “This is just a group of mindless monsters. You are killing innocent people.”
“What I’m doing is helping them. You’ll see it soon, Samus.” Samus pushed back against U-Mos and opened fire. His abilities were strong but it wasn’t as strong as she remembered. The virus weakened him, though Samus was surprised they were even still there. Something separated U-Mos from the rest of the infected. He was unique and could even control the other infected. He even was gaining back his powers. Samus overpowered U-Mos and he staggered back.
The ship started to shake. It seemed that the Space Pirates must have started to target the ship. But something seemed different. Samus’ attention was taken away as an infected jumped her from behind. She couldn’t see him but knew it wasn’t a Luminoth. She grabbed the infected’s collar and tossed him over her shoulder. Samus pointed her arm cannon and was ready to shoot him but then she saw who it was. It was Keaton. He was mindless and vicious. She kept him pinned down as he struggled to bite or scratch Samus. Even though she fought it, Samus knew what she had to do and fired. When Samus looked up, U-Mos was gone and Samus cursed. He couldn’t have gotten far.
She went back to her ship but it was too damaged to take off. U-Mos must have taken one of the unused ships. There was a few left and she went for one of them but stopped as she started to hear rumbling in the ship. Something was moving through the ship and was coming toward her. It was then that Ridley tore through the wall near her. Samus barley made it out of the way as he attacked. “What are you doing?” she yelled at him. Ridley didn’t respond and it became pretty clear what happened. Ridley was infected.
Are you going to start confirming twitter followers any time soon. I followed you and don’t wanna miss any good posts
Scientists have recently discovered that all of mankind descended from two common parents.
((Independant RP blog for Samus Aran from the Metroid Series. This muse will be based on the entire Metroid TImeline EXCLUDING OTHER M BECAUSE THAT WAS A TERRIBLE GAME. No images or icons used are mine unless otherwise stated.))
Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse
“Hello Mario.” Samus knew the red plumber well considering the two were in Smash Brothers tournaments since the very first one. Although, Samus wasn’t exactly expecting to see him in this part of space, she had to remember that she wasn’t the only one who’s had intergalactic adventures. “I honestly wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
So, it’s a red suit? Cool. Not sure why I’d want to turn anyone else, though. I’m more the ‘shoot first and ask questions after the planet’s destroyed’ type.
*Nonetheless, she steps forward. Her varia suit begins to materialize around her, and the module floating before her begins to spin. Finally, it flies into her, and her suit is briefly enveloped in golden light, which soon turns pink before fading away, revealing th
Luna Star Fucking Machine
Vk Com Anal Web
Highschool Girls Ass
Naked Dance Vk
Orgy Bang Cream Hd
i love samus aran
#trans samus aran on Tumblr
#samus-aran on Tumblr
#SamusAran on Tumblr
Set a fire in your heart, Spartan : Samus Aran in METROID ...
#link x samus on Tumblr
A Bounty Hunter and a Princess' Secret Chapter 1, a super ...
Slayer, Hunter Chapter 1: Toys and Comic Books, a Metroid ...
A Shifted Attitude Chapter 2, a metroid fanfic | FanFiction
Samus Aran - Works | Archive of Our Own
Samus Aran Lesbian Fanfic Tumblr

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