Safe Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download

Safe Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download


Safe Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download

Mei, a young girl whose memory holds a priceless numerical code, finds herself pursued by the Triads, the Russian mob, and corrupt NYC cops. Coming to her aid is an ex-cage fighter whose life was destroyed by the gangsters on Mei's trail.
In China, the girl Mei is a genius that looks like a computer in numbers. She is abducted by the Chinese Triads and the boss Han Jiao ends Mei to Chinatown, in New York, to help him in the control of his activities. Meanwhile, the fighter Luke Wright has his life destroyed when he wins a fight against the will of the Russian Mafia and accidentally kills his opponent. The Russian mobsters kill his wife and the alcoholic Luke wanders on the streets and hostels with no objective in life. One day, Han Jiao asks Mei to memorize a long number and soon the Russian Mafia abducts the girl from the Chinese mobs. She escapes from the mobsters and is chased by the Russians; by the corrupt detectives from the NYPD; and by the Triads. When Luke sees the girl fleeing from the Russian mobs in the subway, he protects the girl and discovers that the number she had memorized is the combination of a safe where the Triads keep 30 million dollars. Luke is an elite agent and uses his skills to protect the girl.
&#39;Safe&#39; is the latest vehicle to showcase Jason Statham&#39;s ability to punch, kick, and shoot various henchmen. The plot here plays more of a role than compared to past JS films, as this one involves a young Chinese girl with a brilliant memory who&#39;s wanted by both the Russian and Chinese mob, aided by corrupt cops, and it&#39;s just to a down-on-his-luck Jason Statham to save the day.<br/><br/>When watching a film like this, suspending your disbelief is a must, which is just a given. Things happen in this movie that not only wouldn&#39;t be possible, but you wonder how some characters can escape out of situations not only alive, but untouched. But this was actually one of my favorite Stathom movies in a while. I despised his recents efforts in throwaway films like The Mechanic and Killer Elite. It hasn&#39;t been since Transporter 3, another mindless romp, that I&#39;ve enjoyed one of films this much.<br/><br/>The film&#39;s worth seeing if you&#39;re an action movie fan with some time to kill, in sort of a Sunday afternoon stay at home type of way. You&#39;ll cringe at the acting and dialogue of the little Chinese girl, but you&#39;ll be entertained.
Safe, the new Jason Statham vehicle, is a blasting, high-energy ball of skull bashing, nut crunching, and head cracking enjoyment. It shows that Statham still packs a punch and is not afraid to play the same role again, and again, and again. Safe is a throwback film to classic action movies, where protagonists didn&#39;t need solid back-stories or character development, just the ability to constantly kick ass.<br/><br/>Luke Wright (Statham) is an underground cage fighter, trying to make ends meet by getting pummeled and paid to lose. After one night of putting an up-and-coming fighter in a coma, Wright upsets the wrong people and the Russian mob kill his family and give him an ultimatum. They won&#39;t kill him, only every single person he ever gets close to. He can end it all by killing himself. Yeah, that&#39;s the most economical way to use manpower, right? Wright eventually becomes a swaggering, alcoholic wino, stumbling the streets of New York City, descending into a pit of suicidal desperation until he spots Mei (Catherine Chen), a Chinese prodigal 11-year-old girl, in a train station on the run from the same Russian mob that killed Wright&#39;s family. Wright saves Mei in a realization that she represents a second chance for him, and in turn uncovers an all out war between the Russian mob, the Chinese mob, led by James Hong (Kung Fu Panda, Balls of Fury), and a group of dirty cops, out to get Wright for a previous time that he screwed them over…when he was a cop.<br/><br/>This film moves fast and leaves no prisoners behind. The back stories and introduction play out in a fast-paced, no holds barred thirty minutes and as the movie progresses, Wright&#39;s back story gets more and more convoluted but we are moving so fast from scene to scene that there isn&#39;t enough time to dwell on inconsistencies. Because Statham has given audiences his usual manliness action guy role (95% of His Movies) he slides into this role with ease and familiarity. Wright is a transparent character that delivers one-liners every five seconds and Statham owns them every time. Any other actor playing Wright would fall flat. Statham shows that he has a certain persona that he can milk, similar to the great action stars, like Bruce Willis and Schwarzenegger.<br/><br/>The director, Boaz Yakin, proves that he is a much better director (Remember the Titans, Fresh) than writer (Prince of Persia, Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights) but still afraid to go over the edge. I think he&#39;s on the verge of obtaining something awesome, maybe with his next written feature Now You See Me, starring Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Morgan Freeman, Isla Fischer, Jesse Eisenberg, and Dave Franco will make up for his past (damn, now I really want to watch Now You See Me).<br/><br/>Basically, Safe is exactly what you think it is. It doesn&#39;t offer anything new that you haven&#39;t seen before, and honestly, you probably will experience some déjà vu because of its similarities to almost every other action movie. Safe is just another explosive, entertaining action B-movie, nothing more, nothing less.<br/><br/>Chad
A preposterously enjoyable - or enjoyably preposterous - action-thriller.

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