SIX network-Reinventing Digital Economy

SIX network-Reinventing Digital Economy



Six system is a Decentralized Digital Asset Wallet, set up to offer the arrangements looked by the Higher, Small and medium associations in the Digital and imaginative business focuses. Six system is proposed to diminish trade costs, nonappearance of budgetary liquidity, cross-stage exchange inconveniences, and despicableness of compensation scattering can be handled with the 3-layer monetary structure of 

Following are the main problems looked by Digital and Creative Marketplaces and the Solutions Offered by the Six Network. 

Flightiness in Maintaining the Payments for the Contractors or the Part time content creators: There are bundle of associations, who manages the innovative substance providers and Pay them in perspective of the Revenue they deliver through Selling the substance. 

The computerized and innovative business focuses, including Digital Image, video Platforms, Custom arrangement business focuses, and associations, who consider Generating substance from End customers have two-sided installment taking care of and the Transaction costs, which are high and results in Slow exercises. 

Ex:, this site is for Digital Content, and it is the place content originators can join as an associate and make graphical/vectors/psd records et cetera and if any end customer/association purchases the substance made by the Content Creator, the fashioner gets credited with centers/proportionate (which will be allotted by the Marketplace) and the concentrations will be changed over and remunerated as cash in light of the Cashout Operational Terms of Freepic.While they settle the Cash in fiat with the substance Makers, the two get-togethers borne high trade charges by the Payment Gateway center individuals. 

Course of action : Six system is required to diminish the Complexity of installment technique of the Creative Industry by exhibiting Smart Payroll System. Six's Smart back works with the Smart contracts and it will empower the associations to make sensible costs for dealing with particular organizations from start to end. Additionally, it will diminish the inefficiency of keeping up Micro Payrolls in these Industries. With a particular true objective to decrease the united, reliable installment flow process in the Supply chain, Six's Network analyze and understand the complexities of administering scaled down scale installments settling and the system and empower a capable installment structure. 

Work today, get paid Later: 

These days, larger piece of the higher profile associations outsource their work method to the consultancies. These are the associations who manage the eccentric system of work, for instance, movement and nature of the work check by these associations to build the estimation of the organizations they offer. These are the huge associations who are standing up to the liquidity issues which are achieving holding the installments to the pros every so often, the business people powers and give them for Long credit installment periods. Bigger part times, these associations need to pay from their pockets to the experts beforehand even they get settled by the rule affiliation. This situation makes them difficult to manage their standard cash streams. 


Six Network is exhibiting Instant Pay, this works nearby the Smart Payroll Platform. In Instant Pay, Business proprietors are the key accessories of, Borrowers who acquire beyond what many would consider possible from the Content producers who empower the associations and the substance creators in Liquidity. 

For ex: Let us consider a future customer of, Following is the usage case with Instapay incorporate. will be the Lender, content creators are the assurance proprietors and who purchases the substance will be a client. 

The business part utilizes a worker with a credit time of "X" days Payment term. 

This business will be done through a splendid contract and the Content expert can request an Instapay once the work wraps up. will have 2 other options to settle the money to the substance creator (1) they pay using their internal pay decisions or (2) they can request to pay the workers first and once they get installments from their client/purchasers, the pro repays the particular total back to 

If the substance creators use minute pay, charges an inconsequential trade charge than the traditional installment planning stages. 


Various Industries, distribute centers in perspective of the Loyalty structure they made in order to hold their customers which can be recuperated in a comparative store for acquiring a couple or the other or change over those concentrations into fiat at a low exchange cost by the Holders. Holder won't have the ability to use these concentrations on occasion as it ends and they don't comprehend that those concentrations are passed. Likewise, from the business side, it is even hard to track, Manage the unused and slipped by centers for their accounting shapes. 

Plan: Six system gives a SDK to the associations, and it empowers them to change over the virtual concentrations to their own specific Digital tokens on Blockchain. Associations can get to the stage and reward their customers with tokens, as it works with Smart contract, they can hack down the trade charges. Holder, can total concentrations from any purchases and those will be secured in wallet, and change over these concentrations to cash or trade them. 

Computerized ASSET WALLET 

SIX Wallet gives one place to store, partner, and business each and every advanced resource decentralizedly using Smart contracts. 

Store: Six.networks first wallet will make another way to deal with store computerized resources. This will allow any blockchain based advanced resources produced using the Digital substance creators. The substance can be a music record, a Document content, it can be a film, Payroll, Loyalty and Reward Tokens. 

Connect​: Using SIX Digital Asset Wallets licenses to connect with each other. will give a p2p correspondence layer to customers and a decentralized chatbot APIs for associations. 

Commerce​: will give the most accommodating kind of decentralized business. Content makers can offer their works clearly from their SIX Digital Asset Wallets. 

Conclusion: Six system deals with main problems like budgetary costs, Liquidity, Single Loyalty stage to change over all the accumulated concentrations to fiat and an anchored wallet to store the Digital substance, connect with each other and offer reports.

Token Details

Token: SIX

Platform: Ethereum

Standard: ERC20

Quantity: 1,000,000,000 SIX

Price: 1 SIX = 0,1 USD

Payment: ETH

Soft cap: 15,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 42,905,579 USD

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Author TheJohnMatch


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