
ServAdvisor a blockchain based platform for travelers. ServAdvisor applies the blockchain technology, AI algorithms, and augmented reality (AR) technology to create an app that provides a myriad of benefits and uses to the average traveler.

ServCoins are utility tokens that will become the currency that enables retailers and service providers to utilize this powerful blockchain distributed platform to influence and reward consumers to make smarter choices.

ServAdvisor is a marketing and consumer engagement platform that enables participating brands to incentivize consumers who check their info via App. This becomes a sustainable mechanism for retailers\ service providers to maintain customer loyalty, to provide rich product and promotional information to influence purchase decisions right at the time when the user is actually standing at the door.”

The decentralization and immutability of information may very well be the greatest asset of the blockchain in an evolving world. Outside of the control of a central regulator authority, information stored on the blockchain is often permanent, and remains free from some of the abuses which help to characterize information storage in the traditional paradigm.

Consequently, more and more organizations are making use of blockchain technology to create a variety of businesses in sectors that could use the kind of freedom offered by the blockchain’s public transaction and informational ledger.

These new startups take advantage of a public distrust of the traditional model for storing information in a variety of industries. Their use of the blockchain draws the interest of young, innovative entrepreneurs who want to shake up their industry of choice.

Another technology helping to shape and shake up the technological world in 2018 is augmented reality. Developed initially for simple games and Virtual Reality experiences, AR technology has transitioned to a technology backing some seriously interesting technological innovations in recent years. Some companies are even using the technology to create unique experiences between consumers of media and their favorite artists.

ServAdvisor Decentralized AR/AI Services Blockchain Features

Unlike some Initial Coin Offerings, the ICO by ServAdvisor provides a clear list of the features which developers are working to include in the standalone travel application. In no particular order, explanations of these functions are included below.

A “friends and experts” section of the app is available. Though little information is provided to expand on this idea, it seems likely that this section will allow users to compile lists of both their closest travel companions and the experts which they trust on important decisions. This will help to individualize the travel review sampling experience.

The company plans to use both AR and AI technology, to revolutionize GPS tracking and user preferences respectively. Augmented reality will likely be used to display names and reviews associated with nearby points of interests in real-time, while AI will recommend user settings based on existing preferences.

The app also seeks to incentivize reviews and advertisements in order to jumpstart user interest in the reviewing functionality of the application.

Multi-language capabilities, translation programs, and a “tap to scan” feature help to maximize the user interface efficiency of the new app, while a “Wi-Fi passwords sharing module” feature allows users to share information regarding how to access free and paid Wi-Fi networks as they travel through an establishment in their town of choice.

ServAdvisor SRV Token ICO Details

The SRV coins sold during the ICO process can be used in three different ways. Consumers are able to sell or buy the tokens on an exchange, use the tokens to facilitate transactions as app users, or use the tokens ad retail/service providers.

In short, these coins can be used by buyers to become involved in the evolving economic community on the newly-created application.

Parameters Of The ICO

  • Token Symbol: SRV
  • Token Pre- Sale Date: 06/18/18 – 07/18/18
  • Token Sale Date: 09/15/18 – 10/15/18
  • Accepted Payment Method: ETH
  • Total Supply: 2,000,000,000
  • Token Standard: Ethereum
  • Hard Cap: 1,690,000,000

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