Safe House Full Movie Torrent

Safe House Full Movie Torrent


Safe House Full Movie Torrent

In Cape Town, South Aftica, rookie CIA agent Matt Weston is a safe house keeper and is in love with his French girlfriend Ana Moreau who does not know about his double life. When the most wanted rogue and former CIA agent Tobin Frost surrenders to the American Consulate to escape from an attack of dangerous soldiers of fortune, he is brought to the safe house to be interrogated by specialist Daniel Kiefer and his team. However there is a breach in the safe house and mercenaries break in the place expecting to capture Tobin Frost. Matt escapes with Tobin and he contacts the CIA senior management Harlan Whitford, David Barlow and Catherine Linklater that give instruction to Matt to reach another safe house. But Tobin warns Matt that there is an informer in the CIA and he shall not trust in anyone.
Tobin Frost was once a well respected CIA agent, until he turned nine years ago, he who is now wanted for espionage. Largely underground, he voluntarily turns himself in to the US government via their consulate in Cape Town, South Africa. From there, he is transferred to a safe house overseen by neophyte CIA agent Matthew Weston, this posting which is relatively low within the bureaucracy. Weston's job is to protect his house guests at all cost. Out of circumstance, Weston and Frost are forced to go on the run from the house, largely without the help of anyone else within the agency, including those at Langley such as Weston's boss David Barlow, Barlow's peer Catherine Linklater who is in charge of the section interrogating Frost, and their superior Deputy Director Harlan Whitford, that is until they are able to give him further instructions. Weston's task is difficult as they are being pursued by some men who are after Frost for some reason and are willing to kill, and Frost is largely an unwilling companion, who tries to undermine Weston, particularly psychologically, and escape at every opportunity. Weston has no idea why Frost came in, something those at Langley are trying to determine. Weston knows his career is on the line if he fails in the mission, that is if he survives. During the process, Weston is continually thinking about his girlfriend, French national Ana Moreau, to who he lied about his job, and thus whose life may be in danger without her even knowing it or ever knowing why it may have been in danger.
WEEKLY MOVIE REVIEW: SAFE HOUSE<br/><br/>MINI-REVIEW: A fast-paced race against time featuring an experienced mentor and an up-and-comer.<br/><br/>RATING: Wait for the instant download (Rating System: &quot;See it in theaters,&quot; &quot;Wait for the instant download,&quot; &quot;Don&#39;t waste your time.&quot;<br/><br/>Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) is a green CIA agent looking to make his transition from ordinary agent to field agent. He is stuck with the boring job of sitting in a &quot;safe house&quot; - a secret location for detaining prisoners (&quot;house guests&quot;) until they can be moved to a more secure location.<br/><br/>Things are pretty boring until Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) is brought it. Frost is a notorious double agent known for his ability to evade capture. No sooner is Frost secured in Weston&#39;s safe house than a bunch of bad guys storm the place to capture Frost. Weston takes charge and ushers Frost out of the building. Weston wants to get Frost to a new safe house but he is nagged by the question of how the bad guys knew where to find Frost – there must be a mole in the CIA. Now Weston must deliver Frost, discover Frost&#39;s secret, and expose the CIA mole before they find him. And we&#39;re off…<br/><br/>&quot;Safe House&quot; uses the device of the mature, older, agent as mentor to push the Weston character to look at himself and ask hard questions: Is this the life I want? Will I ever have a decent relationship? Who can I ever really trust?<br/><br/>Denzel Washington walks effortlessly through the role of Tobin Frost. He manipulates Weston by forcing him to think about things that, as a younger man, Frost had to confront himself. I haven&#39;t seen Washington in a movie in a long time. I was pleasantly surprised to see the actor that I remembered from such fine movies as &quot;Philadelphia&quot; and &quot;Crimson Tide.&quot; He was just as good as ever, and had mellowed with age. <br/><br/>Ryan Reynolds held his own against Washington, playing the younger, inexperienced agent who learns fast. Reynolds has had a lot of screen time recently in such movies as &quot;Green Lantern,&quot; &quot;The Proposal,&quot; and &quot;The Change Up.&quot; He usually plays a comic character – which is appropriate as he holds a comic resume (&quot;Van Wilder,&quot; and TV&#39;s &quot;Two Guys, A Girl, and a Pizza Place.&quot;) Here, he plays a full-on action hero to Washington&#39;s more experienced mentor.<br/><br/>The dynamic between these two players is exciting to watch. There is no apparent competition on-screen (which is so often the case when mega- personalities come together). Instead, there is a wonderful creative collaboration that results in an entertaining action flick.<br/><br/>Sadly, the surrounding plot is pretty predictable and does not support the two players. The action is acceptable, but the real movie is about the older, wiser man guiding the younger man. Perhaps it isn&#39;t just the characters who are playing out the mentor/mentee relationship, but the actors as well.<br/><br/>So, for a predictable action/spy plot with two fine actors playing their roles perfectly, I can only recommend that you wait for the instant download.
I give it a &quot;6&quot; for the amazing fight and chase scenes.<br/><br/>I also admit that it&#39;s not really mindless. It has a rather layered structure, basically involving ((spoiler)) an agency-within-the-agency intrigue.<br/><br/>It&#39;s basically an urban fairy tale which functions like an urban legend. The urban legend of the Babysitter and the Man Upstairs is supposed to ward off the boogies of young lust in favor of august responsibility to the next generation. And the urban legend put forth in &quot;Safe House&quot; is that of the Honorable, Small-Potatoes CIA Operative who Brings Down the Temple of Corruption, Returning the CIA to Honor and Dignity and Service to the Proles whose Taxes Pay their Ways.<br/><br/>Perhaps you think this is a paranoid analysis. You&#39;re not paranoid if they *are* out to get you, and I&#39;m not paranoid if this is pretty much the way the story winds up. And this *is* how it winds up.<br/><br/>I think it&#39;s another case of (as J.R. &quot;Bob&quot; Dobbs said) people &quot;Paying to Know what they REALLY Think.&quot; People will pay to watch violent action--sure, they will! But the film drops an additional payload; a ticket to a sounder night&#39;s sleep, secure in the knowledge that your government really does care about you and loves you and believes in decency and sustainable republican values.<br/><br/>Well, I guess you get what you pay for, eh? Nighty night!
Crash. Kick. Stab. Punch. Talk (briefly). Smash. Chase. Screech. Shoot. Mumble. That's the wearying pattern of Safe House. Had "think" been an action verb, the movie might have risen above the knee-jerk excitement of the second-tier, "Bourne"-style spy thriller. But it never does.
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